“What’s the schedule for today?”

When Rubette asked while stretching her side, Sienna answered, flipping through her notebook, “Helen, the artisan, entered the country yesterday evening from the Kingdom of Carta. You have a meeting at lunch, and you’re scheduled to check new prototypes of the accessory shop in January at the workshop at 2 PM.”

“All right.”

Sienna handed Rubette a towel and a water bottle after finishing her report.

Rubette, who received it accustomedly, put the towel around her neck and stared at the scene of Lubon overlooking the middle of the mountain.

8 AM.

Morning jogging time.

It was winter, but the day was clear and perfect for exercising.

“Mm, the air is nice. I’ll be back soon.”

“Goodbye, my lady.”

Today, as always, she started running.


Rubetria Diollus’ day was 24 hours short.

As she nibbled on one side of an apple, Rubette looked at the approval documents that had been posted to her frantically.

“Isn’t your birthday the day after tomorrow?” Wishit asked, feeling very sorry for Rubette, who was overrun by work, work, and work.

“Birthday returns once a year. What’s so special about it?”


Rubette, who responded indifferently, frowned. “The wristwatch production is too late.”

According to the accessory store report, the queue was overflowing. Still, production had been suspended for a while because a customer had ordered a complete set of women’s accessories, from necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings.

The jeweler, Hamilton Galacchio, had no time to decorate the watch while taking the order.

“How much money does one have to order a full set of A-grade diamond accessories? There are a lot of rich people in the capital…”

Well, there’s nothing we can do. Rubette muttered and shook her head.

After roughly looking through the documents, Rubette opened and read the letters piled up like a pile of papers one by one.

Letters arrived almost every day. There were so many that 90% of the letters she read every three days belonged to Viego.

Rubette, it’s your birthday soon.

My heart ached when I remembered the letter you sent the other day, so I prepared a memorable gift for you. I hope you have a happy time.

And even though you are busy, please reply. I’m always waiting.


Rubette, who was reading the letter with a blank face, frowned as she bit the apple once more.

“Wishit, what letter did I send to my brother the other day?”

“Mm? Didn’t you send a reply to Viego’s letter about what you want for your birthday?”

“Ah, right.”

The new year had passed, and she would soon have her first birthday as an adult.

What a terrible 16th birthday in the previous life. Being tormented by the vicious twins, eating rotten food, and locked in a closet…

‘Rebecca couldn’t stand it that day, and she was caught by Molga…’

Rubette shook her head at the terrible memories she was trying to recall and soon smiled.

There won’t be such a thing this time. I don’t know what the devils would’ve done if I were in the capital now…

‘But I’m in isolation~’

They can’t bully me even if they want to. This is the very time I’m glad about the isolation.

“I remember. I wrote this letter because I was so excited about not seeing the twins.”

[Brother, I’m being punished for making trouble. What ‘happy birthday’ are you speaking of?

Phew… I feel sorry for Ricky, Lillia, and their friends, who always congratulated me on my birthday, but what can I do?

I will spend this birthday quietly reflecting on myself. Bye then.]

She remembered the memory of holding her stomach from enduring laughter as she wrote something she didn’t mean to say. ‘I feel sorry, but what can I do?’

“I’m finally going to spend my birthday quietly!”

I don’t know what gift Viego is trying to send, but…

“Not seeing Molga and the twins is enough birthday present for me!”

Stretching out, Rubette smiled heartily.


Two days after that, on January 6th. So, my birthday.

On this day when I should have been the happiest, I was in despair.


Apparently, there must be something in this world that cannot be changed. Otherwise, such an absurd situation wouldn’t have happened…

“T-T-This… What’s this…”

About 20 escort knights, dressed in uniforms that symbolize their status as the direct subordinates of the emperor, invaded and surrounded the villa.

“Princess Rubetria Diollus, nice to meet you. My name is Dylan Osiris, His Majesty’s sword. These are gifts and handwritten letter directly sent by His Majesty the Emperor, so please check them out.”

