Binding System

Chapter 275 Let’s Make A Statue Of Ace





The citizens were currently throwing rubbles at Henry and his subordinates.

Henry and his subordinates were the main reason why they lost their families, so they tortured them by throwing rubbles and stones at them.


Blood came out of their heads.

Even though Henry and his subordinates were powerful awakeners, they could not defend or fight back because they were tied to wooden crosses.

The rope that tied their hands and feet was not just any rope. That rope was specially made to punish awakeners.

This was the reason why Henry and his subordinates could not free themselves because their hands and feet were tied with special ropes.

"Scarlett, have you forgotten my contribution to this city? Why are you torturing me like this?" Henry was enraged because the citizens kept throwing stones at them. 

"Henry, I gave you many chances to become a good person because I still remembered your contribution. But instead of becoming a good person, you betray us and cooperate with Dezmavas." Even though Scarlett looked calm, but the flames of anger were burning fiercely within her. 

She then continued, "It was my mistake for giving you so many chances. If I had known you would betray us, I would have killed you long ago."

She was not lying when she said this.

He was also a citizen of Nightshire City, so he should help her protect their city, not cooperate with Dezmavas.

"But you still sho-" Henry could not finish his words because a stone hit his chin.

'Damn it!'

He cursed venomously in his heart. 

"Henry, you reap what you sow, so don't blame me for not stopping them." Scarlett did not say anything when her people kept throwing rubbles at Henry and his subordinates.

"Stop! Stop!" Henry told the citizens to stop throwing stones at him.

However, all of them ignored him.

He was the main reason why they lost their families, so they would show him no mercy.

"I lent you money when you needed it. Is this how you treat your savior?" Henry tried his best to get them to stop throwing stones at him.

But their reaction was different from what he had previously thought.

Instead of stopping, they threw stones at him harder and more.

Sure, what he said was right.

He did lend them money in the past.

However, he also used it to take advantage of them, like taking away their farms or something along these lines.

That was why the citizens were angrier after hearing his words.

"Die, Henry. Die!"

"You took advantage of me, causing me to lose my farm." 

"You also took advantage of me, Henry. Die! Die!"

"My wife committed suicide after you took our only store, Henry. Die! Die!" 

Some of them threw stones with their eyes full of anger.

At that time, they vented all their hatred toward him because they could only hide it in their hearts in the past.

Scarlett, who stood in front of Henry, crossed her arms over her chest.

She liked what they were doing, so she said nothing.

'Henry, I will not show you mercy this time.'

She could not do anything to him in the past.

His family had great influence and had contributed to her city, so she could not do much because she needed strong evidence to be able to convict him.

Now that she had solid evidence, she would not show mercy because she disliked him for a long time. 

After throwing stones at them for several minutes, Henry and his subordinates fell unconscious.

Of course, Scarlett did not let them die easily.

She immediately ordered several mages to heal them because she knew her people still desired to torture them.

As she was looking at Henry, Captain Noah arrived.

"City mistress, we have taken all the beast cores. We put it at the Headquarters." Captain Noah said after he was in front of her.

Scarlett immediately looked at her people and uttered, "Everyone, let's go to the Headquarters now. I will distribute the beast cores to you guys there."

One by one, the citizens followed her to the city guard headquarters.

Like their houses, the Headquarters was also razed to the ground. The Headquarters was not far from the gate, so it could not survive the impact of the war.

"I will distribute these beast cores based on your contributions." Scarlett spoke and paused for a second before she continued, "For non-awakeners, you can sell it to us later. You can use the money to help you rebuild your house or farm." 

The non-awakeners accepted her suggestion.

Not only non-awakeners but even some awakeners also chose to sell their beast cores because they needed money to rebuild their houses.

After distributing the beast cores, Scarlett thanked Allan and his people.

She also said they would always welcome him in their city because he had risked his life to help them protect their city. 

Because the sun was setting, they started setting up their tents.


"Did you see how I killed a 2-star magical beast earlier?" 

"I also killed 2-star magical beasts."

"I killed a lot of magical beasts earlier."

"I kicked them with my mighty legs earlier."

"My arrow hit their eyes too."

The citizens were currently sitting in front of a big bonfire.

Even though their houses were razed to the ground, none of them felt sad because they felt closer when they chatted like that.

"City mistress, how about we make a statue of Ace and place it in the city square?" a green-haired man suggested this idea because Ace was the reason why they could win the war.

"I agree."

"Me too."

"Yeah, we should make a statue of Ace." 

"Un, un."

The other citizens agreed with the green-haired man's idea.

Scarlett, who was sitting on the log, responded, "I don't mind it."

"Good! Let's make a statue of Ace tomorrow." The green-haired man uttered, "But what pose should we use for the Ace statue?"

The blue-haired man rose to his feet before finally standing before them and placing his hands behind his back. 

"How about this pose? I think this pose is cool because he looks like an expert in this pose." The blue-haired man thought it was a good pose for Ace's statue.

"How about we make a statue of him when he descends from the sky?" the brown-haired man spoke abruptly. "He looks like an angel in this pose, especially with a beautiful pair of wings on his back." 

"That's a good pose." The black-haired man stated.

"I have an idea." The yellow-haired man raised his right hand. "How about we make a statue of him when he sits on the golden throne?"

"Ah, that pose?" of course, everyone still remembered it because they could not forget it.

Ace looked like a king when he sat on the golden throne, especially when a king's aura emitted from his body.

"Dezmavas, kneel!" the purple-haired man uttered.

"To be honest, Ace looked so cool at that time." The red-haired man uttered, "He could even make a dragon kneel before him just by using words."

"Of course, because Ace is someone loved by the heavens." The blue-haired man uttered, "A dragon is nothing to him."

"So, which pose should we use?" the green-haired man inquired. 

"Hmm? I'm sure he will look good in all poses."

"I agree."

"Well, he is good-looking, so he will look good in all poses."

The citizens could not make up their minds.

"City mistress, which pose should we use?" the green-haired man inquired.

"I think we should let Ace decide it." Scarlett also could not choose the best pose because she believed he would look good in all poses.

"By the way, where is Ace? I haven't seen him since earlier." The green-haired man uttered.

"He said he was going for a walk with Alena earlier." Scarlett responded. 

Coincidently, Ace and Alena returned when they talked about him.

"It's him."

"Ace has returned."

"Let's ask him."

The citizens looked at Ace when they caught sight of him.

Ace, who was carrying Alena, was stunned.

'What's going on?'

He did not know what was going on because he strolled around the city with Alena earlier.

"Ace, which pose do you want?" The green-haired man immediately showed all the poses they had chosen previously.

"What's with this pose?" Ace still did not understand anything.

"Ace, you are the reason why we can win the war, so they want to make a statue of you." Scarlett gave a short explanation.

"What?! Statue of me?" he said in surprise.

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