Chapter 13: Chapter 13 : Love Birds

Everyone inside the class is waiting for Sheela's reply. Most of them are supporting Jackie as he is the rich young master who is looking like a hero trying to save the heroine. As the situation escalated to a crucial point... Even Das was eagerly waiting for her reply.

Now a single world from Sheela will become big news, which will be gossiped about throughout the campus. If Sheela asked Das to leave... Das will again become a laughing stock, and people will call him a toad who is trying to eat swan meat.

But, in case she supported Das to sit beside her... The entire reputation of Jackie will go down the garbage drain because Jackie is the one who actively started the argument. Both Das and Jackie are waiting patiently... Everyone was paying close attention to Sheela's every move.

Ignoring everything happening around her, Sheela slowly took out a note book from her collage bag.

"Das, copy yesterday's lesson from this book and give it back as early as possible." She said while passing a note book towards Das.

Including Das, everyone was dumbfounded by her actions. No one expected she would support Das... even Das was prepared to leave on her first word. Because Das never saw a guy sitting beside her or chatting with her... Das thought she would definitely reject him.

"Sheela!... What are you doing? ... Can't you see… I'm the one who is trying to save you... Why are you helping this bastard?" Jackie yelled loudly while standing in front of the first bench.

Completely ignoring the yelling of Jackie, Sheela turned her head towards Das and said... "From today onwards, always sit beside me. I want you to explain to me the reasoning and arithmetic types for competitive exams... Rosie Madam said you are good at it."

This time, it is Das's turn to get shocked. He can't believe what is happening.

At first, Das did not understand why Sheela was supporting him. But after careful observation, he found out that... Sheela always felt happy whenever Jackie got irritated.

"So, this is the trick... She's just using me to take revenge on Jackie. But why would she hold a grudge against him?"

Even after thinking for a long time, Das did not understand why Sheela had a grudge against Jackie.

"Shhh… leave it… I will ask her later... first I need to enjoy this situation." Das thought while chuckling inside.

"Sheela… I'm talking to you!..." This time Jackie shouted in a threatening tone. Das can clearly feel the irritation in his voice. Jackie was almost at the edge of breaking down.

Das turned to see how Sheela was holding up against Jackie's mad yelling. Das was surprised that she did not back down a single bit.

"Jackie, do you dare to threaten me? ... Have you lost your mind?... Don't forget that if you lay a finger on me, it will be the end of your entire family."

"No… It's not about money, and I think only you can do this." Sheela said it in a shy tone.

"What is it?..." Das did not understand what she was talking about.

"For a few days, act like my boyfriend. Can you do that?" Sheela asked with an anxious tone.

At first, Das did not get it. But after a thought, he finally got it.

"Wah… Sheela You are more devious than that, Jackie. You are using me to take revenge on him. Everyone, including me, thought you were an ice queen who didn't care about anything. But you are really a mischievous woman." Das said, staring straight at her face.

"Hey…hey… Stop badmouthing me... I know that your life has also been affected by Jackie. That's why I'm asking you to be my boyfriend. It will be two shots on one bird. So, tell me, will you act as my boyfriend?..." Sheela asked, staring right back into his eyes.

Das felt this situation was really funny. The school beauty who is goddess in the eyes of all the boys is asking him to be her boyfriend. Why would he refuse?! ... and more than that, he will also get his revenge on Jackie.

"It is my fortune to have a girlfriend like you... I will gladly accept it." Das said as he poked his finger into the dimple on her left cheek.

"Hey, stop it. Don't forget that we are just acting... We are not actually lovers." She said while covering her giggling face.

Both Das and Sheela are whispering closely. But what they don't know is that the entire class was in uproar because of them. For some boys, their eyes almost came out of their sockets as the ice queen, who never laughed inside the class, was giggling with a poor bastard.

Rumours about Sheela and Das being lovebirds are spread throughout the campus. Some students from other classes started marching in the corridor outside the class room to confirm the news. After seeing Das and Sheela whispering into each other's ears while laughing and giggling, people started believing the rumours.

The professor was absent for the next class, so the whispering and murmuring inside the class continued on. Jackie, Moni, and their friends left the classroom a long time ago. So, no one came to disturb them.

"Das, let's go to the canteen. It's already lunchtime." Sheela asked as she was getting ready to leave.

"But you always ate your lunch inside the classroom..." Das asked with a confused face.

"You idiot!!! Can't you see why I'm asking you?" Sheela said this while slightly knocking on his head. Das immediately understood why she was insisting on going to the canteen.

They both held hands and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, the canteen is this way..." Instead of walking towards the canteen, Das dragged her to the parking area outside the class room.

"I have a surprise for you. Come with me..." Das spoke with a mysterious expression.

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