Chapter 150 Weather

Liam took a minute to inspect the state of his blood-made weapons after the simple attack.

They were still in usable state!

Albeit, they wouldn't last a real fight between someone of his level, but still.

'This whole thing actually worked so well.'

There were a few things that needed ironing out, though.

For one, Liam instantly realized he couldn't regularly use his blood as a weapon.

Although his bodily liquid becoming weaponizable was something unimaginably powerful and convenient, there was a limited supply of it.

Unlike a vampire, who could pump massive amounts of blood in a moment's notice, Liam's human heart just couldn't do the same.

Moreover, now that Liam's supply of vampire hearts were over, he didn't have a clue on how to improve his blood purity.

'Will it get better if I advance to the fourth Rank?'

That seemed like the most plausible conclusion. Skin, senses, hair, general appearance – everything naturally purified itself as one went up the ranks.

Still, the fact that his ichor could freely turn crystalized at any point was a massive upgrade.

'If I had to guess, it's at least at the Rank 1 middle-tier level. Maybe even more,' Liam thought, inspecting his blood-made weapons.

'...What would happen if I started inscribing now?'

Right as Liam was about to take out the parchments from his ring, Jack's voice rang out from above.

"We're here!"

Liam grimaced.

Time went by real slow when he felt pain, but fast at any other.

After taking a bath and changing into a cleaner set of tight, black-clad clothes, he exited and met with everyone else at the main deck.

It was nighttime, and Liam took a moment to gaze at the stars, igniting his ambition to touch them once again.

Meanwhile, Niveh was still holed up inside the cabin, afraid she'd turn into ash as soon as moonlight touched her.

'I don't blame her. It's just sunlight reflected off the moon. Maybe it has the same effect.'

Nord had dark bags under his eyes. Rin as well.

Looking at Liam, they quickly realized he had it much worse compared to them.

He quite literally resembled a wraith, and they couldn't imagine the migraine he was going through.

Nessa obviously didn't push herself as much, but it looked like she was investing more time in cultivation.

Peering over the distance, the Echorian lands were readily getting closer, and so was the feminine figure waiting for them on the shores.

Kalia, donned in her embroidered silver robe, with a slight smile on her lips.

'Ugh, I almost forgot about this woman,' Liam thought, hiding a frown. On a closer look, he could gauge her aura much clearer now that he was a Rank 2 Magus.

Iridescent energies flew around her figure, originating from her abdomen and… body?

'So it was a tempering method of sorts. Something only Royals use…'

That was interesting, but Liam doubted he had the jurisdiction or interest to find out.

The ship lined the beach and dragged itself over the sand, and the gangplank descended on land. Jack descended first followed by the others.

They quickly paid their respects, but Kalia raised her hand to stop them.

"You all look tired, forget the pleasantries," Kalia stated, looking at the group's expressions. Even Jack looked exhausted, and he didn't even set foot on those lands.

"Jack has already given me everything I need to know. I'm sure you're all tired and need a good night's rest."

Kalia smiled as her quiet gaze swept the group. Her golden eyes lingered on Liam for a brief moment, before shifting away.

"You can give me back the rings with all the resources you brought back," Kalia said. The group did just that.

"Don't worry, your rewards will be assessed and given once you arrive at the academy. All the lessons you've missed will be given in one to one sessions as well, and can accept the tests at any time. Lawrence, a moment, please?"

Liam made a slight nod.

'What does she want? Did she figure out my advancement?'

The rest gave him a suspicious look as they left while he and Kalia remained.

"Is there a problem?" Liam asked.

Kalia remained silent. She gave Liam a deep, probing gaze, then spoke with a slightly distant voice:

"Another student died. I remember telling you not to go to mainstream locations if it will cost another life. Not to mention, you got caught and nearly captured."

Liam stilled any bloodlust or cold pressure by leaking from his figure. He shook his head.

"Another 'peasant' died. Gerald had no family backing whatsoever, and the world has already forgotten him. And me going to a mainstream location got you years worth of valuable information, including how their political system and magical formations work."

Liam wasn't done.

"Keyword, "nearly captured". The vampires didn't even catch glimpses of our faces, and I silently killed off any that did. I took the necessary measures to keep the crew alive, and I always put the mission priority first. Not to mention, I literally brought back a live vampire."

Liam had a hunch Kalia already knew that, though. She was probably just testing to see what Liam had in defense.

Royals couldn't care less about the common population – if they did, the peasantry back in Ucladd would cease to exist. They had their own interests and priorities in mind.

Kalia had an unreadable expression. Liam spent a good minute attempting to understand her mental waves, but they were a mumbo-jumbo of complex meanings.

'I really need to work on that. Reading minds could save me so much trouble in the future.'

"I suppose so," Kalia said after a long silence, her gaze on the border of being cold. "I only hope your loyalty will be bought. I don't imagine any other method would be effective in keeping you as an asset."

At least she got one thing right.

"We will keep in touch. Your rewards will be brought to your dorms, but meet with the Headmaster just in case."

From there, Kalia headed to the ship to meet the vampire girl.

With that, Liam was allowed to enter into the gem-powered bullet train, entering the back car with the others.

Thankfully, there was a bit more freedom this time. Everyone had their own "pods" – inscribed spaces with privacy and sound-deadening inscriptions.

It was basically like a first-class airplane seat, just more luxurious.

"What did you guys speak about?" Nessa asked, poking her head through the pod.

Liam quickly entered his pod before she began to bombard him with pointless questions.

"The weather."

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