Book Eater

Chapter 91: Leap in Sensitivity (1)

Chapter 91: Leap in Sensitivity (1)

The diplomatic discussion between the two countries continued for a few more days. Theo’s victory had forced the Andras Empire to start negotiating from an unfavorable position. Moreover, when Lloyd Pollan’s covert activities away from the dinner party were revealed, the delegation was forced to bow their heads in apology to Meltor for the trouble they had caused.

Four days later, the new agreement between the two countries was settled.

“Then I will check the final version.” Meltor’s chief delegate, Karlov, read through the new agreement slowly. “Both Andras and Meltor have extended the deadline of the existing armistice agreement to ten years from now. Furthermore, Andras will transfer ownership of the Purth, Begul, and Hergen estates to Meltor. Additionally, the management of the three iron mines and one gold mine, of which the ownership is unclear, shall be taken over by the estates concerned. The ratio of tariffs...”

Dozens of great and trivial clauses were read in a loud voice, with none of them in favor of the Andras Empire. The longer his voice continued, the more the faces of the Andras delegation wrinkled. Meanwhile, Meltor’s side was finding it difficult not to openly grin at the sight of those crumpled faces.

How many opportunities would they get to negotiate such a one-sided deal with Andras, the strongest military power on the northern continent?

Karlov continued for nearly ten minutes before stopping.

“It is accurate. The Andras Empire agrees with Meltor’s proposal and will extend the armistice agreement with those conditions.” The most surprising thing was Pan Helliones’ reaction. He accepted the agreement, which was disadvantageous for his country, without any objections.

Meltor had prepared many counter arguments in case the empire pushed back, so they were taken aback by the easy acceptance. However, as a result, Meltor had obtained what it wanted.

Now that the negotiations were complete, the delegation was forced to leave the capital city of Manavil six days after arriving.


Six days is really too quick.

Theo laid down the book he was reading and glanced at the delegation moving through the gates. It was a sight which could only be seen from the highest buildings in Manavil, the magic towers. Theo was looking for someone with Hawkeye, but it seemed she hadn’t recovered enough to ride a horse.

Though if she really was riding, then I would be more scared.

After all, she had received five Shock Impacts from close range. Theo looked at the bandage still wrapped around his forearm. He knew that aura was excellent for defense, but the defensive power of a skilled knight was beyond imagination. He may not have used all his power, but he had only broken a few of her ribs?

On the other hand, if he hadn’t been able to deflect most of her aura, his wounds would be far more severe than a scratch on his arm. A day would come when he would feel the attack power of an aura user again. If they reunited someday, Rebecca would be several times more powerful than she was now. There was no room for Theo to enjoy the short victory.

Many nobles had tried to court him in the last six months, so he had picked up a habit of hiding in the library.

“... It should be okay if I move it now.” Theo gently rotated his arm before gradually loosening the bandage from his forearm.

Fortunately, the skin beneath it was healed over, leaving just a trace of a scar. According to the healer’s advice, it was still too early for strenuous exercise, but Theo could move it. Thus, Theo moved his body lightly while reading a book.

“Theodore! Theodore Miller!” Somebody’s voice rang out in the hallway.

Theo responded to the call by looking up. “Yes, did something happen?”

“Ah, here you are! I am Andy from the Magic Society. I have been directed to bring Theodore to the Society’s main office.”

“The Society’s main office?” Theo asked with a strange expression.

Most magicians would never see the main office at the top of the central magic tower in their life. By default, tasks were solved by the four towers, and the society just handled the legal procedures. The society’s president was normally the only one in the room.

“Yes, the president of the Magic Society called you directly. He wants you to come as soon as you can.”

“Well, I understand. I’ll go straight away.”

The Magic Society’s library was located fairly close to the main office, so Theo took the time to put the book back before following the messenger. It only took them five minutes to reach their destination.

As always, Theo was soon left alone. He then pushed the society office’s door carefully. The door was lighter than it looked, and a soft light shone from inside the office.

“Oh, you came,” the president of the society greeted Theo in a pleased voice; he was the old man Theo had seen at the gathering last time.

Veronica waved from where she was standing beside him. Theodore stepped forward and bowed. Neither of them were people he could treat comfortably.

