Hearing Huo Dongyang's address to herself, Zhao Liya knew that he already knew his real identity. And these things should not be difficult for him.

Seeing Zhao Liya did not refute, Huo Dongyang took a few steps forward. "Mrs. Nangong should tell me in advance when she comes to a city."

"Don't bother. I'm here for personal reasons Zhao Liya replied.

Huo Dongyang's eyes fall on Tang Yixuan. He reaches out and pats Tang Yixuan on the shoulder. "It's about Yixuan?"

"Huo Dongyang, I hope you don't interfere in my family affairs." Zhao Liya gives a warning. She didn't make the trip public this time. She just didn't want other people to know that it was her own private affair.

Huo Dongyang nodded. "I'm not a meddler, so my wife can rest assured."

"Is it?" Zhao Liya's eyes are serious. Huo Dongyang's current behavior has fully shown that he is nosy.

Huo Dongyang smiles. "Madam, I hope you can understand that Yixuan and I are family now. So the family affairs, if you don't want to worry about it, are also about the past! "

Zhao Liya did not refute Huo Dongyang's remarks, and he did not say anything wrong. Now that Tang Yixuan and Xia Yunqiao are married, Huo Dongyang has become the elder of Tang Yixuan. However, it is also his own fault. He went directly to this club without asking clearly. He was anxious to see Tang Yixuan, which inevitably made mistakes.

Huo Dongyang looked around the atmosphere a little stiff, he looked back at Tang Yixuan. "Yixuan, is this business over?"

Tang Yixuan nodded. "Well!"

"Then, by the way, I won't talk about personal affairs together, will you? If you don't speak clearly now, it will be more troublesome in the future. Or you can listen to Mrs. Nangong's story. " Huo Dongyang looks at Tang Yixuan and says.

Zhao Liya has a sentence that can't be wrong, that is, these are her private affairs, and of course they belong to the Nangong family. From this point of view, I am really an outsider.

Tang Yixuan is really surprised that Huo Dongyang will let himself stay. What should he know? Otherwise, the time card will not appear just like this and let yourself stay. What is the secret of Nangong family? But Tang Yixuan's heart has always been excluded to accept these, he does not want to because of anything, let himself and Xia Yunqiao happen any variables.

Huo Dongyang gave Tang Yixuan an encouraging look, "it's OK to listen. We always have some identities that we can't get rid of. The more we evade these things, the greater their influence will be. Do you understand? "

Tang Yixuan nodded, "I know."

Huo Dongyang turned around and went out. This time should belong to their mother and son. What the truth is should be let them tell each other clearly. Today, Zhao Liya did not bring other people, presumably because of this purpose.

Huo Dongyang just returned to his room and saw Xia Yunqiao.

Huo Dongyang did not feel surprised, want to come to Xia Yunqiao should also know some things, "come to me?"

Xia Yunqiao nodded. "Yes

"Want to know about Tang Yixuan?"

Xia Yunqiao continued to nod his head. "Yes, uncle, tell me what you know. I don't want to think about it alone."

Huo Dongyang sat down. "Why don't you wait for Tang Yixuan to tell you?"

Xia Yunqiao then sat down, "if Yixuan will tell me, I won't come to see uncle today. He certainly didn't want to worry me, so he would choose to bear it alone. If I had not heard those things yesterday, I would not have known that Yixuan was not a child of the Tang family until I died. "

Huo Dongyang looked at Xia Yunqiao kindly. She and Tang Yixuan chose a difficult road, but what could not be stopped was their fate. Or to return to their own once said a word, if the fate of a little shallow. So now there's nothing.

Before the identity of Tang Yixuan, Huo Dongyang had a fluke heart, he is not the real Tang family, so he will not have the mission of the Tang family. As a result, Huo Dongyang thinks that God really likes to joke. The identity of the Tang family has been solved, and now a Nangong family has sprung up. The big family in state F, in a word, is the Royal relatives and relatives, and their family's contribution to state f can be said to be more powerful than that of the king.

Today, the Nangong family has made great contributions to the state. Therefore, the king was very polite to the Nangong family. He even wanted to be in laws with Nangong state, so that he could be a real kinsman. However, many years ago, the prince died unexpectedly, but the royal family announced that the prince was missing, which left the royal family and even the country f in a state of sadness.

Over the years, the king's precious daughter grew up, and the king seemed to intend to marry her to Nangong state. But Nangong family is also facing a problem in this generation. The son in the family is either married or too small, so the burden falls on Nangong Chao. However, Nangong Chao and Zhao Liya have to be tough. Therefore, it is urgent to find the son who has been missing for many years. So Zhao Liya secretly went to the country to find her son. In C City, she really found Tang Yixuan.

That's why there's going to be some of these things. Zhao Liya really prepared a lot for meeting Tang Yixuan today. So today, no one can stop her, and in no way, Huo Dongyang can only come forward to let Tang Yixuan listen to Zhao Liya's story. Or there are other secrets that outsiders don't know."What are you thinking, uncle?" Xia Yunqiao first saw Huo Dongyang with tangled face.

Huo Dongyang returned to his mind from his mind, "eh?"

Xia Yunqiao saw Huo Dongyang lose his mind for the first time. His uneasiness gradually expanded. It seems that things are not so simple. "Uncle, who is Yixuan?"

Huo Dongyang looked at Xia Yunqiao, "Xiao Qiao, if you and Tang Yixuan had not met, then everything will become very simple now."

"What do you mean?"

"If Tang Yixuan is really Zhao Liya's son, then he is a member of the Nangong family in F country."

Xia Yunqiao's eyes instantly enlarged, this matter has been beyond the scope of his imagination. "Country f? Nangong family? "

Huo Dongyang simply told Xia Yunqiao what he knew. Huo Dongyang knows that this news is a big blow to anyone. Now everyone's eyes will be on Tang Yixuan, and his choice will change many things now.

Xia Yunqiao's face turned white, and she could say that she had a lot of thoughts in her heart. If Tang Yixuan was really from Nangong family, what should she and Tang Yixuan do?

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