105 105. The Baby is Yours

Lea’s heart stopped beating when she heard those words slip from her lips. She could not believe that she would be able to say that. Giving the baby to someone else.

But Clara wasn’t just another person. She was the woman she hurt. Clara was the woman whose engagement she marred with a night with Dave. Clara was the woman she wished would accept the apology. Clara was a woman who helped her mother. Clara was special to Lea, either positively or negatively.

This special woman was hurting and needed encouragement and support. She is in trouble and hopes to find a solution to her problem. On the other hand, the solution to the problem lies in Lea’s womb. Why didn’t Lea want to help that special woman?

At this time, Clara had time to think, was Dave’s mistake in sleeping with Lea the solution to the problem? Did God ordain something like that so that she and he would stay together with the presence of a baby who was also his own blood and flesh ... although not from her own womb?

Unfortunately, Clara didn’t want to take Lea’s offer right away. “Why did you do that? For what reason?” asked Clara with the least bit of suspicion, still intact as before.

“Clara, I feel, this is what’s best for us. Dave ... and her family definitely don’t want their grandchild, the old money, to grow up with a woman from a poor background like me. As a mother, I also believe that this child will grow up better in an affluent family, with a father and mother who are like you. Both of you come from a respectable families. The child’s education must be well guaranteed, no?” Lea explained further. She tried her best not to sound doubtful. She tried her best to sugarcoat her lies well so that Clara was convinced and willing to accept this idea.

“Poor?” whispered Clara curiously. “Your mother’s medical expenses are not cheap, right?” She asked again, remembering something. “I don’t want to discuss this with my patient. However, since you mentioned it, I became curious. Did Dave give you some money to pay for your mom’s surgery, then ask for this baby in return?” Clara demanded, shaking Lea’s shoulder.

“Clara, you accuse me with no proof,” Lea denied Clara’s statement. She didn’t lie, though. It wasn’t Dave who did that.

“Ah, sorry,” Clara answered softly. She had made a mistake, she shouldn’t have accused Lea of ??having such an agreement. “It’s just, I’m afraid it was Dave who forced you to do this.”


Lea shook her head slowly. “Clara, go back to Dave. Live your lives as before. Even though it would be impossible to erase something like this, I hope, with this, you will be able to forget everything that ever happened.”

“Impossible! This is ridiculous, Lea!” Clara pulled her hand from Lea’s shoulder. Inevitably, her hands trembled even though she turned on the heating mode or the air conditioner in her room. “No way, Lea! The baby is yours.”

“I’m leaving this town. You can pretend I never existed. I ... will not consider this child as my child,” Lea stopped talking for a moment, squeezing her hand which was starting to feel cold even though she was wearing gloves. “This child will be yours.”

Clara turned around because she was so nervous. She of course wanted to accept Lea’s child. However, she felt that this was not right.

“Go! I still have a lot to do,” Clara said, her voice shaking. “I have to see another patient. They need me.”

That’s all Clara said. She then opened the door, allowing Lea to come out of her room.

Inhaled. Exhaled.

Lea tried to understand Clara’s confusion. She had already tried to convince Clara. However, it would be very difficult without telling the truth. Where would Clara be sure that something like this would be the best solution?

Finally, Lea gave in. Her feet, which had been frozen, now moved to leave the room. As she passed Clara, Lea said, “I know you can’t decide things like this quickly. However, you can change your opinion anytime.”

Clara did not respond to Lea’s words. She just said goodbye, as if Lea was a patient consulting her.

Wearily, Lea then walked away from Lea’s room. She then remembered Dave contacting her some time ago. She was forced to cut off the conversation as she was on her way to the hospital.

Lea then took her phone and made a call to her former boss. She hesitated a little, but She did it anyway.

“Lea?” asked Dave from the other end of the phone.

“Can I come to your office now? I think we should meet to discuss an important matter.”

He agreed. “If you can get here in fifteen minutes, I think we have enough time.”

Lea ordered an Uber to take her to Dave’s office without waiting any longer.

Unfortunately, the road that afternoon was not good. The traffic jam was bad. Lea was late reaching his office. Dave had a meeting already.

Lea walked quickly, ran a bit, and entered the office that used to be a place of work. She hoped Dave was still waiting for her. However, how disappointed she was that the girl at the secretarial desk said that Dave was gone. How could a hardworking man cancel or postpone a meeting to wait for her?

Not wanting to waste any more time, Lea then chose to wait until Dave finished the meeting. She also went to the lounge and chose to wait for him there while reading magazines and collections of books that had been deliberately placed there to spend relaxing time for those in need.

Usually, guests who arrive earlier than the appointment or who haven’t made an appointment do wait there while drinking coffee. When she was still working with Dave, she was sometimes a little annoyed with people who forced her to meet her boss without making an appointment first. She didn’t think that now she was doing it.

While laughing at herself, Lea took off her coat and put it on the hanger provided near the entrance of the lounge. She also took off her gloves and put them in her coat pocket.

Without hesitation, Lea then took the clean coffee cup provided there and then spooned instant coffee into the cup. Usually, She will spend time making coffee with an espresso maker. However, this time She was too lazy to do so. She would rather spend time relaxing on the soft sofa.

Understandably, the daily activities and the tension in Clara’s office made Lea, who was pregnant, got tired. After adding some hot water to the coffee mixture, non-dairy creamer, and a few sticks of sugar, Lea took a small spoon and stirred the coffee slowly. The steaming hot smoke made her bare hands warm. She got more comfort when she held the hot cup directly with both hands.

The delicious smell of coffee immediately wafted into Lea’s nose. The coffee provided was still the same as the one served some time ago when was still working here. Nobody knew how much was in stock because as far as she recalled, the coffee was a gift from a client.

Lea then chose a table in the corner and put her coffee cup there. She then took a book to read. A novel about a handsome billionaire who accidentally meets a young widow with two children while on holiday at her villa.

The story didn’t entertain her because she doesn’t like reading romance fiction. As a result, just a few pages from the first chapter was enough to make her eyes heavy. Without having time to drink a sip of the coffee she had made earlier, she fell into a deep slumber. Books that were not her cup of tea were natural sleeping pills that did not cause side effects.

She dreamed of meeting a boy she doesn’t know, about three years old. The boy smiled at her and kissed her. When Lea asked her why the boy kissed her, he simply replied, “I love you no matter what you do. I believe because you must love me too.”

Lea gasped, waking up covered in sweat. The dream was so vivid. It messed up her mind.

Seconds later, she realized that she wasn’t in the break room anymore. She was already in a room that she was not too familiar with. Hadn’t she been waiting for Dave in the waiting room? Why was she now in the bedroom? A bedroom that is not hers of course.

The room was in black and white. Measures two by three meters, cramped. Only intended for sleep. Not for any other purpose. Like a break room, but quite luxurious.

Upon closer inspection, she seemed to have known this room. When her hand brushed against a photograph on the nightstand next to the bed, that’s when Lea knew where she was. That photo of Clara and Dave embracing each other said who was the owner.

“Are you awake?” a familiar deep voice greeted her. That voice ... the voice of her former boss.

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