They finished lunch and it was just before noon. The three people left the restaurant and looked around the city.

The hot noon sun was hanging overhead and the streets were almost melting. Their feet touching the ground was hot and Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang wearing sweaters frequently attracted the attention of passersby. Xiao Lou felt they were going to be sun-baked and hurried with Group Leader Yu to find a clothing store in order to buy cheap and cool summer clothes.

Shao Qingge was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and also bought a set of short-sleeved shirts.

They changed clothes and Xiao Lou counted the balance in his pocket. He had 185,000 gold coins left.

After entering the secret room, A of Clubs had sponsored 100,000 gold coins per challenger, which was equivalent to 1,000 yuan. In a world with normal prices, they would have no problem surviving on this amount for a week. if they were a good saver, they would even last half a month.

The financial crisis wouldn’t break out until tomorrow morning. The challengers had all of today to be prepared.

The roadside small supermarkets, cigarette and alcohol stores and 24 hour convenience stores were open. Xiao Lou went in to look at all types of goods and his mind automatically converted the gold coins to yuan. One bottle of mineral water was two yuan, meaning the prices were normal.

In any case, there was still an abundant amount of time. Xiao Lou whispered in Yu Hanjiang’s ears, “We should follow Shao Qingge to see how he makes money.”

Yu Hanjiang had no opinion and together, they went with Shao Qingge to find an underground money house.

The best way to inquire about local news was to ask a taxi driver. Most taxi drivers would warmly introduce the city when encountering foreign tourists. The street was too hot and the three people simply stopped a taxi, getting inside to experience the blowing air conditioner.

Xiao Lou politely said, “Master, we are foreigners. Please take us around the city so we can become familiar with it.”

The driver smiled. “Hello! Would you like me to recommend some special snacks to you?”

Xiao Lou told him, “No need.”

They didn’t come here for sightseeing.

The driver took the three people for a ride. They stared out the window intently as they became familiar with the environment.

The world of 3 of Spades was a small city. The main roads were four cross-shaped roads: East Street, West Street, South Street and North Street. There was a central square at the intersection of these four streets, as well as a department store and ‘Big Cross Supermarket.’

The four main roads were two-way, four lane roads and were very wide. The other streets were two-way single lanes that connected to the four main roads. The entire city was square and easy to recognize.

The driver enthusiastically introduced the place. “The prices here are the lowest in the world, life is very leisurely, the pressure on young people is low and 80% of the mortgage can be paid off with the surplus from wages.”

Shao Qingge pretended to casually ask, “Are there no underground money houses, casinos or similar places?”

The driver snorted. “No! We are suitable for old age care here. At most, the old ladies set up a few tables of mahjong. If you want to gamble, you can go to the City of the Moon. There are many rich people there and very professional large-scale casinos.”

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang glanced at each other. They hadn’t expected to get so much information from riding a taxi.

City of the Moon? Xiao Lou couldn’t help asking, “What is the City of the Moon?”

The driver turned to look at him in disbelief, as if he was a monster. “The world’s largest city, you don’t even know this? Where did you come from?” His expression seemed to be saying, ‘The three of you have never seen the world.’

The trio who were being despised, “……”

They really didn’t know. Not only were they foreigners, they were also aliens.

Xiao Lou replied cheekily, “The conditions at home aren’t very good and

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