Binding System

Chapter 344 Causing Trouble In The Entrance Gate

Capital of the Xiriel Kingdom, Entrance Gate.

"What is the purpose of your visit? How long will you stay here?" a blue-haired city guard asked the old man.

"I want to visit my son." The old man gave an honest answer. "His name is Rey. I will be staying for two weeks."

The blue-haired city guard shifted his gaze to the mage on his right side, asking him whether the old man was lying or not.

After the mage nodded his head, the blue-haired city guard returned his attention to the old man and uttered, "Alright. You can enter the city."

"Thank you." After saying that, the old man entered the city to meet his son.

As the city guards were checking the visitors, a red-haired man wearing golden armor approached them.

The name of the mature man was Andrew Reid, an awakener at the Grandmaster rank.

Andrew traveled to the entrance gate because he wanted to check on his subordinates. "How is the situation? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is under control, lieutenant." Right after the blue-haired city guard answered Andrew's question, Fyre and the others appeared.

'Oh, no! I was wrong. Trouble is coming.'

He corrected his words in his head.

When Andrew caught sight of Fyre and the others, he immediately retrieved his spear from his space ring.

'4-star magical beasts?'

He was even more shocked when he saw Ace flying in the sky.

'They are led by a dragon?'

He gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"One of you go to headquarters and report this. The rest follow me to fight them." even though his enemies were powerful, he was not afraid because he had to protect the capital city.

"Fight them!"

"Don't let them enter our city!"

"Stop them!"

"Kill them!"

One by one, the troops stood behind Andrew.

As the troops were ready to fight Ace's subordinates, the visitors ran in fear, especially ordinary people.

Calne and the others looked so scary, so their bodies instantly trembled in fear.

"No! Save me!"

"I don't want to die."

"Help! Help!"

They did not care about the rules and entered the city immediately.

The city guards shouted at them.

They told the visitors not to enter the city because they still had not checked them.

But when they were about to stop the visitors from entering the city, they were stopped by Andrew.

Stopping the magical beasts was more important, so Andrew told his subordinates to guard the entrance gate.

"Haha. Die, human!" Hyzi attacked the troops brutally.

Even though it was four versus forty, Andrew and his subordinates were at a disadvantage in the fight.

Hyzi and the others were already at 4-star, so Andrew's subordinates could not stop them.

"Die, human! Die!" like Hyzi, Fyre also attacked them brutally.

Ace gave them two missions before coming to the capital.

First, cause a big uproar in the entrance gate, and lastly, destroy the walls.

This was the reason why Calne and the others acted brutally because Ace said they could do whatever they wanted as long as they could accomplish their missions.

"Die, human!" Hyzi and the others opened their mouths, shooting energy beams out of their mouths.

Like before, the city guards could not do anything.

They had tried to block their attacks with their shields, but their efforts were in vain. Not only that, but they also died after getting hit by the energy beam.

If previously they had forty people, they only had ten people now.

"Cough…Cough…" the blue-haired city guard coughed up blood.

'They are too strong. We can't stop them.'

He looked at the corpses of other city guards around him.

"Oh! That human looks strong." Fyre said as he stared at Andrew. "I've decided it. I will separate his head from his body."

Fyre was excited when he saw a strong human.

Andrew's subordinates were killed easily, so he did not feel excitement when he attacked them.

But when he was about to rush toward Andrew, Hyzi stopped him. "Stop, Fyre! That human is my prey."

"Hey, Hyzi, you can't be selfish. I also want to have some fun." Fyre complained to Hyzi.

"I saw him first, so he was my pre- " before Hyzi had finished his words, more than two hundred city guards rushed toward them.

These city guards were led by a grown man in black armor. Like Andrew, that mature man was also an awakener at the Grandmaster rank.

However, his rank in the military was one level higher than Andrew's.

Andrew was a second lieutenant while he was a first lieutenant.

The name of the mature man was Arnaf Mils.

"Kill these damn magical beasts!" Arnaf roared as he pointed his black sword at Frye and the others.

When Fyre caught sight of Arnaf, he immediately said, "Hyzi, you can take that human. This human in black armor looks more interesting in my eyes."

Fyre did not wait for Hyzi's answer and dashed toward Arnaf.

"He always tells everyone that he is a warrior. But his behavior and expressions are not suitable for being a warrior." Even though Hyzi said something like that, he was happy because he could kill Andrew now.

