Chapter 71 Attack

Liam sighed, taking out his token and handing it to the shocked man.

Robert grabbed the token, then looked at Liam incredulously.

'It'll be a long week, it seems like...' Liam let out an inward sigh.

"Sorry, it's just… I never expected the escort to be so young," Robert apologized, attempting to salvage their conversation before it died. "Please, come with me. I'll need to explain our… circumstances."

There were dozens of guards around the caravan, but they weren't stronger than Liam.

'The Reilos are a small-sized family, not to mention, this is a weak branch of it… no wonder they need an escort,' Liam assessed.

Not to mention, Robert wasn't a strong cultivator, but like Adrian, he had a good eye for business. In fact, that was the reason they needed to get to Erivol safely.

Robert led him inside one of the carriages, gesturing Liam to sit opposite him as he began to explain, bitterness and anger in his tone:

"Us Reilos have always been neutral with the political situation in Ucladd. We've never had any major issues, and we've avoided altercations with other families."

Robert's tone grew more bitter as he explained, sweat dripping down his double chin.

"The same can't be said for all of them," he sighed. "House Khrios had decided to ask for my daughter's hand a while back."

"She firmly refused… since their son looked like an inbred goblin, but the Khrios couldn't take no for an answer. We've been under silent harassment ever since. Obviously, the cowards keep their identities hidden."

Liam raised a brow. Before he could ask, Robert answered.

"The Khrios are a mid-sized family. We are powerless compared to them."

Liam hummed in acknowledgement.

"That's enough of my ramblings. I just thought you should know what you're getting into," said Robert, dragging himself out the carriage. "I'll be in the carriage at the back. My family will be in your care."

With that, the man left, and the stallions began pulling the carriages out of the city.

Liam decided to start cultivating, but found that his absorption rate was incredibly slow.

'It's still day time, so I'll lightly expand my sea of consciousness,' Liam planned, taking out the Psionic Rune and using it, cold sweat forming on his face.

Although he had trained rigorously for months on end with the rune – and his mental capabilities improved with each painful session – the second Rank felt an incredible distance away.

'I should really use a beast's will on the side, but I don't think I'm in a good spot to start forging.'


Hours passed, and the blazing sun started to fall.

The scenery outside Liam's window changed – from lush trees, to small hills, to giant mountains appearing in the distance.

Eventually, Liam got bored after an hour of training with the rune, and decided to perch atop his car – allowing the breeze to rustle his hair.

Liam paid astute attention to the routes they passed through, stretching his mental muscle now and again.

From the corner of his eye, an azure glint flickered amidst the treeline.

Suddenly, a javelin made from condensed water shot out like a jet towards his head, grazing his cheek as he tilted his head to the side.

"We're under attack, stop the caravan!" Liam shouted, unsheathing his blades and spreading his senses full force.

Thirteen cultivators, all masked. Five to his right, emerging from the treeline. Seven to his left, appearing above a small hill – most wielded spears, bows and swords, which were even inscribed.

The rest were Magi, Liam presumed.

Reilos' soldiers left their carriages and spread around the caravan, executing a defensive formation – although the soldiers weren't too powerful, they had Rank 3 bodies and decent mental prowess.

Liam's gaze fell on Robert's carriage. 'The mission depends entirely on whether or not he lives.'

Forcing a long breath, Liam's eye shifted left and right, assessing his approaching enemies. His strong consciousness sped up his thinking speed.

'Not all of them are Magi. I can kill the ones in front with ease, but those in the back could cause trouble,' Liam assessed, a plan brewing within his racing mind.

Liam shifted his attention to the soldiers, shouting orders with a commanding tone:

"You all! Focus all your defenses on those above the hill!"

Although the soldiers were much older than Liam was, they all simultaneously complied with his orders.

More than a dozen men shifted towards the mountain, leaving the treeline side bare… except a young boy holding a pair of blades standing guard.

The approaching goons at the front looked confused. They felt no mental energy from Liam, and neither did those at the back.

"Don't underestimate him… the boy looks dangerous!" one man shouted from the back. "Our objective is the girl, don't forget that!"

Still, the burly goons couldn't help but scoff, their auras and mental energies flaring with violence in Liam's vision.

Before they could attack, Liam turned into a blur, reappearing next to the closest bandit.

Before the man could even lift his spear, Liam's black katana and wakizashi – coated with Lethality Mantle and dark smoke – swiped against the man's chest horizontally.

Viscera and blood gushed out of the wound – which festered with corroding darkness momentarily – and the man lost any feeling in his body.

Another javelin made of condensed liquid shot at Liam, but with him aware, a sidestep sufficed as an evasion.

The atmosphere changed.

Bloodlust – unadulterated and demonic – spread across the surroundings, and fear clouded the goons' hearts.

In their eyes, Liam was no human, but a vicious magical beast whose territory they invaded upon.

"He's a darkness user, don't let him get close!" a voice masked with growing panic shouted.

Javelins of water, arrows blazing with fire, and even a small sized boulder converged on where Liam stood – few hit, but Liam allowed them to in order to push forward.

Using Cartilage Brace, he strengthened his defenses, since his opponents had similar Rank 3 bodies.

A sword wielder took advantage of a javelin piercing Liam's shoulder, swinging at his neck, but found himself unable to move his arms.

Before he could process what happened, his consciousness faded to dark.

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