Chapter 464 Piss

It seemed as though Kuan hated celebrities just as much as Liam did.

It was just something about their narcissistic, self-loving, overly boasting, self-righteous demeanors that made his skin crawl.

But the two found themselves in a lavish cafeteria with tables shaped like living jellyfish.

…Probably because they were.

The café was themed with dim blue colors, and everything on the stupidly long menu was free. drama

Looking through the wide windows opposite to him, Liam's eyes were met with a breathtaking view of the waters.

It looked less like an ocean and more like a sea of stars, due to how clear the crystal waters had become.

It was floor 139, even though Liam and Kuan definitely didn't travel those many floors by foot.

As Liam thought, the use of dimensional magic was being used here.

Kuan didn't seem too surprised, though, making Liam think this was something common among Rank 6's.

'I mean… I can teleport already. Can't imagine what these people could do.'

Those seated around Liam and Kuan snuck glances in their direction, but looked away as Liam's gaze met theirs.


Liam looked at Kuan, who was currently sipping down a succulent yellow drink that strangely kept multiplying itself.

It looked like piss.

And seeing Kuan enjoy it gave Liam a strange sense of childish satisfaction.

"So?" Liam said with a little impatience in his voice. "Tell me the big secret reason this meeting was made."

Kuan gave Liam a displeased look, then proceeded to sip up the remainder of his urine, even letting out a sigh of refreshment.

Liam nearly laughed, but his expression didn't change.

Kuan activated the Isolation Barrier once more.

Then, he heaved a long sigh.

"Never thought I'd discuss this with you of all people," Kuan said. "But here we are."

Liam said nothing.

But Kuan had to be the least self-aware person on the planet.

"I think there's something sketchy going on," Kuan said quietly, even though no one could possibly hear him.

"Someone is planning something, and I can't put my finger on what it is."

"You think?" Liam said with a slight frown. "You're not even sure?"

"I am," Kuan said with a mild glare. "Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many powerhouses, literal enemies, coming together like this."

Kuan narrowed his eyes.

"Echorians would never enter the same room as their sworn enemy, unless it's to kill them."

Kuan gave Liam a cold look.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I can defend myself just fine, boy! Do you think my inaction equals weakness?"

Liam shrugged.

"It is still inaction."


Kuan scoffed. It seemed as though he forced himself to calm down.

Liam was purposely pulling his leg, after all.

"You remind me of him more and more," Kuan said with a frown, rising to his feet and preparing to leave.

"Why take over the Dual Empire's lands?" Liam asked suddenly. "Was it the Abominations you wanted to study?"

Kuan shook his head.

"Most of the Abominations slowly died off after the Empress did. Just a few remain now."


Liam would have liked to study a wider array of Abominations to understand why they were so… morbidly unique.

But there were a good number of Fearists that joined the Temple. He could still analyze them, albeit on a weaker scale.

'He probably enslaved one or two Rank 6 Abominations,' Liam thought. 'Lucky dog.'

"But now, it was never about the lands themselves," Kuan said, then paused for one second.

"It's about where the lands themselves are."

Liam raised his brows slightly.

"You know nothing, boyo. Nothing at all."

The talk was over.

The Isolation Barrier puffed out, and Kuan left without another word. Probably to look for other powerhouses or places of interest.

How rude.

'Politicians,' Liam sneered. 'Just as vile as celebrities.'

Just then, Liam felt a pair of eyes on his figure.

His gaze snapped around… but there was no one there, and the feeling disappeared.

If it was just any other pair of eyes, Liam would have dismissed them.

People snuck glances now and again.

But he could feel something strange behind this pair. Was it killing intent? Or something else?

He didn't know.

Having his powers sealed, even momentarily, frustrated Liam to no end.

It was like having a scratch that you couldn't itch.

'They're still watching me from somewhere,' Liam thought. 'Where?'

Before he could root out where the gaze came from, a massive form circled the waters in the distance.

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