Chapter 278

Glancing at Kim Jeom’s face, Hyang immediately added.

“Of course, we don’t plan to develop and deploy it right away. We need to observe the situation of Ming and neighboring countries and respond accordingly. If we recklessly develop and deploy in advance, all our efforts so far will be in vain.”

“That’s true. Well thought out.”

Nodding in agreement with Hyang’s words, Sejong looked at Lee Maeng-gyun and Jo Mal-saeng.

“Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of National Defense, never stop observing not only Ming but also the neighboring countries. As our Joseon’s power is not yet strong, we must be cautious and careful.”

“We shall obey your command.”

With Sejong giving orders to Lee Maeng-gyun and Jo Mal-saeng, the meeting regarding the topic Hyang mentioned was concluded for the time being.

Putting the Dong Gun back into the wooden box and preparing for the next meeting, Hyang looked at Kim Jeom. Seeing Kim Jeom’s face gradually returning to its original color, Hyang muttered inwardly.

‘I’ll have to be careful for the time being. If I make a slight mistake, that person might collapse.’

Meanwhile, Kim Jeom, who felt someone’s gaze and was looking around, made eye contact with Hyang. As Hyang slightly bowed his head and sent a greeting with his eyes, Kim Jeom, who inadvertently responded, grumbled inwardly.

‘Oh, shoot! What kind of trouble are you trying to cause by looking at me? Now, just making eye contact with the Crown Prince makes my heart flutter!’


Afterward, the meeting continued regarding the agenda that Ming’s envoy would bring this time.

“…Hmm. I have heard your opinions well. I also think the territory acquired from the Odoli tribes led by Mentemu and the matter of the long guns are the most likely, so prepare focusing on these two aspects.”

As Sejong reached a conclusion, Hyang and the ministers all bowed their heads and answered in unison.

“We shall obey your command.”

“Then, let’s end it here for today.”

As Sejong declared the end, Hyang and the ministers gathered their documents and rose from their seats.


That night, Hyang quietly visited Gangnyeongjeon.

“Your Majesty, the Crown Prince has arrived.”

As the eunuch announced Hyang’s visit, Sejong’s response came from inside.

“Let him in.”

“Yes. Please come in.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Hyang, who entered through the door opened by the eunuchs, politely bowed to Sejong.

“Have a seat.”

As Hyang sat on the chair brought by the eunuch, Sejong smiled warmly and spoke.

“You never came before I called for you, so what brings you here today?”

“I have a confidential matter to discuss with Father. Could you dismiss the scribes and secretaries?”

“Huh? Scribes and secretaries, please step outside for a moment.”

At Sejong’s command, the scribes and secretaries immediately rose from their seats and went outside.

Once the scribes and secretaries were outside, Sejong asked Hyang in a low voice.

“So, what is it that you’re doing this?”

“Please mobilize the Geomgye (secret police unit).”

“The Geomgye? Come closer.”

As Hyang uttered the word ‘Geomgye,’ Sejong’s face turned serious.

The father and son, sitting close together, conversed in low voices.

“Suddenly mentioning the Geomgye, what’s the matter?”

“Ming’s interest must have heightened due to the recent events in Liaodong.”

“That would be the case. That’s why Ming is sending an envoy this time.”

“Even if the envoy comes for another reason, Ming will show curiosity about the firearms we possess. The capabilities demonstrated in Liaodong are not something they can simply ignore.”

At Hyang’s words, Sejong’s face became very grave.

“Are you saying we should mobilize the Geomgye to secretly monitor the craftsmen related to firearms because there is a high possibility of secretly approaching them?”

“That’s right.”


At Hyang’s words, Sejong stroked his beard with a serious expression. Seeing Sejong’s face, Hyang continued his explanation.

“Regarding the long guns and mounted guns, we have gone through the maximum division of labor, so acquiring one or two of the lowest-level craftsmen won’t easily reveal the overall framework.”

“Wasn’t the division of labor process done to increase productivity?”

“Productivity was an issue, but there was also a purpose of maintaining secrecy.”

Listening to Hyang’s explanation, Sejong felt goosebumps all over his body and muttered inwardly.

‘He’s my son, but Crown Prince, this scary fellow!’


As Hyang said, the Gapsik Jangchong and Gapsik Six-barreled Mounted Gun went through a thorough division of labor process.

In the case of the long gun, even the trigger mechanism was modularized. It was assembled by attaching a bronze box containing internal components such as springs and levers to the gun body, so even the craftsmen in charge of the final assembly process were unaware of the overall framework and how each component functioned.

The only ones who knew the entire process were Hyang and the craftsmen who initially participated in the development with him.


After explaining this part, Hyang continued.

“We have minimized the risk as much as possible through division of labor for the guns and cannons, but the biggest problem is mercury fulminate. Due to its danger, craftsmen make it alone in their individual rooms.”

“I see.”

Sejong, who knew the process of making mercury fulminate by reading the report submitted by Hyang, nodded.

As Sejong examined the situation with a serious expression, a sudden question arose.

“I understand the importance and danger of the matter. So, I’m curious about something. Wouldn’t it have been better to speak openly about this and devise countermeasures?”

To Sejong’s question, Hyang answered the reasons why it was not possible.

“If we openly monitor or protect, it will place a heavy mental burden on the craftsmen who are the targets. Then they won’t be able to work properly.”

At Hyang’s answer, Sejong shook his head slightly.

“Anyway, you cherish the craftsmen too much.”

“Craftsmen with that level of skill are hard to find, so it can’t be helped. However, the biggest reason is…”

Hyang paused for a moment and let out a sigh.

“Whew~. It’s to prevent those with unnecessary patriotism from stepping forward and making a fuss.”


