«You're full of mysteries, Miss Trouble.»

Rider caressed her furry ears, still there and erect in search of danger.

«It's a little painful,» she explained. «And very, very personal.»

«One day, you will tell me by yourself.»

«One day,» she chuckled, tired of arguing about that part.

If he thought she would change her mind and allow him in her life, so be it. She would have continued thinking the same as before: they were not meant to be. In the end, only one of them would have had their dream fulfilled, but it was worth battling over it. Mostly because they needed to be close to battle.

«Still, you owe me one,» he added.

His grin was a little evil, but she didn't mind letting him take revenge. At least, he had implicitly asked for permission while she had just done it during a wild moment.

«It's okay,» she sighed. «Take revenge!»

«You want it,» he teased her.

«No, but I will bear with it. It's only right.»

«I don't like right.»

«Just do your thing!»

«I don't want to anymore. Unless you ask me, of course. Are you asking me?»

«I'm letting you. There's some difference.»

«Oh, so you're not asking for it?»


«That's good,» he said. «Then you won't be sad if I don't do it.»

«Of course not. Life in a pack is easier without a mysterious scent on me at all times.»

«Oh, you realise it, don't you? My life has been so complicated...»

«Yeah,» she sighed. «I get it.»

«I won't take revenge, though. You said you didn't do it on purpose, and I don't see a reason not to trust your word. It's fine. Your scent will disappear in a week or two, won't it?»

«I have no clue. It's the first time it happens. I've never marked anyone before, and I don't even know how it works.»

«You just claim someone as yours by entangling your scents.»

«I know that! It's just... The process is still a mystery for me. I have no clue how I did it, which means there's no guarantee it won't happen again. But you have to stop me, next time! Don't just let me do and then take the chance to make requests!»

«I'm not a desperate wife,» he pointed out.

«But you came here for that reason, Rider. You wanted to take advantage of my mistake to make me apologise to you.»

«But you're all right, Mine. I didn't take advantage of you!»

«I can't understand why,» she whispered, lowering her gaze. «I'm sure I would have done it if I were in your shoes. And I would have been so, soo, mad.»

Claiming her without her permission? She wouldn't have forgiven such an offence, even if done without the intention.

«I know you would be mad,» he replied, sighing desperately. «That's why I prefer not to do it.»

«But I'm giving you permission.»

«It's not really what I want. You're letting me just because you feel guilty. That guilt will sooner or later disappear, and you'll blame me then.»


«You're telling me to mark you just so you can avoid my revenge!» he said. Samantha was being a little too insistent on it, for the Moon Goddess.

«I don't want you to use it for your purposes later on,» she revealed. «Being marked can't be worse than being at your mercy.»

«I'm not such a person,» he pointed out. «If I wanted to...»

«I'm not saying you would do it, Rider! It's just... I don't want to be vulnerable, and I don't want to be in debt. That's all. I'm telling you: do what you want now and let's get over it.»

«You're the one who should get over it, right?»

«No, of course not. You also get to decide.»

«So, if I wanted to drag it longer...»

«You can do it,» she sighed. «It's not like I can force you or anything...»

He observed her droopy ears, trembling slightly because of the tension. She was worried, and she was nervous. Maybe, even a little guilty.

«Are you still hungry?» he asked.


But her ears told him the opposite.

«There must be a couple of other organic eggs in your fridge. I can prepare some more for you.»

«You... would?»

Straightened up, on alert, her ears were agreeing with his proposal. It was so convenient for him. He could ask her anything and find out the answer just like that.

He didn't need any more proof to believe she indeed didn't mark him on purpose.

«Let's see,» he said while getting up.

He turned the stove on and used the same pan to cook another portion of eggs. His woman sure knew what it meant to be hungry. It would have been a good investment if he learned to cook.

«Where is my phone?» she asked, all of a sudden.

She thought she had left it somewhere in the living room the day before, but she couldn't find it no matter where she looked.

«Your phone? I think I saw it next to the televisor,» Rider replied without even turning.

He was busy cooking and focused on doing an acceptable job. He couldn't afford to lose the little favour he had gained that morning. It would have been a turning point for them, and he didn't want to screw it up.

«Oh, right! Thank you!» he heard while the steps of his woman wandered in the room. «I'll just text the company to tell them I might be slightly late.»

After all, double breakfast was something she couldn't miss. And a handsome man cooking for her had always been her dream. A dream she had discovered that day, but somehow she knew she had always liked it. Just, she couldn't think of it before because no one tried to impress her with food.

«Damn it, the battery is dead,» she then sighed.

She had to charge her phone a little, even just a little, to send the message.

«I might as well tell them after breakfast....» she thought while plugging it in to charge.

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