Chapter 37: Chapter 37 : Skull Organisation

Das slowly opened his eyes with anticipation. But his vision stayed inside the room, obstructed by the wall. He tried again and again for half an hour. But it was no use. With a disappointed face, Das turned his attention towards the bank card on the table.

Those are the ghost cards mentioned by the lady. Even though he searched the internet, he did not find any details related to the card. After a lot of thinking, Das finally got an idea to find about the ghost cards.

He decided to search for this card on the dark web. Usually most of the illegal money transactions happen on the dark web. There is not even a single word about the ghost card on the surface web. So, he thought that the card must be related to the dark web.

After checking about the details of how to access the dark web, Das set up a VPN on his mobile and started accessing the dark web servers. He directly typed 'ghost card' on the search bar. But the same results appeared as on the surface web. Das finally used the image search with a picture of the ghost card.

A plain black screen appeared on his mobile, and after a few more seconds, three skull symbols appeared with three different colours. At the centre of the mobile screen, a golden skull symbol with a silver skull on the right side and a bronze skull on the left side appeared.

Das clicked on the golden skull symbol. Immediately, a prompt appeared on his mobile screen asking for permission to use his rear camera. Das accepted the permission request. On the mobile screen, the words "scan the skull" appeared while the rear camera was opened for scanning.

Das placed a ghost card in his hands near the rear camera. As the scanning animation moved on his mobile screen, slowly a loading icon with a percentage symbol appeared. Like a QR code, a link appeared on his screen after completing the scanning function.

Immediately after Das clicked on the link, a website opened with a skull symbol at the top. The phrase "Welcome to the Gold Card Holder", appeared on the left-side corner of the mobile screen, and the remaining balance showed on the right-side corner.

Down below, options like add money, transfer, and about the ghost card... appeared with glowing tabs. Das immediately clicked on the about ghost cards tab. The entire information about the skull organisation, how to get a ghost card, uses of the ghost card, and limitations and other functions of the ghost card appeared in a Q&A format.

Das took half an hour to completely read about the ghost card.

"What the…..?"

One can use these cards anywhere in the world, and the cards will work with all types of transactions. The entire Skull organisation is working like a private international bank. So that these cards can be used anywhere like a normal debit card. The amount will be deducted according to the currency variations in different countries.

The most important feature of this ghost card is that there is no need to attach any identity to the card. But the major loophole is that the skull company is charging one percent processing cost for each ghost card at the time of its creation.

As a result, for a hundred million card, a processing fee of one one million is required.

Das did not understand how to manage this mature aunt who was behaving like a teenager. Finally, after thinking for a long time, he put a condition before showing the baby to her.

"Ria, promise me that you don't tell anyone about the baby, including your sisters." Das asked with a serious face.

"Why are you acting so strangely? It's just a baby." Ria spoke with a doubtful expression.

"Nah, I won't show you the baby... until you promise me this." Das said with a stern tone.

Seeing his serious behaviour, Ria finally promised to comply with his request.

"Are you happy now? ... show me the baby." Ria said with a loud smirk.

Even though Ria made a promise, Das still felt a little nervous before showing the baby to her. Das took Ria to the bedroom, where the baby was happily munching on an empty milk bottle cap.

"You idiot, why did you give her an empty bottle? Bastard…" Ria started cursing at him as she quickly took away the empty bottle from the mouth of the baby.

"What can I do? There is no other alternative." Das said with a dull face.

"Hmm... you should have called me earlier. Thank God I came sooner. Otherwise, she should have suffered more from your idiotic behaviour." Ria was still cursing Das while taking out a big two-litre milk bottle from her big handbag.

"What the ***##*... Is this really Brest milk?..." Das asked with his mouth wide open as Ria took out a big two-litre bottle of Brest milk.

"Are you doubting me? ... not only it's Brest milk… The entire bottle was filled with milk from the women who gave birth recently. Haha… Are you shocked?" Ria asked with giggling sounds.

"What?... but how?" Das asked with a dumbfounded gaze. "

It's a secret."

Ria winked as Das said the same when she asked about the house owner. After completely filling the small bottle with With breast milk, Ria took the baby into her hands and started feeding her.

The baby, who had closed her eyes until now, slowly opened as she was in the hands of a new person. Das sat on the other side of the bed, waiting to see Ria's reaction after seeing the baby's eyes. As the baby slowly opened her eyes, Ria's gaze shifted directly onto the baby's eyes. "Whhhaattt…?" She cried out in surprise.

Note: Thank you @Lem0n_Square for your continuous support.

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