Sejong, pondering Hyang’s words, nodded his head with a solemn expression. Seeing his reaction, Hyang added.

“There will definitely be those who will step forward and say we should send the craftsmen to Ming, shouting ‘sacrificing the small for the greater good.’ They will say we should preemptively prevent the tragedy that will unfold in the future by sending the craftsmen. Fortunately, there are no such individuals among the ministers currently leading the cabinet, but if it becomes a public discourse, they will definitely emerge. Those who confuse what is small and what is great for our Joseon.”

“That is indeed true. Whew~.”

Sejong, who let out a long sigh like Hyang, reached a conclusion.

“As you said, we will have to contact the Geomgye.”

“We must instruct them to carefully monitor outsiders approaching the craftsmen. And not only the craftsmen but also their families should be closely watched.”




Having finished his business, Hyang bowed and left Gangnyeongjeon. Sejong, who was staring at the empty space with a serious expression, called for Chief Eunuch.

“Chief Eunuch.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Summon the commander of the Royal Guard.”


Two days later, the chiefs of the three major Geomgye in Hanseong summoned their members.

“A royal order has been issued.”

At the chief’s words, the eyes of the members began to sparkle.

The members had never had such exciting days. They were once those who had dreams of success but had given up on those dreams due to various constraints or reasons. Having given up and spending their days aimlessly as destitute people, they were now working for the country and the king. Although they couldn’t openly say it, their pride was immense.

Seeing the members whose recently slacking attitudes had disappeared and whose aura was like a sharpened sword, the chief conveyed Sejong’s order.

“The order is to monitor those who attempt to approach the craftsmen working in Area 51.”

“The craftsmen, you say?”

“Yes. You all have heard about the recent war in the north, right?”

“Yes, didn’t we achieve a great victory?”

“I heard the firearms played a significant role in that war. And those firearms were made in Area 51.”

Having heard the explanation up to that point, the members immediately understood what they had to do.

“So, you mean to monitor what kind of people approach those craftsmen?”

“Exactly. And also monitor if there are any who try to use the craftsmen’s families.”

The members nodded at the chief’s words.

“It’s definitely not something to take lightly, so pay special attention. Understood?”


“In the shadows.”

“Protect the nation.”

Having chanted their own motto, the members soon began to arrange shifts and teams.

‘In the shadows, protect the nation.’

It was the motto given by Sejong when the Geomgye transformed into the king’s secret guard force. Moreover, it was not simply written on paper but engraved on the iris swords carried by the members and distributed. Therefore, this motto was not just a simple motto but the creed and pride of the Geomgye.

The members of the Geomgye staked their lives on these four characters.

As the members who had arranged their shifts and teams left, the chief of the North Village Geomgye let out a small sigh.

“I hope there won’t be a need to use the license this time…”

The license the chief mentioned was a ‘license to kill.’


Last time, during the suppression of the palace intrusion led by Prince Yangnyeong, the Geomgye had engaged in a bloody battle with the rebels.

After the incident was over, the Police Bureau (Podocheong) conducted a large-scale pursuit of the Geomgye. They considered it a large-scale slaughter taking advantage of the chaos in the capital.

At this time, Sejong secretly sent licenses to the chiefs.

The content written on the scroll with Sejong’s royal seal was simple.

-The crimes committed by the holder of this license are for the sake of the country, so do not question their crimes and prohibit their physical detention.

The chiefs who received the licenses immediately submitted them to the Police Bureau, and all the arrested members were able to be released.

“Since when has the Geomgye…”

Seeing the head of the Police Bureau with an expression of disbelief, the chief answered meaningfully.

“It’s not that the Geomgye, but we are within the Geomgye.”


“So, I ask for your discretion.”

“I understand!”

The head of the Police Bureau nodded deeply.

‘They are the ones who have hidden within the Geomgye!’

This line that led the head of the Police Bureau to misunderstand was Hyang’s creation.

After that, Sejong and Hyang revised the license once more.

-The license is personally kept by the king and only issued when deemed necessary or when a justifiable request is considered.

It was the birth of the ‘license to kill’ that would later become a staple in dramas and movies set in the Joseon era.


Fifteen days after the messenger’s visit announcing ‘the envoy is coming,’ Ming’s envoy arrived at Jemulpo.

At the pier in Jemulpo, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was waiting for the ship carrying Ming’s envoy, grumbled to a subordinate official who had accompanied him.

“Ming was in a rush. It usually takes about a month and a half to arrive, but they came in just half a month.”

“Besides that, there isn’t much to gain even if they come to Joseon, so they probably want to finish quickly.”

“Is that so?”

At the subordinate’s words, the Vice Minister burst into laughter.

Previously, Hyang had rebelled against Sejong, citing the extortion by Ming’s envoys, and his shins had been shattered. Afterward, through an envoy sent by Sejong, they received an imperial edict handwritten by the emperor prohibiting extortion, greatly reducing the envoys’ extortion.

Moreover, after Hyang personally visited Beijing, the extortion by envoys from Ming dramatically disappeared. As a contract was established between the emperor and the Joseon royal family, it became difficult to treat Joseon recklessly.

In fact, there was once a fool who didn’t realize the situation had changed and came to Joseon to extort as before. Immediately after the envoy returned, Joseon sent a letter to Emperor Xuande. Receiving the letter filled with subtle thorns and greatly angered, Emperor Xuande immediately imprisoned the problematic envoy.

“Do you wish to live after smearing excrement on my face!”

Greatly enraged, Emperor Xuande exterminated the nine familial extents of the envoy’s family.

After that, there were no more Ming envoys who came to Joseon and recklessly extorted or made unreasonable demands.

Instead, it became customary for envoys to handle their business and return immediately.

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