
Chapter 919 Numbers In The Building

"Light, guide me from this place. Eradicate all that is impure, making them pure." Lee Seng lifted his hand in front of him, conjuring a ball of light. A magical circle grew from his feet as he continued the spell. "Turn my foes away from me and protect us from evil. Purification." The light ball dropped into the ground like a water drop hitting water. Golden energy surged forth, pushing in every direction.

Jiro lifted his hand up and turned away, listening to the screams of the humanoids. The golden light didn't feel threatening to him at all, but like a warm embrace. 'What kind of spell is this?' Jiro wondered as the light died down. He turned and witnessed bodies on the floor, writhing in pain.

"Devour." Lee Seng stuck his hand out and Jiro watched strange energies fly up. 

"What's that?" Jiro whispered. He watched Lee Seng pull it into him and turned to do the same thing to the left and right sides. All of the lights flew into Lee Seng, settling into him. "How did you kill them all so fast?"

"These things are minions," Lee Seng replied. "Someone of a higher ranking wouldn't have been dropped to the ground like that." Jiro's mouth was agape. He couldn't quite believe the Creator's son was this powerful.

"In two years you've become this strong?" Jiro pushed himself onto his feet. Lee Seng nodded and Jiro clicked his tongue in disbelief. 

"And they're dead. We're on our way back." Lee Seng told the others. He looked over to Jiro and turned. "Feeling good enough to walk, Jiro-san?"

"Oh… Yeah." Jiro nodded.

Keng, Liz and Olivia were on the access point computers by the time Lee Seng and Jiro rejoined them. 

"Got it yet?" Lee Seng asked.

"Not quite. There's a whole bunch of security we've been trying to get through." Keng motioned. Lee Seng stepped over and looked at it for a moment. 

"Oh this." Lee Seng smashed the computer and turned.

"W-w-why did you do that? It won't be able to–" Keng began to stutter when the lights started to flash.

"It'll go into high security, but it won't be able to contain anything if the other two are busted." Lee Seng finger gunned the two other computers, watching small holes appear in them. The computers fritzed, leaving Liz and Olivia to move away. 

"Well… that's… not the way I thought this would go down." Evan commented. 

"C'mon. We gotta get going. Let's find the connection point." Lee Seng moved to the next door and opened it. The red lights flashed, turning the underground into some sort of post, post-apocalyptic area. 

"Looks like a zombie movie." Keng commented, following after Lee Seng. Lee Seng nodded at Keng's comment and continued forward, barely remembering the path.

It was a go and stop situation from the access points to the connection area. People, Biohuman and not, moved around Lee Seng and the group, panicking and trying to figure out what to do. 

"Check the access points right now!" A voice barked. Footsteps rushed by one of the rooms without checking. Lee Seng and the others watched from the barely lit shadows as people moved through the halls. 

'They're… disheveled.' Liz thought. 'Our plan is working, then?'

'I guess so. Who knew putting the access points right there would backfire on them.' Olivia added. Lee Seng stepped out of the room, taking a peek around. There wasn't anyone near them from what he gathered and motioned the others to follow him. 

'I'm not really sure where the connection point is, but we just have to find a huge terminal.' Lee Seng told the group. 'It should be hooked up and bolted down. We just need to get someone's authorization and sign-in with their credentials to shut communications down.'

"Where's the Creator?" A female voice asked. Lee Seng stopped the group and peeked around the corner. A neat looking Number 1 stood with her arms crossed as she looked at five men in lab coats. 

"Well, ma'am, he's…" Lab coat 1's voice trailed off. Number 1 stepped forward. 

"Tell me." Number 1's voice distorted. A prismatic glaze swirled into the lab workers' ears, glazing their eyes over with the same prismatic energy. 

"He's on floor -55… He's talking to… her." Lab coat 1 answered.

"Who's her?" Number 1 asked. Lab coat 1 wouldn't answer and Number 1 repeated the question. "Who is he talking to?"

