The place was dark and cold. Only some lights filtered through the door allowed them to see the shapes of the furniture.

More precisely, it allowed the twins to see. For Lara, it still was too dark.

She could feel their hands gripping her clothes and their warmth against her body. Her arms were tightening to herself the two cubs, her eyes closed because there was no point in keeping them open.

«You two shouldn't leave home alone,» she stuttered. She would let go of one kid just to wipe away a tear, but she would quickly return to holding them.

«Mommy,» Jaden whined, hiding his face in her chest and inhaling her scent. It helped him calm down, but he knew they were far from safe. «What do these people want from us?»

«I don't know, mommy's boy. We will find out, I guess.»

She took a deep breath, coming to terms with the situation. If only she could find a way to call Nate... Oh, but she had left the phone at home! How stupid of her. Even for such a short trip, she should have taken it with her.

Those people were wolves, she was sure. Nate would have known how to act in such a situation.

«Do you think daddy is coming for us?» Scarlet murmured. «He said he would protect you...»

«I don't know,» she sighed. «Nate would surely run here if he knew we're in danger, but how can he know?»

«If he loves our mommy for real, he will find you,» Jaden pointed out. «If he doesn't come, then he's not good enough.»

«Oh, Jaden, don't be so stern with your father. Even he can't do impossible things,» Lara pointed out.

«But he promised to protect you. He lied, and he won't come here to save you!»

Even though the situation hadn't changed one bit, the cubs seemed calmer. Somehow, scolding their father had distracted them from the imminent danger.

«I was right; he's a bad person,» Scarlet murmured.

As if it was his fault! Lara was speechless. How could her kids be so strict? They hadn't asked anything impossible from her yet, but they were so untreatable when it came to Nate.

«Listen to mommy,» she said. «If a chance arises, you two shall sneak out and go look for help. When you find someone not dangerous, ask them to contact Nathaniel Woods. Nate will take care of the rest.»

«And you, mommy?»

«I am not as good as you at sneaking out,» she explained. «But you two are specialists. Just be careful not to get caught by these people here, and everything will be all right.»

«We don't want to leave you, mommy,» Jaden whined, hiding his face in her chest.

«You two need to be brave,» she whispered. «And don't do anything stupid! Listen to your mommy, okay?»

She had to make sure the kids would be safe while running away. It wasn't a game. Even if they were good at sneaking out of places, she couldn't allow them to get hurt in the process. She would need to create some diversion to cover for them.

While she was considering the options, the door was opened. The sudden light made all three of them bat their eyes, and only later could they see the dark shadow in front of them.

«Now, now...» the man said, his arms crossed. They couldn't see his face, but they knew, all three of them, that he was something dangerous. «What do we do with you?»

«Who are you?» Lara inquired. Her voice trembled, but she ignored it and continued to talk. «What do you want from us?»

«From you? Nothing. All I'm interested in is Nathaniel Woods. It looks like he does have a weak point, that bastard...»

The man stepped forward and pressed the light switch, allowing them to see.

He was dark as the night, with black hair and dark brown eyes. His nose was slightly bigger, and his lips were thick. He had a chiselled jaw and a crazy light in his gaze. It was a pity, for he would have been handsome if not for that madness.

«All I want is to hit him so hard that he won't get up ever again,» he declared. «And you seem to be the easiest way to do that. You are his family, after all...»

His smile made Lara shiver. She pushed the cubs behind her and stared at the man.

«I don't know what you're talking about,» she said. «Why would Nathaniel Woods suffer because of us? We barely know each other.»

«Oh, but you are his mate, aren't you? If you die, he won't find happiness ever again. He will spend his life in suffering and pain. It'll be enough even if he doesn't die for me.»

«Why do you hate him so much?»

«Hate? Ah, it's not just hate. His family ruined my family. I have to take revenge and clean our name from the shame of being a victim of the Woods.»

«His family?» Lara mumbled.

Melanie Woods came to mind with her warm smile. And Samantha, too: she was kind as well.

How could such a family cause damage?

«You don't know much about him, do you?» the man sighed. «He's powerful, of course. His family, as far as history remembers, has always found ways to kill the head of my family. For over two centuries, my ancestors fought with Nathaniel Woods's ancestors. We shall continue the traditions, right?»

Lara winced, surprised.

«You want to hurt him because your ancestors used to fight? That's all?»

She couldn't believe she would be the victim of such a stupid feud.

«Do you even remember the reason for it?» she said.

«It was because of a woman. The Alphas fought for her, and my ancestor was killed because of it.»

«And you still want revenge for that? Are you sure?» she whispered, looking to the side.

Wolves were a riddle, sometimes. Other times, though, they knew how to act perfectly human.

Why, of all things, did they take humans' love for revenge?

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