Binding System

Chapter 298 It’s Good To See You Again

The following morning, Ace headed to the forest to meet Nova. Like usual, he did not come empty-handed because he brought food and drinks with him. 

Nova was different than ordinary magical beasts, and it could be said they were acquaintances, so he treated him well.

"Ace, I stopped four 3-star magical beasts from attacking the citizens yesterday, so you should reward me again tomorrow." Nova kept protecting the citizens because he wanted to eat delicious food every day.

Ace, who was sitting on the ground with his back leaning against a tree, uttered, "You are not lying, right?"

Nova, who was sitting in front of him, looked at the food with sparkling eyes. "Of course, not. I love human food, so I always protect your people."

"So, you protect them for the sake of eating human food, huh?" of course, Ace already knew about this.

"It's like give and take. I protect the citizens and you reward me by giving me food. It's a mutual benefit." Nova did not hide his intention.

"Then why don't you make an agreement with other human?" Ace threw a question at Nova.

"I don't want to." Nova refused immediately. "I made agreements with many humans before, but all of them broke their promises."

"Oh! You had made agreements with human before?" Ace was startled by Nova's words.

"But in the end, they never kept their word and blamed me for everything." Nova was angry whenever he remembered it. 

"Why?" Ace asked curiously.

"Because I'm a magical beast." Nova gave an honest answer. 

"I see." Ace uttered.

"This is the first time a human has treated me well." Nova uttered, "Not only that, but you also keep your promise and you don't look at me with disgust. You are different than other humans, Ace."

Nova then continued, "Even though you are a pervert, but you are a good human."

"Damn! You praised me at the beginning but you said I was a pervert at the end." Previously, Ace was happy with Nova's words, but the happiness within him disappeared instantly when Nova said he was a pervert.

"Haha." Nova laughed loudly.

As Ace was talking with Nova, Scarlett and the others appeared.

"There you are!" Scarlett said when she saw Ace in front of her.

When Nova saw Scarlett, he immediately shouted, "Pervert woman, we meet again."

Evelyn and Aurelia instantly turned their heads toward Scarlett because Nova was looking at her.

"It's good to see you again, pervert woman." Nova did not know his mistake and said with a happy face.

Scarlett instantly stopped her footsteps and looked at Nova coldly. 

'How dare you call me a perverted woman in front of other people.'

She was the city mistress of Nightshire City, so she had to maintain her image.

When Nova noticed her angry expression, he shifted his gaze to Ace. "Ace, why is your woman angry? Did I say something wrong?" 

"She is city mistress, so you should not say something like that in front of other people." Ace knew why Scarlett was unhappy because she always maintained her image.

"I…I see." Nova finally understood everything. "Ehm, female human, long time no see. It's good to see you again."

Scarlett was no longer angry when Nova changed his attitude. 

Then they began to talk.

At first, Evelyn and Aurelia felt awkward because they had never had a casual conversation with a magical beast before.

Normally, they only talked when they were about to fight, but it was different this time.

They even joked and laughed together as if they were not talking with a magical beast but a human being. 

As they were talking happily, Aurelia's disease recurred again.

Nova was shocked and panicked.

They were talking happily earlier, but Aurelia suddenly felt immense pain.

He immediately asked Ace what was going on.

Ace only gave a short explanation because he had to immediately take Aurelia to the rainbow pool.I think you should take a look at

After Ace and the others left, Nova kept thinking about Aurelia's disease. He felt like he had seen that disease before, but he could not remember it clearly.

"Where did I see that disease?" Nova, who was in a human form and sitting on the ground, touched his chin.

He kept thinking about it because he wanted to help Aurelia.

'Ah, right. It's not a disease, it's a poison.'

He finally remembered it.

'Should I tell them now?'

He immediately shook his head.

'No. I should not enter their city or else they will attack me later.'

Even though he could transform into a human, any awakener would still know that he was a magical beast because he could not change his beast aura.

'I will just tell them tomorrow.'

He would tell Ace when he met Ace tomorrow.


The following morning, Nova told Ace about Aurelia's condition. He said Aurelia was not sick, but she was poisoned. 

At first, Ace did not believe Nova's words, he changed his mind when Nova knew the symptoms that occurred when Aurelia's disease recurred. 

Without waiting for another second, Ace called Evelyn, Scarlett, and Aurelia to the forest to meet Nova.

"What?! It's not a disease but a poison?" Evelyn said in surprise after hearing Nova's explanation.

"Yes." Nova responded, "I forgot the name of this poison, but I once met someone who was affected by this poison." 

"Then do you know how to cure this poison?" Aurelia finally saw hope after suffering from an unknown poison for three years.

"I don't know how to cure it." Nova answered, "But I know someone who can cure you."

"Who is it?" Aurelia inquired.

"Her name is Roshia Zinrora." Nova gave an honest answer.

"Roshia Zinrora? Why do I feel like that's not a human name?" Ace felt like it was a demi-human's name.

"Because she is a magical beast like me." Nova knew about this because he had met Roshia before.

"A magical beast?" Aurelia and the others were startled.

"Yes." Nova told them that Roshia was not an ordinary magical beast.

Aurelia and the others fell silent after finding out who Roshia was.

At this moment, they wavered whether they should meet Roshia or not because she was a magical beast, not a human being.

Magical beasts and humans had a bad relationship since long ago, so the possibility of Roshia agreeing to cure Aurelia's poison was almost zero. 

Ace shifted his gaze from Aurelia to Nova. 

'She is a magical beast like him. Maybe he can help us get her to agree to cure Aurelia.'

Nova knew Roshia, so Ace thought they had a good relationship. 

When Ace looked at him, Nova knew what he had in mind. "I don't have a close relationship with her, so I can't help you with it. Everything will depend on you."

"Master, let's go meet her." Even though the chances of Roshia agreeing to cure her master were small, Evelyn still wanted to meet her.

"Palace mistress, you should try meeting her first." Scarlett added. "Maybe she will agree to cure you later." 

Aurelia looked at Evelyn and Scarlett.

'They are right. I should try meeting her first. We won't know the results if we don't try it first.'

She no longer wanted to feel pain, so she agreed with them.

Aurelia looked at Nova and inquired, "Can you guide us to her place?"


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