Book Eater

Chapter 81: Silver Medal of Merit (3)

Chapter 81: Silver Medal of Merit (3)

The news that Theodore Miller had woken up swiftly made its way to the royal palace. Still, it would take time for the courtiers to organize the court ball. Therefore, it was decided that the ball would be held four days after Theo was ready to be discharged.

At the same time, Manavil was suffering from an unprecedented demand boom. The king had decreed that wine and performances would be released onto the streets to make up for the fact that only nobles could attend the court ball. The amount of wine required was so large that it sent every merchant still in town after the Annual Magic Contest aflame with avarice.

“Alcohol! We need alcohol! Hey, is there anything left in the warehouse?”

“No! We ran out a long time ago! Why is there an event this large so soon after the Magic Contest?”

“You don’t have enough booze? If there’s no stock at this store, go and wrangle some from the merchant companies!”

“This is the first time in my life that we’ve ever run out of pork!”

No one, including the nobles and tower masters, had expected the king to declare a court ball. As a result, even merchant companies who were close to the nobles received zero word of warning. The small and mid-sized merchants scrambled as they tried to squeeze out any stock to whet the appetites of Manavil’s excited citizens.

“What on earth is all this fuss about?!”

The merchants weren’t the only ones suffering, as Manavil’s guards were met with new headaches. They had just endured the biggest event of the year, the Annual Magic Contest, so they were looking forward to relaxing for a bit. Now, all of the off-duty guards were now back on double shifts again, so they were very irritable.

Despite their disgruntlement, the sight of more than a hundred thousand guards patrolling day and night was spectacular in itself. The court ball was a once in a lifetime event for Meltor.

It didn’t take long for news of the court ball to spread across the entire northern continent.

“What? Meltor has called a court ball?”

The other countries didn’t have time to dispatch ambassadors, but there was a lot of interest in the ball and its protagonist. Even when they were publicly disclosed, Theo’s achievements were hard to believe. Some watched with interested eyes while others criticized him as a hero created by Meltor.

“Isn’t it vulgar to spread a foolish story about a hero to increase their national power?”

“Elder Lich? If such a thing existed, they would have dispatched a full army to take care of it. Meltor must be attempting to mislead the people with ridiculous rumors.”

Some were convinced, while others were more skeptical. Nevertheless, Meltor turned a deaf ear to everyone as they busied themselves with preparations for the court ball.

Thus, the day of the court ball dawned.


“Eh?” Theo felt strange as he tightened his tie with his good hand.

He had always been assisted by someone when he was getting ready for a formal event. Vince had helped him out at the awards ceremony, while Earl Bergen’s servants had helped Theo during his stay. This was the first time he was getting dressed by himself.

There are no wrinkles or folds, so it looks okay?

Theo looked at himself in the mirror.

He hadn’t even given it much thought as he had gotten dressed. His body just moved naturally as he arranged the sleeves, collar, and tie pin. It was like he had always worn clothes like this. Theo had grown up in a rural estate and only wore the academy’s uniforms, so he knew he shouldn’t be familiar with these kinds of clothes. However, Theodore was able to guess the cause.

“... He was a hero and prince after.” He chuckled softly to himself as he tightened the tie before looking down at his palm.

Alfred Bellontes had been a war hero, but he had also been the third prince of the Bellontes Principality. He had personally led the War of Independence. It meant that Alfred had been an esteemed existence. Someone like that wouldn’t be ignorant of etiquette or laws. It seemed as though that sixth sense was not the only legacy Alfred had left him through Transmission. Theo hadn’t noticed it himself, but his posture and stride had subtly changed.

It was imbued with the spirit of royalty.


At that moment, the door of the waiting room opened.

“Theo, how are you doing with the preparati…?” Vince entered the room without any hesitation, and his eyes widened as he saw Theo attired.

The attendants had informed him that Theo had yet to dress himself, but he was perfectly dressed. Everything was perfect, from the posture to the atmosphere around him. If it wasn’t for Theo’s face, Vince might’ve mistaken Theo for someone else.


Vince looked satisfied. “Excellent. I don’t need to call attendants.”

He placed a box and flicked it open with a quick snap to reveal a luxurious robe embroidered with red and gold thread.

Theo recognized it. “A robe of the Red Tower?”

“That's right.”

This was not a mass produced item with generic patterns. This was a custom made item that had been carefully hand stitched and embroidered with excellent material. It was also imbued with enough magic to rival a rare artifact. The crimson robe was tied around Theodore’s neck.