“T-Thank you…”

Coming out of the villa, I accepted the letter from Sir Dylan, the knight commander under the emperor’s direct command.

Hearty congratulations on the 16th birthday of Princess Rubetria, the golden jade leaf of the Diollus family.

Now that you have become an adult this year, I hope you can make your family shine by focusing on socializing and etiquette.

I have to send my knights because you’re in isolation, but I hope you have a happy time there today.

Emperor Leonard van Rashmagh Descarde.

“Since the princess is under investigation externally, we have been deployed, although it may be inconvenient,” Sir Dylan said to me, who was staggering in amazement as I read the letter from the emperor. “However, the entire knights will wait outside the villa under the emperor’s order, so you can enjoy the birthday banquet without worrying about us.”

Sir Dylan, whose head was bowed, moved away before I could reply.

Behind Sir Dylan, who had taken his position at the villa’s entrance expressionlessly, several carriages were coming one after another through the snowy mountain roads.


Luxurious carriages bearing the seals of noble families.

Those who got off one by one were young aristocratic ladies and gentlemen my age.

I saw a few familiar faces and many I hadn’t seen before.

“Ah, my lady!” Rebecca ran to me and handed me another letter.

“What is it…?”

“It’s a letter from the young duke.”

“Oh! Give it to me!”

It was evident that Viego was the one who had thrown this damned forced party. I snatched the letter from Rebecca’s hand and opened it.

My dear sister, Rubette.

I tried my best because you seemed sad that you couldn’t spend your birthday with your friends.

His Highness the Crown Prince, the head of the investigation, said that it was impossible to hold a banquet due to your circumstances…

Still, thinking it was a pity, I personally went to His Majesty the Emperor and made a request. Fortunately, he allowed it.

So many people want to congratulate you on your birthday, and they’re thrilled with my idea.

I’ve done all the preparations, so please just enjoy it.



I grabbed my chin and the back of my neck as I read the letter.

Of course the quick-witted Lark would have turned down the outrageous request to throw my birthday party. However, Viego did not give up and even went so far as to have a private meeting with the emperor, who was his superior, to give me this nightmare…!

<How can Viego be so tactless?>

I couldn’t bear to say rude things, so I expressed my anger to Wishit, who was by my side.

Wishit stuck out his tongue as he watched the endlessly incoming carriage procession.

<Otherwise, Rubette wouldn’t have gone through that hardship in her last life.>


That’s true. Viego, who seemed to have sold his tact somewhere around Andromeda, was an older brother who couldn’t be loved even if one tried.

‘It’s a talent to create this crazy situation without having malicious intent. Seriously…’

If there was a way to overcome this situation, it would be to send an SOS to Lark, but even that was difficult.

[Princess, tomorrow is your birthday, right? I tried to take time off, but my schedule is really tight.

But I’ll come as soon as I can leave the palace, so please wait a little longer. I prepared a huge gift, so look forward to it.]

He was supposed to come in the evening.

“Princess Rubetria, happy birthday. I am Sharon Pellet of Pellet County.”

“Yes… Thanks for coming…”

“Princess, happy birthday to you. Thanks for inviting me. I’m Erica Langton.”

“Yes, nice to meet you…”

Elementary school girls with braided hair entered the villa holding out a gift box to me.

‘Do I have to play hahahoho with elementary school students all day like this?’

I forced myself to smile as I watched the huge carriage bearing the Diollus family seal enter.

‘Add the devil spawns to that?’

As expected, unpleasant faces descended from the carriage before me.

Lillia and Ricky.

“Rubette! I miss you!”

“How are you- Wow. Y-You’re Rubette, right?”

Since they were many eyes, they pretended to be happy on the outside, but the eyes of the two peeping inward were full of malice.

In front of the twins with angelic faces, I gritted my teeth and forced a smile.

“Yes, I miss you too…”

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