Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 171 Cat Dad Witnesses the Fight of Titans

Chapter 171 – Cat Dad Witnesses the Fight of Titans

Even though Magdalene had created a barrier to protect everybody, they still got hit by the massive shockwave. The frigate’s hull cracked, and multiple cannons fell out of the ship.

Fortunately, aside from the wind shockwave, no one was harmed. They simply lost some of their supplies and cannons.

When Magdalene stabilized the ship in the sky, everyone looked at the green mushroom cloud in astonishment. Except for Xiaomao, none of them had seen the aftermath of a massive explosion before.

Xiaomao, on the other hand, didn’t like the scenery. He had seen similar explosions in various documentary films about nuclear bombs, and he knew what kind of disaster it created for the local people. It was likely that Siren City might turn into another dead city like Chernobyl.

He prayed that the blast was just a regular game’s magical effect.

‘No radiation, please. I need to come back here next month for that pylon crystal. Don’t ruin it before I can use it again.’

Everybody continued to watch the scene for a whole minute until one loud noise broke the silence.


The green smoke was dispersed, revealing the gigantic caracal cat with three eyes, two Qilin horns, and green scale armor that covered its entire body, arms, legs, and tail. Moreover, the tip of its tail was a burning blade, which continued to emit green flame and gas.

Nian opened his mouth, revealing his long fangs. He shouted and turned to the flying ship.


As soon as he finished speaking, a moon appeared out of nowhere and covered the sun. The solar eclipse caused the day to become night, and black clouds manifested out of thin air. Ten thousand green meteors in the dark sky descended upon the world.

However, Xiaomao didn’t pay attention to the incoming danger. He was astonished when he saw Nian’s level.

7th Clone of Nian, the Mythical Beast of Calamity, Pet of Pangu, Level (?????)

Even though Xiaomao’s newest skill allowed him to see the hidden level and attributes of things, it failed to show Nian’s true level. However, the number of question marks was enough to tell how strong this monster was.

Moreover, it was just a clone!

‘Dammit! I knew Nian and Pangu are final bosses, but they’re absurdly strong… TOO STRONG!’

Xiaomao started to regret provoking the final bosses of the game after he had played the game for about a week. These bosses came here too early and showed him no mercy. He wished that these bosses would be as stupid as other big bosses in novels, who ignored main characters until they got too strong.

Still, the strength of Nian reminded him of how mysterious Mu-Nyang was. If that cat had been fighting against these guys for more than one regression, Mu-Nyang might hold the keys to defeating these guys.

Since challenging or fleeing from Nian was not an option, Xiaomao thought of the new skill of his human form.

World Jump

‘Should I use it?’

Xiaomao opened the game menu and checked the description of this feature.


World Jump Menu

This feature allowed your character, objects, and the selected party members to travel between worlds, such as traveling between World Two and Divine Theocracy Earth. However, every time you use this feature, your lifespan will decrease by 10 years.


After reading the menu’s detail, Xiaomao almost cursed Mu-Nyang out loud.

Ten years of lifespan?

It sounded insignificant at glance, but it was a big deal!

What would happen when someone’s lifespan was cut short? Would he grow older?

In that case, if Xiaomao used it, would he grow older by 10 years?

The thoughts terrified Xiaomao. But when he looked at the approaching death god before him, he stopped thinking.

What was the use of lifespan when he was about to be killed here?

Xiaomao gritted his teeth. He put all equipment in his inventory and opened the character switch feature, getting ready to turn into a human and get out of the game world.


A massive portal was opened in front of Nian, and a million bloody human arms came out, pulling Nian into the red dimension.

Nian didn’t budge. He turned around and glared at the dragon-like Taotie.

“Know your place, NYA!”

Nian shouted, but a massive wind cannonball was fired from his mouth.

Taotie also opened his mouth. He chomped down and crushed the invisible cannon with his teeth. However, by doing so, most of his front teeth and fangs were destroyed.

The calamity fiend ignored the pain. He chewed the cannonball like candy.


+ 750,000,000

Just like that, Taotie’s HP was recovered to the max, and his teeth regrew. He flipped a middle finger at Nian.

“Is that what you got, Nian? You’ve grown weaker and senile since the last time we fought.”

Nian scoffed at Taotie. He turned around and raised one of his paws.

After waving it down, one of the meteors instantly fell on top of Taotie. However, the meteor suddenly transformed into a dark spear, which pierced through the top of Taotie’s head and exited through his bottom.


The damage was horrifying. Xiaomao watched how countless HP bars on top of Taotie’s head vanished one by one.

Nian snickered and turned to Xiaomao, resuming his task. But the next moment, the face of Taotie emerged from the massive portal in front of Nian.

