From their personal space to enter the 3 of Diamonds room and then perfectly clearing the instance back to their personal room, the time was incredibly short.

Yu Hanjiang didn’t even have time to read the question before Xiao Lou unlocked the mechanism. It was Yu Hanjiang’s first time experiencing ‘lying down to win’ and he was in a complicated mood. After returning to the personal space, there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Xiao Lou saw Group Leader Yu’s confused expression and suddenly felt… such a cold Group Leader Yu seemed more realistic and a bit… cute?

Xiao Lou immediately drove away this absurd idea and asked with a smile, “Group Leader Yu, did you find the rule for the last question?”

Yu Hanjiang coughed lightly. He didn’t want to admit it but he didn’t want to lie. Therefore, he looked at Xiao Lou and bluntly said, “I just finished reading the question and didn’t have time to think.”

Xiao Lou, “……”

Should he be blamed for moving so fast that he didn’t even give Group Leader Yu time to think?

Xiao Lou had to explain carefully, “For this question, think of the number as a graphic and count the number of circles present in the number graphic. 6 and 9 have one circle, 8 has two circles, 17896 has four circles, 24568 has three circles, 88888 has ten circles so the answer is 4310.”

Yu Hanjiang, “…”

A kindergarten child could do this question but he didn’t even see it, causing him to feel that his IQ had been insulted.

Xiao Lou saw the man’s stiff expression and smiled lightly. “Don’t mind it. I have done this question once before and once encountering it again, it is very simple. For people who don’t normally touch numerical logic problems, it is normal to not think of the answer.”

Xiao Lou’s comfort made Yu Hanjiang feel a lot better. His academic performance wasn’t really good and his mathematics performance was particularly bad. He had a headache whenever he saw numbers. Still, he didn’t feel he was stupid. His intelligence was in other places.

It was good to lie down and win.

Yu Hanjiang thought that in future Diamonds rooms, he would simply give up thinking and follow Xiao Lou.

For today’s 2 of Diamonds secret room, if it wasn’t for the time going around the maze and if all the question had been placed together, Xiao Lou might’ve perfectly cleared it in around two minutes.

Xiao Lou’s performance in the Diamonds room was too strong.

Yu Hanjiang admired his academic partner.

Just then, a cute loli voice was heard. “The two of you, please don’t ignore my existence. I have been waiting for you to greet me!”

Xiao Lou turned back and saw a little girl wearing a pink cake skirt sitting on the sofa, her short legs swinging in the air. He smiled and spoke in a gentle voice, “Hello, A of Diamonds.”

The little girl said, “Xiao Lou, you have refreshed the record of the Diamonds room again. I was thinking, what type of mechanism maze will you find difficult?”

Xiao Lou replied modestly, “I am just good at numbers and Chinese characters. I might not necessarily be good at other types.”

The little girl cocked her head to think. “It is only when the Diamonds room reaches B-grade that the secret room will be a comprehensive labyrinth. The C-grade rooms have a fixed theme, which as numerical and character types. It is very simple for you.”

Xiao Lou said, “I happened to do many of these types of questions.”

A of Diamonds smiled. “You are doing very well. Please receive the reward.”

The original 2 of Diamonds secret room had a treasure chest in each of the holes dug in the four walls. Once the password lock was opened, the card in the treasure chest could be directly retrieved. However, the mechanisms in the 3 of Hearts room was a character board on the wall and the two people didn’t find any cards in the second room.

The reward would be given after leaving the secret room and during the settlement stage. Xiao Lou skillfully opened the card pack and found a new card.

[Book Card: Modern Chinese Dictionary]

Rarity: C

Description: Unlock the three characters checkerboard mechanism in the 3 o Diamonds room and the fixed reward can be obtained after clearing the instance.

Effect: The Card World’s dictionary isn’t for you to check the pinyin and radicals of Chinese characters. You can use it to retrieve some useful information. After all, people

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