"Oh? More enemies are joining the fight, huh?" Ace, who was floating in the mid-air, spoke abruptly. "Should I join too?"

Ace still had not attacked the troops since he arrived at the capital. He only floated in the sky because, in his view, Adra and the others were more than enough to destroy the gate.

'Well, they can still handle these troops, so I will just watch them for now.'

He said in his head.

"Damn beast, how dare you cause trouble in the capital? I will take your head and hang it on the wall for a week as your punishment." Andrew pointed his spear at Hyzi.

"You talk like you are stronger than me. Do you know what happens to humans who say things like that to me?" Hyzi spoke and paused for a second before he continued, "They died at my hands."

"Don't compare me with these weaklings because I'm different from them." after saying that, Andrew rushed toward Hyzi, trying to stab him with his spear.

"Then let me see whether you are different from them or not." Hyzi rushed toward Andrew.

Like Hyzi, Fyre also fought his enemy one on one.

He told Calne and Adra not to interfere because Arnaf was his prey.

Calne and Adra could only sigh when they saw Hyzi and Fyre. For this reason, they killed the troops and destroyed the gate.

"Don't let them enter the city!" the troops tried their best to stop Calne and Adra.

They were even willing to sacrifice themselves to stop Calne and Adra because they had to protect the citizens.

Little did they know that Calne and Adra had no intention of entering the capital city because their mission was only to cause a big ruckus and destroy the gate.

Ace, who paid attention to Calne and Adra, nodded his head in satisfaction.

'Good, good!'

The corner of his lips twitched when he shifted his gaze to Hyzi and Fyre.

'What the hell are they doing?'

Even though Andrew and Arnaf were powerful awakeners, it should not be hard for Hyzi and Fyre to kill them.

However, Andrew and Arnaf were still alive.

They only injured heavily.

"Hyzi, Fyre, stop playing around and finish them quickly." Even though killing Andrew and Arnaf was not in their plan, Ace wanted them to kill them.

Andrew and Arnaf were lieutenants, so it would make their plan easier if they could kill Andrew and Arnaf.

"It's a pity, human." Fyre stated. "I can't play with you anymore because boss has ordered me to kill you immediately."

"You are not bad, human. But I will end it here." Hyzi stated.

Andrew and Arnaf gritted their teeth in anger.

'Do you think you can kill me easily?'

Even though they were heavily injured, they believed they could survive later.

"Die, human!" Hyzi and Fyre rushed toward their opponents.

"It's them! Kill them all!"

"Show them the consequences of causing trouble in our place."

"Don't let them run away!"

"Damn beast! I will kill you!"

More than one thousand troops rushed toward Calne and the others.

These troops were led by two powerful awakeners at the Grandmaster rank. Their names were Daniel Roberts and Lola Hayes.

Hyzi and Fyre stopped their footsteps when they noticed these troops.

"Whoa! More prey is coming!" instead of feeling afraid, Fyre was trembling in excitement.

Like Fyre, Hyzi was also excited.

It had been a long time since the last time he fought many enemies at once, so his heart throbbed with happiness.

Fyre returned his attention to Arnaf and uttered, "I can't wait to fight them, so I will end this fight now."

But before he could attack Arnaf, Ace's voice rang out. "Hyzi, Fyre, Calne, Adra, let's leave this place now."


Ace was not afraid of them.

Their goals were to cause a big stir and destroy the wall.

Now that they had achieved their goals, they should leave immediately because it was not the right time to have a big fight.

Even though Hyzi and the others still wanted to fight them, they listened to Ace's order and left that place.

"Chase them! Don't let them run away!"

"Kill them!"

"Damn beast, don't run! Fight us!"

When the troops were about to chase Fyre and the others, they were stopped by Daniel and Lola.

It was not a good idea to chase Ace and his underlings because they might fall into a trap later.

"Are you alright, lieutenant Arnaf?" Daniel inquired.

"My apologize, Captain Daniel. We failed to protect the gate." Arnaf responded.

"It's fine." Daniel uttered.

"Take the injured ones to the headquarters and treat them immediately." Lola uttered, "The rest remain here."

"Understood, Captain Lola." Her subordinates responded.

Lola looked in the direction where Ace and his subordinates were leaving.

'Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling about this?'

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