“Red Magic Tower's Superior, Theodor Miller greets the President and Tower Master.”

The president smiled. “It’s good to see you. Sorry for the sudden summons, but there is something that we need to do.”

“It’s okay. I had just finished a book.”

“Then I’m glad. Now, sit down.”

Theo took one step into the office.

“Ah?” However, he was quickly taken aback at something in a corner of the room.

The shape of the ‘thing’ which appeared in the soft lighting was so shocking that he almost reflexively shot a Magic Bullet at it. Perhaps he hadn’t felt its presence because it wasn’t a living creature? It looked like a statue of a bald troll.

A statue. It’s just a statue.

Either way, it wasn’t a decoration that the Magic Society would place in its office. The dynamic nature of the awful appearance made it seem like the troll could come alive at any moment. However, the other two magicians didn’t say anything about it as Theo warily took a seat.

The president of the Magic Society smiled wryly. “The job turned out really well this time. I didn’t think the people of Andras would accept the proposal so easily. You were the high elf’s escort, and now you’re the main contributor to this agreement.”

Theo inclined his head politely. “You're overpraising me.”


The president chuckled. “No, not at all. You already know, don’t you? The reason why I called you here.”

Frankly, Theo did have an idea. “A reward, isn’t it?”

The president’s smile grew wider at Theo’s hesitant answer. “Correct. His Majesty and I discussed it with the tower masters and decided to give you a reward. The problem is that it is still top secret, so there will be a lot of controversy if we award it externally.”

Theo nodded. “Secret...”

“Keep this in mind. Your reward is an item not even known in the Yellow Tower except for me and the tower masters. Therefore, you won’t be able to avoid punishment if the information leaks.”

The president tried to warn him, but the listening Veronica immediately cut off his words. “Old man, why are you trying to scare the kid? We decided to give him the reward, so we will take responsibility.”

The president protested, “No, it is still...”

“Kid, you know this much, don’t you?” Veronica cut the old man off again and grinned at Theodore.

Theo nodded hurriedly, and the president swallowed his words. He wanted to grumble about people not respecting the elderly these days, but it would seem like he was bullying a pretty girl. More than anything else, he wasn’t the senior in this place.

[In that case, shall I explain?]

At that time, a scraping sound like wood being scratched resounded through the room. The president and Veronica didn’t react, but Theodore instinctively sprang from his chair. The raspy voice irritated his nerves.

Theo moved ten meters from the direction of the sound before looking at its source. Once he saw it, an absurd expression appeared on his face.

The bald troll-like statue was moving like a living creature. It rubbed its neck several times before sitting down on the floor. Then the eyeballs carved of stone stared at Theo and it started laughing.

[Kuha, ha, surprised? Long time, see, reaction.]

Of course, Theo was surprised. Even the legendary gargoyles didn’t flap their wings like they were real. The same went for golems created by ancient magicians and dwarves combining their strength. They moved roughly like dolls and exerted a powerful destructive strength. That strength was wonderful, but there were no records of any golems which acted like real people.

The bald troll transcended modern magic. However, it hadn’t transcended the laws of physics.


Veronica couldn’t stand the abrasive laughter and kicked the bald troll in the shins. The statue’s leg shattered as it was thrown across the office, cutting off its laughter. In many ways, it was an unusual situation.

Veronica rested a foot on the statue. “Didn’t I tell you a few times not to laugh out loud, you gremlin? Don’t scare the kid.”

[This, strength, old lizard...!]

“What?” A vein throbbed on her forehead as she shouted and stamped down.

Kwaang! Kwaang!

Three more strikes removed the last of the statue’s limbs. Veronica’s kick could break even a heavy wooden door, so even modern golem engineering couldn’t withstand her blows.

The president sighed heavily and glanced at Theodore. It seems he had seen this a few times.

Theo asked carefully, “President, that statue...?”

“Hmm, I didn’t want to do the introductions like this, but it can’t be helped.” The president pointed at the scrap metal remains of the statue. “As you can tell, that statue is a little out of the ordinary. Its mechanism of movement and its base materials are still unknown, but it can only be controlled by a 7th Circle magician.”

This was one of the undiscovered mysteries of the magic towers.

“Yellow Tower Master Norden... is the one controlling that statue.”

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