“Oh!” Vince said admiringly as he stepped back to look at Theo.

The red robes fluttered like a flame as it settled around Theo’s shoulders. Theo’s stark black suit sharply accentuated the bright finish of the robe. He was ready for the ball.

The two chatted casually as Vince kindly warned Theo what to be careful about during the ball. Theo was calm for his age, but the nobles had tongues like snakes.

“Finally, don’t bend your back.” Vince straightened an askew fold on Theo’s robe. “You’re the main character of this ball. No one would dare be rude to the one receiving His Majesty’s medal, but still. You don’t need to make enemies, but you don’t need to shrink back before anyone.”

Theo nodded. “I will do so.”

“Well, you’ll do well even if I don't say anything.”

Theo had already met the tip of the pyramid in the Blue Tower Master, the Red Tower Master, and Kurt III. So he wasn’t likely to be intimidated by a marquis or a duke. Truth be told, he was far more scared of Veronica’s fist than a random noble.

I can’t even see her fist properly. Why would I be scared of some noble?

Theo suppressed an instinctive shiver as he turned to answer a voice that called out.

“Baron Miller! Please enter the venue!”

Vince and Theo met each other’s eyes for a moment. Vince patted Theodore’s shoulder. “Go first. I’ll see you in the ballroom.”

“Yes, Master.” Theo left Vince behind as he followed the guide.

Thump, thump.

His heart pounded with every step. He had picked up the presence of hundreds of people and knew they were all gathered for him. He could never get accustomed to this amount of interest in him. It had not been that long since Theo had been on the receiving end of negative attention at the academy. Still…

I’m not trembling thanks to you, Prince Alfred.

Alfred had learned dignity as royalty and as a hero. In both cases, Alfred hadn’t been the type to shrink back from ordinary nobles. It was a mere shadow, but Theo had a similar air wrapped around him. The tension of standing before all those people faded into nothingness. After all, a tiger wouldn’t be intimidated by a pack of dogs.

At that moment, the majordomo’s voice boomed loudly, “Then let me introduce him! The guest of honor and the first recipient of the Silver Medal of Merit in 30 years!”

Theo took his place behind the curtain that led to the ballroom.

The curtain was whisked away at the same moment that the majordomo announced, “The Red Tower’s Average ranked magician, Baron Theodore Miller!”

As Theo took a step forward, he was blinded by a dazzling light.

Don’t shrink back.

This wide ballroom was Theo’s stage. The grace left behind by Alfred and Theodore’s upright nature came through as he strode confidently forward. Some of the nobles expecting to make fun of a rural baron murmured to each other.

“No, isn’t he a member of a declining noble family?”

“No matter how I look, he seems like a young master from a good family...”

“He must have had a good education. It isn’t easy to stay composed in a big place like this.”

Their evaluations of Theo were good.

Theodore stopped five paces before Kurt III, who was waiting for him. Theo naturally fell to one knee, not as a noble but as a magician. However, he didn’t seem subservient and looked more imposing than the nobles surrounding him.

“An Average of the Red Tower, Baron Theodore Miller greets the Great Sun of Meltor.”

Kurt III laughed cheerfully at Theodore’s perfect greeting.

“You can rise, Young Hero.”

Theo didn’t rush as he got up. It was dignified without being impudent. It was an exquisite balance which even veteran nobles couldn’t easily imitate.

Kurt III admired him from the podium. In order to honor the hero who had accomplished praiseworthy feats, the king was standing at the same level as his servants. But how many people in history had achieved such glory at the tender age of twenty? He wasn’t sure but there wouldn’t be many.

In front of hundreds of eyes, the king and hero faced each other.

“Theodore Miller, listen,” Kurt III said as he took out a small box. “You have rescued a high elf from slavery and saved her from an unknown enemy. This is a feat that can never be disparaged. Such a loyal servant deserves to be rewarded.”

He placed the box on Theodore’s hand and declared, “Listen carefully.”

All the nobles and magicians present bowed. As Theodore knelt down again, Kurt III reached down to lay a hand on Theodore’s shoulder.

“From this moment, Baron Theodore Miller will be given the title of a viscount, and will be awarded with the Silver Medal of Merit! Additionally, he will be given a thousand gold coins, a national treasure, and this court ball to recognize his glory!”

“We will obey, Your Majesty!” The crowd’s thunderous cheers announced the opening of the court ball.

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