"We don't have any other information other than that, Number 1. He just says he's going to talk to her for a while and won't come back up to the surface for a couple days." Lab coat 2 spoke up. Number 1 looked at lab coat 2 and sighed. She glanced over her shoulder.

"You heard them." Number 1 was clearly speaking to someone else. "We need to go down there."I think you should take a look at

"We can't communicate that to our other—" Number 8's voice came through.

'The other Numbers are here…' Lee Seng thought. Number 1 turned around to face Carter (Number 8). 

"Don't worry about that. I can communicate directly to all of them. Do you know who broke the access systems, yet?" Number 1 asked Carter.

"No, we haven't figured that out yet. Our guys have yet to come back. It's a dead zone down here now that the access points were cut off." Carter answered. "I would suggest we try to get someone to fix the communications by boosting the servers through an access terminal."

ƥ "We don't have time for that. Someone is down here when they weren't supposed to be." Number 1 turned and looked down the hallway. Lee Seng and the others were hiding. Lee Seng pulled back while Number 1 turned to face the hallway. "I would come out if I were you. I know you're lurking."

No answer. 

Carter looked at Number 1, who started to walk down the hallway. He moved to hover behind her as the other lab workers mindlessly stood like zombies, waiting for answers.

"What're you doing, One?" Carter asked.

"You weren't perceptive when it came to things like this, but I always was." Number 1 stepped into the threshold and turned. Nobody was standing there. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around. There were no signs of movement and there was definitely no signs of energy being used. 

"The intruders were here?" Carter asked, looking around. 

"Sweep the entire area." Number 1 ordered. "We'll head to the rendezvous point after." Number 1 started to turn back around.

"What about the access terminal?" 

"We won't boost communications. It will only give whoever is down here the same footing. Let's leave them in the dark like us." Number 1 moved back to the stairwell area, leaving Carter on his own. He opened the door and looked around. No one. 

Lee Seng and the others quietly hovered along the ceiling, mouths covered. 

'The Numbers are down here. What do we do now?' Keng asked.

'Floor -55. That's where dad is.' Lee Seng told the others.

'W-what're they doing here?' Olivia asked. 

'Shouldn't we move before we're found?' Jiro suggested. Lee Seng and the others watched Carter step out and look around. A bead of sweat dropped from Evan, drawing Carter's attention.

"What's that?" Carter whispered, wiping his face. As Carter began to look up, Lee Seng and Keng quickly wrapped their tails around the entire group.

'Alter space.' Lee Seng and Keng thought in unison. The space warped around them, making them disappear. Carter didn't see anything out of the ordinary and sighed.

"This place is creepy as ever." Carter continued his check, opening each door and wandering further down the hall. 

"All Numbers, meet at rendezvous point Delta." Number 1 spoke. "We have the Creator's location. Hurry up." She looked to the lab workers and motioned them away. The prismatic energy faded from the lab workers, color returning to them. "You may leave."

"W-what just… happened…?" Lab worker 3 asked.

"C'mon, let's go!" Lab worker 2 grabbed 3 and quickly acknowledged Number 1 last time before leaving with the rest of the workers. Number 1 sighed and looked back down the hall. For a second, she thought she saw something else there. Something that was trying to hide itself. She turned and moved back down the hall, looking at the intersection's ceiling.

'I must be seeing things again…' Number 1 thought. She shook her head and turned around. 'I need to get to Delta. Number 8 will join me as soon as he's done.' Lee Seng and the others watched as Number 1 moved back to the stairwell entrance and turned right into the stairwell entrance.

'What's Delta?' Ritsuka asked.

'Dunno, but let's find out.' Lee Seng motioned. He pulled them over, letting the altered space fade as they quietly lowered and entered the stairwell. Lee Seng turned to look at the others as if to say something when Number 1's voice came through.

"I thought I smelled failure." A pressure pushed up against Lee Seng's head. He grunted as Number 1 reached out for the group. "I found them!"

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