"Miss Zeng, it's me!"

A Jin has come to Zeng Ni in the dark and quickly unties the rope in Zeng Ni's hand.

"Follow me!" Jin grabs Zeng Ni's hand.

Zeng Ni didn't expect Huo yunxun to be rescued. She was surprised and pleased, but the next second, she thought of her brother.

"Wait a minute, my brother..."

"Don't worry, I've sent for your brother."

Thank you Zeng Ni in addition to say thank you, really do not know how to express their feelings at this time.

Jin grabs Zeng Ni's hand. "We need to get out of here."

Zenny nodded and walked out of the dark room. Her eyes were stabbed by the light outside, and she closed her eyes immediately.

After a Jin found out about Zeng Ni's situation, she slowed down a little and gave Zeng Ni time to adapt.

To the downstairs, zenny see her brother is OK, hanging a heart is finally able to return to the throne.

"Sister, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. What about you? Is there anything wrong with you?"

Zeng Peng shook his head, "No

"We need to get out of here at once. After a while, Chen Jianxin's return will cause a lot of noise. "


A Jin drove Zeng Ni and Zeng Peng to Haoting garden. Only here can their brothers and sisters be safe. Even if Chen Jianxin was given 100 courage, he would not dare to break in, unless he really died!

When Gu Yaoyao looked at Zeng Ni, she immediately stepped forward: "elder sister suffered!"

Zeng Ni felt guilty about Gu Yaoyao. But for her, Gu Yaoyao would not have been attacked.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry!"

"No need to say I'm sorry. The safety of you and your brother is the most important thing! " Gu Yaoyao said with a smile.

Zeng Ni is really ashamed of Gu Yaoyao's concern.

After settling in Zeng Ni and Zeng Peng, Gu Yaoyao comes out of the room.

"Are they asleep?"

"Well." Gu Yaoyao nods. "I didn't expect Chen Jianxin to be so insane and make such a thing."

Huo yunxun hugged Gu Yaoyao and walked forward, "Chen Jianxin used to do a lot of business, but later he was washed white. This time, he was forced to do something like this again

Gu Yaoyao frowns. It's terrible to think about such a thing.

"Don't think too much. I'll take care of these things. " Huo yunxun does not want to go to Gu Yaoyao to contact too much. After all, such a world is not easy for her to accept.

"Well!" Gu Yaoyao nods.

On the third day of this incident, there was still no news from Chen Jianxin. This makes Gu Yaoyao a little uneasy. She always thinks that there will be variables in it.

Gu Yaoyao hasn't been out these days, and has been at home. The news on the Internet has subsided, but my work has been put on hold again and again.

There was news on TV when Gu Yaoyao saw a familiar face. Looking at the Hermione in the Royal dress, he really looks like a prince.

These days, I am busy with my own affairs, and I forget this character. I just didn't think he was still in a city!

According to the news, helianmin is about to finish his study tour in city a and will go back to country f tomorrow. So before he left, he was interviewed by reporters.

Almost all the questions revolve around the content of the study tour. Looking at the well-informed helianmin, Gu Yaoyao wants to see him not in private, but only at this time. He is really like a prince.

But all of a sudden, the reporter asked a question: "may I ask your highness, in this study tour, what things are more impressive?"

He Lianmin showed a charming smile to the camera, and his face seemed to have something to say.

"It's true." He replied.

Gu Yaoyao's heart thumped for a moment, feeling that what he was going to say next seemed to have something to do with himself.

"What is that?" The reporter continued to ask.


Reporters immediately smell the smell of gossip, are waiting for the words behind helianmin.

"Who is it?"

"A woman." Helianmin did not dodge, but went on to say: "a woman who has been attacked and criticized continuously these days! The netizens' verbal attacks here are too poisonous. They can do such a thing to a woman! "

He Lianmin's words soon caused a great reaction. The woman who has been attacked continuously these days is Gu Yaoyao? I didn't expect that the prince of F would pay attention to entertainment news. Gu Yaoyao is really popular this time!

"Do you mean Gu Yaoyao by your highness?"

Helianmin smiles again, and this smile seems to confirm the answer.

"What does your royal highness think of this

"She's not that kind of person. If she had to rely on a man, she would have stuck with me when she knew me. It's not like I'm back and forth, or I'm worried about getting involved with me. "After that, the scene will explode! Did Gu Yaoyao know Prince f? At this time, the prince spoke for Gu Yaoyao in his own interview! It's too much to think about!

"Did your highness know Gu Yaoyao?"

"Yes, yes! She did me a big favor. I always remember it in my heart! " He said with a smile. "I've been watching the news these days, and I know that she's in some trouble. She wants to care about it, but she refuses! I don't understand why such a woman is attacked? "

He Lianmin looked at the camera in front of him and called directly to Gu Yaoyao: "Yao Yao, if the people here can't accommodate you, welcome to country f! I'll be your agent myself. How about that? "

Helianmin's explosive speech was broadcast live!

Is Prince f telling Gu Yaoyao?!

"Your Highness, are you confessing to Gu Yaoyao

"Yes He Lianmin nodded generously, and then deliberately delayed for a long time before adding a sentence: "in fact, I am also a fan of Yao Yao, iron powder! I will support my idol at all costs

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

It is a great honor for the prince of F to say that he is a fan of Gu Yaoyao. Gu Yaoyao is really lucky to meet such a good thing!

Later, no matter what the reporter asked again, he Lianmin did not answer!

Originally thought it would be a boring press conference, but he didn't expect that he Lianmin would burst into a frenzy, which was lively!

But the speech of helianmin made Huo yunxun's face black. People in the whole conference room felt low pressure and didn't dare to make a sound at all. Huo yunxun's face is really frightening. Just sitting there makes people's hair stand up!

Ah Jin sits beside Huo yunxun and doesn't speak. As for helianmin's speech, it was intentional!

But as Gu Yaoyao's husband, Huo yunxun must have been stimulated.

People who had been cooling for half an hour at low pressure felt reborn after hearing Huo yunxun say a farewell.

"Get in touch with helianmin!"


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