Chapter 24: Chapter 24 : iPhone...!

Out of all the people, Moni was the one who failed to digest the scene of what was happening near the billing desk. When she used to be the girlfriend of Das, he never brought her any luxurious clothing. But now Sheela was taking all the benefit of the free stuff from him.

Moni thought all this was happening because of the key card in Das hands. Although Jackie got muted after seeing the scene of the powerful manager behaving like a humble servant, but Moni did not understand the actual situation.

"Manager, can we also pick up some free clothes?..." She asked blatantly.

"Sir, is this girl related to you?... The manager inquired the Das after seeing Moni's shameless appearance.

"No… I didn't even like her presence here." Das said without even looking at Moni's face.

But before the manager rejected her, Moni started explaining.

"Manager, I'm not related to that poor orphan... I'm Jackie's girlfriend."

"Who is Jackie? ... "The manager asked with an irritating face. The manager already understood her relationship with Das, as she is calling him a poor orphan.

Jackie got frightened after seeing that Moni was using his name to gain a favour from the manager. He immediately tried to leave the scene silently. But before he took another step, Moni pointed her finger at him.

"That handsome guy is my boyfriend, Jackie. He was also a rich young master. His father also works for the Reddy family." Moni boasted the reputation of Jackie.

But before the manager inquired about Jackie,... the cashier said something in the fat man's ear. The fat manager's eyes became red after listening to the cashier's explanation. She said Jackie is the reason for all this drama.... To cover her ass, she transferred the entire blame onto Jackie."

"Young lady, ask your boyfriend to come here." The manager uttered these words with an angry face.

Moni thought the manager got interested in Jackie after listening to his background. She immediately shouted for Jackie to come here.

"Ahhh, why is this dumb girl acting like this? ..." While cursing her, Jackie slowly walked back to the billing desk.

"Who is your father? ..." The manager asked directly.

"Sir, please don't listen to her nonsense. My father is just a normal employee." Jackie tried to avoid the situation.

"Jackie, why are you talking like that? ... Say your dad's name... the manager was generous enough to give us free clothes." Moni asked in a cheerful tone without understanding the actual situation.

Later, the manager accompanied Das and Sheela to the underground parking lot while the servants were carrying the cloth bags behind them. At the parking lot, Sheela's driver was already waiting for her. The servants filled the car with a large number of cloth bags. Das decided to hang his cloth bags on the right-side hanger on the Enfield. After delivering the clothes, the manager left along with his servants.

As everyone left, Sheela gave a big hug to Das and said thank you in his ear.

"Miss, Jackie is not here. You don't need to act intimate." Das said with a loud laugh.

While covering her face, She shyly ran away from Das. After sending Sheela's car, Das also started his journey towards the happy house. Unknowingly, he spent a lot of time for shopping.

"Sir, what should we do with them?..." The cashier asked the manager, who came walking leisurely.

"Are all of you related to this bastard?..." The manager asked Jackie's friends, who were standing at a corner.

"No, sir, we just came here to see what was going on..." They replied instantly without showing any concern for Jackie. As a surprise to Moni, her sister Amy also said the same thing.

"You bastards!... Did you forget how much money I have spent on your lazy asses?..." Jackie cried with an aggrieved tone.

"Send these people away, and I want this fool to clean this entire store tonight." The manager declared his judgement. Immediately, Moni took this chance to leave along with her sister. Only Jackie was left behind on the top floor.

Das arrived at the happy house at eight o'clock at night. After parking the bike, he walked inside while carrying the shopping bags in both hands. As it is still early, the main doors were not opened. So, he passed through the side door. Only Leela was present at the reception doing her usual work.

"Is John... still not here?..." He asked Leela. Instead of replying, Leela was staring at his shopping bags.

"Why do you buy all these clothes? ... and where did you get the money for it? ..." Leela asked in return without replying to Das question.

"Haha... these are just some free stuff." Das replied with a quick laugh.

"Stop boasting… There is a city square label on those shopping bags... Tell me how much you spent." She asked again.

"I'm saying the truth... I have a special key card with me. I can buy anything freely in the city square with the help of that card." Das replied honestly.

"Hmmhh… Shameful!!!..." Leela did not believe his words. After giving a smirk, she started doing her accounting work.

"Whatever... it is not my fault if you don't believe me." Das commented before leaving for his room.

"John will come after nine thirty." She replied to his first question. But Das left without turning back.

As Das reached his room, he placed all the shopping bags on a chair in the corner. He quickly took the bath and started getting ready for tonight's business. As today is a working day, he decided not to use any tactics to attract the customers. But before he left the room, someone messaged him on WhatsApp.

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