
Chapter 927 Everything's Gone

"You've finally come, my son… You've come to me in a trying hour. Turn and greet your Mother. She's been wanting to meet you and now… Now you're finally here." Dr. Chang smiled. His deathly appearance made Lee Seng uncomfortable. He slowly tried to scramble onto his feet, only to notice way more people looking from the shadows. He whipped his head around, trying to locate who was staring at him, only to see nothing.

'This darkness…' Lee Seng thought. He took a step back, listening to something squish underneath his feet. He looked down and realized it was intestines. The realization swarmed him, lighting every goosebump on his body on fire. The stench of death had finally gotten through to his shock. 

Lee Seng raised his hand to his nose, doing his best to block the stench. The large thing in front of him moved, revealing more of itself to the nine-tailed Fox Spirit. 

"Lee Seng Chang…" A woman's voice spoke. She instantly reminded Lee Seng of his mother. "It's been such a long time… I've watched you from here, hoping one day we might meet… My son… You stand in front of me, my child… The one who will save us all from our fates." 

Lee Seng gulped as more lights flicked on. He twitched, raising his hand to block the sudden light. The room was larger than the thing that stood in front of him. Misshapen, large body parts that oozed some sort of grayish substance out of her body. An arm or leg or a finger would be smaller than the rest of her body. She looked like she had started the transformation process but stopped.

The Creator smiled and moved closer to 'Mother.' He looked ecstatic that his little family was finally reunited. "All those nights for this moment! It's all finally coming true!" The Creator squealed. Lee Seng broke his stare at his supposed 'Mother' and turned his attention to his sickly father. "I can't believe this day has come!"

"I cannot either." Mother smiled. She sounded off to Lee Seng. Everything sounded like it was forced. Fake. The Creator looked up at Mother and smiled. She moved her large left hand down and set it in-between Lee Seng and the Creator. The Creator stepped on and Lee Seng twitched, unsure if he should warn his father.

"It's been so long, dear! We'll finally be together!" The Creator coughed as Mother lifted him up to her eyesight. She smiled at him like someone who was deeply in love. The Creator turned and looked down at Lee Seng. 

Lee Seng turned and noticed Eyes watching him. There were small little floating meatballs around him while a flesh-rotting wolf with red eyes stared from the back. A glob of green goo and body parts inside of it slowly shifted to get a better view of Lee Seng. Hundreds of Failed Ones were watching him. 

"My friends… My family…" Mother addressed the Failed Ones. "The time has come… My own flesh and blood has come back to complete the prophecy…! We will all be human again!" Cheers erupted from the Failed Ones. Mother's tiny right arm pointed to Lee Seng. "My son will join my husband and I and we will be free!"

"What…?" Lee Seng whispered. "This is crazy."

"Crazy?" A familiar voice broke through the crowd. She came at an insane speed, appearing in front of Lee Seng and Mother. Queen looked at Lee Seng with a dissatisfied look. "It is all Master's plan. Who are you to say it's 'crazy'?" The crowd of Failed Ones grew quiet as Queen folded her arms. 

"You." Lee Seng growled. Queen smiled and shook her head. 

"You will be Master's saving grace." Queen snapped her fingers and Deimons stepped forward. A man with scales appeared, reaching for Lee Seng. The scale man erupted in blood, spraying all over Lee Seng's back and tails. The body hit the floor as Lee Seng glared at Queen. 

"I don't understand what's going on, but I'm not going to do whatever you want me to do. I came here to settle things with my father." Lee Seng shouted. Queen wiped a speck of blood off her face as Lee Seng looked up. "You're mad! Whatever you did to get the Biohuman serum to work has surely gotten to you! Enough with this, Dad! Just retire and rest! You'll live off all the money you've gathered from the world anyway!"

The fleshy wolf howled, rushing forward. Lee Seng turned and watched the wolf pounce on him faster than he could react. He slammed onto the floor, sliding towards Queen who moved to the side. The wolf yelped at him, trying to bite at him as Lee Seng pushed its snout away. The flesh ripped apart, showing my teeth. The fleshy flaps of teeth started to extend for Lee Seng.

