Lara observed how secretary Jack took her cubs away.

Nate had a meeting with the other managers, and she had offered to help him without thinking about the consequences.

«We can bring them back to the kindergarten,» she said, feeling guilty for using secretary Jack like that.

He was a capable assistant, not a babysitter! But it was her fault for offering to help Nate. It had been stronger than her, even though she knew she wasn't competent!

«Do not worry, Miss Clayton,» Secretary Jack said, reading her worries on her expression. «We get along, don't we?»

The twins nodded, accepting secretary Jack's hand without any reluctance. As if he was an uncle or a close friend.

«Nate,» Lara said, tilting her head. «How often have you asked Secretary Jack to keep the kids in your stead?»

Nate's stiff expression made her doubt him even more. He was a little clumsy, sometimes... He could just reply: not that often, and she would have no way to inquire any further. Yet, he felt pressured by her question.

«CEO Woods didn't ask me,» Secretary Jack said, feeling the need to assist the Alpha. Even if he wasn't as enthusiastic about Alpha's new mate, he didn't want Alpha Nate to suffer another six years. «I offered, and it happened only during busy times... Isn't that right, kids?»

The pups nodded again, more because they trusted Secretary Jack. He had brought them food so often when they were stuck with Nate. He had also provided new toys when the old ones became boring.

He was like the magic fairy from one of the stories Nate had told them before sleeping: he could find anything for them, and he could do it fast.

They followed him to another room. For that day, they were going to play with Secretary Jack and ask him weird questions. It was fun because he always struggled to find answers, but he never backed away.

Even the worst questions about Nate found some kind of answer!

«Was my daddy this cool even when he started working?» Scarlet asked. «Were his suits so pretty?»

«Yes, they were.»

«And was he so cold with people?» Jaden added, wondering if the professional tone was part of his role or just a habit.

«Alpha Nate has always been aloof, but it got worse after he became the CEO.»

«Worse?» Scarlet repeated, widening her eyes.

«Yes... After becoming the CEO, for some reason, he became solitary and cold. He didn't like spending time in the pack, especially during the Black Moon... Oh, well, it turns out it was because he had lost his mate. But the pack felt his distance.»

«And now he's not distant?»

«Not that much,» the man said. «And it's different now. Alpha Nate is a kind person, but he was... detached? As if he had other thoughts all the time.»

«And now he doesn't?»

Secretary Jack sighed, taking his time to find an answer. That part of Alpha Nate didn't change. He still had other thoughts most of the time. Yet, for once, those thoughts seemed to be cheerful.

He looked more like a man in love than one who lost everything in life.

«He does, but now the pack doesn't mind it.»

«Oh, they got used to it?» Jaden asked.

«Something like that, yes.»

«And mommy? If Nate is the boss, will our mommy be someone important too?»

«Yes, she will.»

«Oh, no,» Scarlet sighed, helpless.

Sharing her mommy with Nate was already a big sacrifice, but her mommy was happy about it, and it took only a little of her thoughts. Sharing her with a whole pack was out of the question. All those wolves had their own mommies to ask attention from.

«Is our aunty Sam important too?» Jaden said.

«Yes, Samantha is important. She's high-ranking in the pack and also the manager of the sales department.»

«Is she important because she's Nate's cousin?»

«Not just because of that. Samantha is strong, and she's also competent. The best place for her was in sales, so she was sent there.»

«And we? Are we going to be relevant?»

«You're going to be pups until you grow up.»

«Oof,» Samantha sighed again. She wanted to be cool like aunty Sam or important like her mommy. But she needed to grow up for that and growing up had lots of bad sides.

«How do you like the other pups?» Secretary Jack asked, remembering old talks with Alpha Nate. The man was a little worried about his pups' social skills.

They had few to no interactions with the other pups in the kindergarten. Still, he couldn't force them to socialise and play with others. And Alpha Nate was the wrong person to teach them how to make lots of friends.

«They're all right,» Jaden replied. «Sometimes they act weird, but they don't cause trouble for us. Except for a few exceptions, but even they act weird more than threatening. They even stopped asking us for our dad.»

«Ah, they know who he is now.»

«But it's unfair,» Scarlet sighed.

She hadn't talked about her handsome daddy with anyone, nor could she remind them how useless he was. She had many more things to say, but no one asked.

«At least, no one says our mommy is a bad person,» she then added.

Even the kid who first caused turmoil had changed his mind after hearing that Nate was her dad and that he was left by Lara.

«You should play with the other kids,» said Secretary Jack. He was worried about the pups' social skills even more than Nate because he knew how vital they were for wolves, especially for pups who had lived like strays their whole life.

«But it's difficult. We can't just go there and sit next to them,» Jaden murmured. «I don't want to hear about my mommy again...»

«They won't, this time. Also, not every pup will be unlikeable. Try talking with someone new. For example, if some pups are playing in a group, you can try joining them.»

«It's difficult,» he complained.

«It is, but it would make your mommy and daddy proud of you.»

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