Seeing how the cubs reacted to their first punishment, Lara sighed proudly. Nate had handled the situation, and it was better she didn't add anything else.

In the end, they had to show they agreed, at least in front of the twins.

While they walked to her, she could notice how everything seemed settled.

Even if the cubs had played a prank, and even if they had received a punishment yet to be held, they seemed tranquil. As for Nate, his anger had disappeared.

She had read so much about children's education before learning that dragging punishments was no good. Nate knew it by instinct, without the need to be taught. She sighed, happy he was willing to take care of their kids.

«Shall we go eat?» he inquired, observing Lara's face. She looked all right, and her body didn't emit any of the danger signals that alerted him in the beginning.

«All right,» she said.

«The food in the canteen is good, and we can be as messy as we want,» he continued, glancing at the pups before returning his eyes to her.

«Are you sure, Nate? A canteen is a public place... Maybe it's a little early.»

«Oh, no. I think it's late. We should have done this before.»

They reached the elevator, and Lara pressed the button, for Nate's hands were both busy. It was weird, having all the freedom in her movements. She had gotten used to dealing with twins all on her own, so a free hand was a luxury she had almost forgotten.

«Also, you don't need to worry about the curious gazes, for now,» Nate continued. «It can't be helped, but it's time they realise who you are.»

«Who am I?» she chuckled.

«My pups' mother.»

«All right. But that's not really something, is it?»

«I am the Alpha,» he reminded her.

«Oh, sure. But I hope they won't run to me to solve wolfish problems just because of this! I am not ready yet.»

«I see...» He bit his tongue to hide the smile.

That sentence, somehow, gave him hope. She might become ready in the future, hence she might accept to become his partner for life.

«Also, what do you think about spending the Bright Moon in a secluded place? My penthouse has sound isolation in some rooms, but it's always better to be in contact with nature during the full moon. The twins will like the chance.»

As they conversed, Scarlet and Jaden observed with wide eyes. Yet, still fresh of scolding, they didn't dare to butt in nor stop Nate's intentions. They even opened their mouth in terror when he bent down to leave a light peck on Lara's lips, but it was too late to react when the lift doors opened and let them out.

They exchanged a glance, but both their expressions didn't show any hint of hope. While they were distracted, Nate had made so much progress!

«I would bring you to the villa, but it's not the right place,» Nate continued while making his way towards lunch. «It's better if it's just the four of us. Even though you might worry that I lose control... But I can swear it doesn't happen! Alphas know how to control the effects of the Bright Moon.»

«I see,» Lara said, following him and nodding at his words. Even though her rational side was agreeing with him, most part of her being couldn't fathom being scared.

They walked inside the canteen, for the first time except for Nate. Even though he wasn't such a frequent guest. There was a table for four set in a corner, strategically so that Nate could see the hall while Lara could not. It was so that she wouldn't have been able to discern the looks everyone would throw at them. It was too early for that, and the woman might misunderstand or be discouraged.

He leaned Scarlet next to him, and Jaden walked to his mother and sat on the free chair.

A waitress made her appearance as soon as they were settled, and she observed Nate, waiting for his orders. She knew that looking at the woman in front of the Alpha in the wrong way could have consequences, so she preferred to ignore her existence in fear of making a mistake.

«Bring us some meat,» Nate said, smirking at the suddenly attentive pups. «And salad.»

«Yes, Alpha. Anything else?»

«Fruit juice for the pups.»

The wine was out of the question, at least for a while. Lara wouldn't drink in her working place, and he wasn't even sure there was one good bottle in his company's canteen.

«Let's start with roast beef,» he said. «I saw it while coming here. It must be good.»

«It's delicious, Alpha!»

«That's good, then. Would you like something else?» he asked Lara. He smiled while she widened her eyes in panic. She wasn't expecting a direct question.

«I'm good,» she replied after a couple seconds of silence.

«Awesome. We'll choose the desserts later.»

His words made Lara grin, but she tried to hide it by looking down. Scarlet was too far to see it, but Jaden's heart stopped at his mother's expression. She was so happy! Why was it? Because of the sweets?

Why wasn't he big and tall so that he could buy some for his mommy? Was Nate the only option, for real?

«I hope it doesn't disappoint,» Nate mused while waiting. His tone was slightly nervous, making Lara smile even wider.

She liked how uncertain he could get about something as trivial as a canteen meal. Her mood didn't pass unnoticed, this time by both cubs.

However, she was happy and smiling. How could they ruin her smile just to get Nate far from her? They had tried something already, and it brought the opposite results.

Maybe, they were too weak for him. Was it time to give up?

Oh, but just because of a little obstacle?

Their thoughts were disrupted when the food arrived, and Nate's intruding presence became a less pressing matter.. Until their tummies were full, they couldn't think about him anymore.

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