"Enough." Mother ordered. The fleshy flaps of teeth stopped and pulled back, forming the snout. The wolf pressed down as Eyes stepped over and shooed the mutt away. He grabbed Lee Seng and lifted him up. "Give him to me."

"Let me go!" Lee Seng kicked and thrashed. "I'm not going to do whatever you want me to do! Let me go!" 

"Just be quiet." Eyes flashed at Lee Seng, stunning him in place. "Here, Mother." He raised Lee Seng up to the large hand coming down and set Lee Seng on it. The Creator moved over to his son and looked at him. His smile was freaky. Unhuman. 

"We'll be together forever, Lee Seng! Just like you wanted! I won't work a day anymore! We can be a family! A real family!" The Creator laughed. 

"This… I don't want this!" Lee Seng shouted as the arm lifted them up into the air. They got closer to Mother's face and the Creator turned and excitedly clapped. 

"Mother, it's time! It's time!" The Creator squealed.

"Yes, my love… It's time…" Mother smiled softly. Lee Seng watched as Mother's soft smile faded, turning sinister. "Our time has come, brethren!" Lee Seng watched as Mother devoured the Creator.I think you should take a look at

"Dad!" Lee Seng tried to move but he was stuck in place. The Creator's blood spilled as Mother devoured him. Lee Seng watched in horror as the person he had grown up with, the person who he just wanted to be with, was dead. "DAD!" 

Tears spilled from Lee Seng's eyes. This so-called Mother had taken his last parent. Lee Seng's energy tails burned brightly, flaring and growing larger as a deep rage grew in his body.

[I thought you didn't have any attachments left.]

[I thought you were ready to leave everything behind.]

[It seems… like that was a lie!]

The other Lee Seng laughed. Lee Seng grunted, feeling his back arch backwards as something began to bubble within him. The 'rage' he felt was spilling with Dark Matter. 


"Hahaha!" A tendril humanoid flew out of Lee Seng's body, leaving Lee Seng with endless pain. Lee Seng's wounds weren't closing. Blood continued to spill with the ichor that came with the tendril humanoid. "I can't believe you fell for it! You really thought I was your inner child?!? You're so stupid! How can you endlessly give people chances?!? How could you give something that talks back to you a chance without even batting an eye?!? 'I have no attachments!' Hahahahah! That's a load of bullshit!"

The tendril humanoid clutched its belly as he bent itself over. Lee Seng gasped as his body began to shut down. 

"Son, break me free." Mother ordered. 

"Yes, Mother!" Son turned and jumped into Mother. "Oh, it's really nasty in here…"

"Just break me free…" Mother's voice began to fade.

'Is this… it?' Lee Seng thought. 'Am I just…' 

ƥ Darkness swirled all around Lee Seng. He was still lying on the floor. The pain was burning in his stomach and chest. The endless darkness swirled all around him. Lee Seng coughed, feeling blood spill from his lips. 

Memories filled Lee Seng's mind. Meeting Keng for the first time. Meeting Ritsuka, Liz, Olivia, Evan and even reconnecting with Manny. Tears spilled down his eyes. 

'I'm… really sorry, everyone…' Lee Seng felt his throat throb as a sob escaped his lips. 'I shouldn't have brought you here… We're only going to die now… I-I'm really sorry…' 

[Extreme levels of blood loss has occurred.]

[Shock has occurred. Repairing has started. Trying to pull Eleven from death.]

'The female voice is back…' Lee Seng thought. 'Ju-just let me… let me sleep.' Lee Seng's eyes closed.

"Lee…!" Keng shouted. A gentle light formed in the distance as a door swung open. The darkness pulled apart, revealing the Soul Home. "Lee!" Keng winced as his heart felt like it was going to burst. He rushed through the home and over to the living room. He dropped next to Lee Seng, moving his hands to hover over Lee Seng's dying spirit.

"Oh gods! Lee!" Keng cried. "Oh gods, you're going to be fine! Stay with me! Stay with me! Please! Please! I-I promised I would be here for you, right? P-please! Stay with me, forever! Please!"

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