Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Stop staring at me!

Das was dumbfounded by the old man's yelling. He never expected this type of situation. Even though Martin was not happy with the old man's decision... He can't do anything. The old man is the father of the patriarch. So, no one can oppose him in this house.

Das turned his head to see Martin's reaction. But, as expected, Martin also signalled for him to go outside.

"What are you waiting for? My grandfather already told you to get out... Should I call security?"

The young master Richard cried out as he tried to gain a good impression from his grandfather.

Das immediately left the dining room without turning his head.

"Some dogs need a beating... so that they will learn how to walk while holding their tile between the legs." Richard commented on Das who leaving with a disappointed face.

Several people started laughing behind his back... The young master Richard gave a smirk while proudly looking at the back of the receding Das.

As the Das left the meeting, the patriarch continued to carry out the task. Meanwhile, the old man gestured towards his granddaughter, inviting her to come closer. As she went near him without disturbing anyone, the old man said something in her ear. The girl nodded her head and left the dining room without making any noise.

Outside, Das came to the place where he parked his bike. Inside his mind, he was deeply thinking about what happened in the dining room. He can't point out what mistake he made to anger that old man.

"Shhh… Maybe I need more experience, as Martin said..." Das released a big sigh and started the engine. He wants to leave this villa as early as possible.

Even though he felt humiliated when that young master Richard commented behind his back, What can he do? He is just a brothel manager. He only got the opportunity to visit this place with the help of Boss Martin. While pitying about his poor life... Das started his journey towards the happy house.

"Wait!!!… Hey… you… wait!!!!..." Das heard the sounds of a woman calling from behind... but he thought it was not for him and left the main building with a trail of smoke. The girl who shouted behind Das was the patriarch's daughter. She did not understand why Das had left, even after listening to her cries. She immediately took her mobile and called the security person at the entrance.

"Oy, why are you not opening the gate?" Das yelled towards the security guard at the gate.

The security person slowly walked towards Das and said,

"Sir, Luna madam is waiting for you at the main building. Please return back."

"Who is Luna madam?..." Das asked with a confused face.

"Sir, Luna madam is the patriarch's only daughter." The security person explained in a respectful tone.

"Why is she asking for me? She didn't even know my name." Das asked, wanting to know the reason for calling him back.

"Shameless!!!..." She said with a smirk.

"Miss, please don't misunderstand me. I didn't do it intentionally... It all happened in a daze." The more he tried to explain, the more awkward it became.

"Stop... Don't talk about it." She said while covering her red cheeks.

"Shhh... she is really thinking that I'm a big pervert." Das thought, releasing a big sigh.

What he doesn't know is that she really felt funny about his behaviour. Because of her family background, usually people will be afraid to even look at her directly. but Das was staring at her brazenly.

"Miss, how long does the meeting typically last?" Das tried to change the topic.

"Why? Do you have any important work to do?" She asked sarcastically.

"I'm just asking casually."

"I think it will take one more hour." She answered.

With a loud exhale, Das took out his mobile and called John to explain the situation and the reason for his absence from work.

While Das was busy on his mobile... Luna called one of her servants to serve food for Das. As he finished his call, a servant passed a large plate of food towards him.

"Miss, where is your food?" He asked with a questioning look.

"I'm on a diet... You please carry on." She said it with a poker face.

Good food is always a luxury for him. As there is no dining table, he sat comfortably on the sofa while holding a plate in his left hand. He started eating without caring about anyone. Within five minutes, he had eaten the entire plate of food. The daughter of the patriarch was staring at him with her eyes wide open.

"Miss, why are you staring at me?" Das asked while cleaning his hands with a glass of water.

"Nothing..." She turned her head away instantly.

The food the servant brought was enough to fill more than two people. But Das finished the entire thing in five minutes. That's why Luna got shocked after seeing his appetite.

The meeting inside the dining hall almost came to an end. Slowly, one by one, people started leaving the dining hall. Richard stood at the dining hall entrance to send off guests with a proper greeting.

After the officials and gang members left, the patriarch discussed a few things with his family members. He gave instructions on organising the party and what gifts should be prepared for the special guests.

Finally, after everyone left, the old man sent a servant to call for Luna.

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