Blessed by Night

Chapter 21: Ray of Sunshine

Chapter 21: Ray of Sunshine

Malachi awoke this morning at the top of the world.

For the first time since his parents died, he woke up with a full stomach.

He was sleeping in lavish sheets on a large and comfortable new bed and he'd even woken up in a gorgeous new home.

To top it all off, his confession to the woman he'd loved for years went successfully.

He'd never been so happy to be alive!

Is there a better way to wake up in the morning than with a smile, a good morning text from your beautiful girlfriend and a bank account full of money?

Aubrey of course noticed the way her brother was giddily walking around the house at breakfast but she assumed he was just excited for his first day of training at the guild.

What else could it be after all?

Upon leaving the house, Malachi found his steps were as light as a feather.

He drove to his first real job with a smile on his face the entire time.

Upon entering the guild building, he went directly to Luna's office where he found her drinking tea with a small white fox in her lap.

"Mornin' boss lady!"

Luna and her pet both looked up and stared at the cheerful young man who just entered the room and were momentarily stunned by his radiant smile and infectious demeanor.

"Morning Mal… are you that excited for your first day of combat training?"

"Hm? Ah, sure but isn't it such a beautiful day today? The kind that makes you grateful to be alive!"

Luna looked out the window to see a dark and cloudy sky with heavy rainfall.

"…Indeed it is."


Luna wondered what could be the reason for Mal's cheerful mood.

It was then that she remembered a picture that had been circulating online of him embracing a woman.

'Is that what this is?… Why does that tick me off so much?!'

Luna swallowed her rising irritation and stood up and prepared to leave.

"Hmph. Let's go, Rose will break you if you show up late."

Out of all of Immortal moon's members Rose was the most… eccentric.

The girls waited to see how Malachi would handle what had become sort of an unofficial initiation ritual for new members.

"What the hell…" Malachi groaned.

"Are you complaining with just tha-"

"That shit was so cool!" Malachi popped up and stared at Rose with sparkling eyes.

"They say my speed is S rank but man I didn't even see you move!!"

"W-what?" Rose stared at Malachi as if he'd just said the most outlandish shit imaginable.

'Did I hit him too hard? Is he broken??' She was completely taken aback.

'Yea… that's about the reaction I expected.' Rose thought. "Here go put these on." She handed Malachi a pair of simple black sweatpants. "

'What the hell… isn't this doofus more cheerful than normal today?' Aisha wondered what could've possibly made her friend so happy that he smiled at a punch in the face.

Malachi had gotten so close to Rose that the young woman's face had begun to turn an unhealthy shade of red.

"W-what kind of a weirdo are you!? G-get out of my face and go get changed!"

"Sure thing teach! Or should I call you master? Sensei? Yoda-"

"Just call me Rose and go get dressed!!"

Malachi hurriedly ran to the small dressing room to go and get changed, leaving the group of women to stare at each other in confusion.

"Why is your friend so weird?"

"Don't ask me. He's extra cheerful today so maybe he likes you."

"W-what?!" Rose yelped.

'H-he's handsome sure but we literally just met! Although I've never gotten such an interested look from someone before..'

"I don't think that's it." Luna took out her phone and showed them a picture of what was obviously Malachi embracing a curvaceous woman who's face they could not see.

"I'm back!" Malachi changed into a pair of loose black sweat pants and had wrapped his hands and feet in black bandages.

He immediately noticed something was wrong when he saw the furious looks Aisha and Rose were giving him.

"You punk! How could you not tell me you're dating someone!?" Aisha was furious.

"Fuck that. Put your hands up, I don't want to cave your skull in." Rose was going to make him pay for embarrassing her.

For the first time today Malachi's mood was broken and replaced with a mild sense of fear.

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