“Surprise, motherfucker.”

The portal transformed into a massive head of Taotie. He chomped down and bit off half of Nian’s body!


+ 999,999,999


+ 999,999,999

Taotie slowly came out from the portal while the Godzilla that had been pierced by the spear dissipated into dust. He turned around and gave Xiaomao a thumbs up.

“I’m strong, ain’t I.”


Xiaomao wanted to cheer for Taotie, but he still saw that Nian’s HP bar didn’t even change the slightest. Even if there were changes, the damage was minimal.

Nian’s lower half body regenerated its lost part. He shrank into a small three-eye caracal cat, floating in midair.

“You know what, Nya? I’ve changed my mind. I’ll remove you first, and I’ll kill Xiaomao later!”

Taotie burst into laughter, “Dream on! This immortal already killed a dozen gods in his lifetime. I’m not afraid of Pangu’s lapdog! Oh, wait. You’re a cat, excuse me.”


Nian hissed. Then, countless meteors in the sky transformed into giant spears, raining down upon Taotie.

But Taotie turned around, farted toward Nian, and rushed into the red portal.




The spears missed.

Nian turned toward Xiaomao. He blinked and reappeared directly on Wellerboy.

The caracal cat’s front paw pressed on Xiaomao’s head and pushed him against the floor!

“Hook, line, and sinker, NYA! Do you think I’m stupid enough to ignore you, Xiaomao?”

Nian cackled. He looked up and stared at Xiaomao’s retainers, who couldn’t react to Nian’s speed.

Lucky was the first to react. She swung a bone axe at the cat.

Nian sneered at the incoming weapon, allowing it to hit his face.


The bone hit Nian, but the former was instantly destroyed. In addition, Lucky’s body slowly turned into a stone.

A game message informed her of her doom.


<Nian has cursed you.>

<You will turn into a stone and die within three seconds!>

Lucky howled. She refused to give up, swinging a shield at the cat.

Shield Bash


Again, it didn’t do anything to Nian. Instead, her proud tower shield was destroyed!

Nian burst into laughter. He roared.


The entire ship instantly turned into a stone. Even Xiaomao’s consciousness turned dark as his eyeballs stopped functioning.

Nian raised his paw, planning to stomp and crush the entire ship into dust.


A beacon of light shone from the sky, and the moon vanished, ending the solar eclipse. The bright ray of the sun looked more majestic than before when they broke through the dark cloud in the sky.

Mimir, who had been standing at the port, unleashed his ultimate skill.


Mimir’s skin wilted as if he had gotten a decade older. His face wrinkled, and his muscle shrank. However, his eyes were clear.

The golden rays of the sun focused on the stone ship. A layer of stone fell from the ship and the people on board. It healed everybody, including Lucky, Xiaomao, and the crew.

Furthermore, it burned the caracal cat. Nian’s HP decreased at a rapid rate.

“Tsk! Annoying, NYA!”

Afraid of the side effects of Mimir’s ultimate skill, he pulled Xiaomao by his tentacle and leaped away from the ship.

At the same moment, another red portal was opened where Xiaomao and Nian had stood earlier. A human hand reached out to grab them, but it found nothing.

Taotie came out from the portal. He looked up and bellowed.


Nian cackled, “I’ve completed my objective, NYA. Goodbye, suckers!”

Xiaomao regained consciousness. He looked behind him and found Nian, who was pulling one of his tentacles and flying away from the ship.

The caracal cat didn’t pay attention to Xiaomao. He opened a green portal and prepared to leave this world.

Xiaomao didn’t know if it was his desperation, inspiration, or quick wits. He brought out the broken artifact of a Cathulhu from his inventory and threw it toward the light beacon.


Statue of Cathulhu God Meowmeow (Legendary)

This statue was created by Grandmaster Sculptor Ma Moxie and was given to Carlos Tupeer. After Carlos was killed by his son, Bit Tupeer, the statue was buried in Carlos’ private residence along with many Cathulhu worshipers.

Item Type: Broken Artifact (Restorable)

Effect: None


It was something that he dug from Bit Comet’s mansion.

The statue of Meowmeow flew toward the light. When Mimir’s skill shone upon it, the broken statue suddenly opened its eyes as if it became alive.

Then, a loud majestic sound echoed in the sky.


A large tentacle emerged from the sea and grabbed Nian. It yanked him toward the sea.

Because of the momentum, Xiaomao also fell into the sea along with Nian. The impact caused him to be dizzy for a moment.

When Xiaomao regained his senses, he saw the thing that he always wanted to be.

The name of his savior was also in clear view.

Meowmeow, Cathulhu God, Sentinel of Mao Miaomiao, Level (?????)

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