When I heard Sumeria, suweiming was first stunned, then he raised his hand to beat her.

Seeing suweiming to start, yunyiyan immediately block in front of sumberry. "Sudong!"

"Molly, you forget how I taught you, you actually do such things! How can I talk to your parents like you are! " Suweiming said with great pain that slowly he also put his hand down.

Yun Yiyan saw suweiming put down his hand, and he looked back at Su Molly, "why do you say such a thing!"

"I......" Su Mo Li lowered her head, and she just said that in a hurry. She was also worried that grandpa had been opposed, and she would blurt out.

"I apologize to your grandfather," yunyiyan sighed silently

Su Mo Li came out from behind yunyiyan, and she looked down at suweiming and said, "Grandpa, I am wrong."

Su Weiming glared at yunyiyan. He was also impulsive just now. If it wasn't for yunyiyan to block it in time, he might have really started. Now he will certainly regret. From childhood to college, he has been very painful for Su Mo Li, who was also suffering pain to send her out to study abroad. It's not easy. She'll be back. Thinking about keeping her at home for a while, the company did the same thing.

Then I thought that she would marry a good man, and he could let them live at home together. Such a family was still neat. I didn't expect that the girl had given herself such a big problem when she came back. This who is not good choice, choose cloud Yiyan.

Suweiming also felt tired. He stepped back and sat down in front of the sofa. He looked up at Su Mo Li who still stood in front of him, and in fact, he was not able to bear it. But when his eyes touch yunyiyan, he also immediately raises his attitude.

"It's too late to say sorry now." Suweiming opens.

"Grandpa..." Su Molly looked up at her grandfather. It was so difficult this time. What should I do next? It's not always possible to make the situation so rigid, and it's not good for anyone to go on like this.

Sumeria kept thinking about ways to calm the dispute. She has been so aggrieved at suweiming, hoping that he can be soft once. "Grandpa, don't you want me to be happy?"

"Grandpa certainly wants you to be happy. But you and Yunyi won't be happy together. " Su Weiming replied.

"Grandpa, I and Yunyi will feel happy together."

"Jasmine! What this man did before was a shame! " Suweiming said staring at yunyiyan. "You let him tell you about it!"

Yunyiyan went on a step forward, and he stood with sumberry. "Sudong, if you are talking about me and Qiao Xin, I can explain it to you."

"I don't want to hear the mixed things you did before." Suweiming did not listen to yunyiyan's explanation at all. "What are you going to do with you and Molly now?"

Yunyiyan followed suweiming's question, "I want to be with Sumeria!"

"You mean you'll be responsible?" Su Weiming stared at yunyiyan and asked, if he dared to say a word, he would have to work out the old life with yunyiyan.

"So how does Sudong want me to take charge of it?" Yun Yiyan asked, and it seems that he is ready to agree to the tone of suweiming.

Suweiming suddenly smiled and said, "don't think I just promised you to ask like this. I can marry Jasmine tomorrow as well! That man is not you! "

"Since that, Sudong doesn't have to be in my charge?" Cloud Yi Yan picks eyebrows.

"Of course not. You ruined Molly's innocence, and of course you were responsible!" Su Weiming replied.

"Please say!"

Sumberry immediately realized that it was not right, "Grandpa! I have no marriage in my life except for yunyiyan! " Su Mo Li was nervous, because she knew that Grandpa wanted yunyiyan to help dad find the liver suitable for him, and exchange her own innocence for father's health!

Yunyiyan heard that sumberry suddenly changed her attitude, and he felt that there was a problem in it. Then he heard sumberry, "yunyiyan, you go back first! Don't stay here. "

Suweiming stared at Sumeria, and the child was really alert. I know it before I say it. This is also his way to save his son. The ability of yunyiyan and huodongyang is so big that it is certainly not a problem to find a suitable liver.

"What's wrong?" Yunyiyan thinks there is an indefinable secret between suweiming and sumali.

"Yunyiyan, you go back first." Sumberry's attitude has also become tough, so she doesn't want to use these deals to exchange her feelings with yunyiyan.

Suweiming said looking at Yun Yiyan. "I can't do it as you look. Forget it, you go! Don't come to Molly in the future. "

"You don't know, how can't I do it?" Yunyiyan really wants to hear what this requirement is!

Sumberry frowned to pull the hand of yunyiyan. "Yunyiyan, you don't ask. You'll go back first today! " Finish, Su Mo Li uses her hand to push cloud Yi Yan, but a hard, she felt the wound behind again split! A pain swept over the whole body of Sumeria.She didn't use her strength, so she fell on Yun Yiyan's body. Yun Yiyan immediately reached out and held Su Moli. "What's the matter?"


As soon as Yun Yiyan hears this, he immediately goes to check Su Moli's back. As expected, the blood seeps out again. Yun Yiyan tightened his eyebrows and worried in his eyes, "don't you want to be excited! You just don't listen

With that, Yun Yiyan stopped and picked up Su Moli. "Let's go to the hospital!"

Su Weiming was also nervous when he saw this situation. "Molly, what's the matter with you? Don't scare grandfather

"To the hospital!" Yun Yiyan said aloud.

Looking at Yun Yiyan holding Su Moli out, Su Weiming immediately let Lao Liu drive.

Liu's speed is obviously not as fast as Yun Yiyan's driver. He is also trying to be stable. He thinks that Yun Yiyan will definitely take care of Su Moli. He is confident about this.

"Lao Liu, drive fast!"

"My Lord, that car is a high-end sports car. We can barely keep up with it."

"Keep up, then." Su Weiming said anxiously.

Lao Liu nodded and accelerated a little. He also said a lot. "Master, in fact, you really don't have to make trouble for Yun Yiyan and miss. Since the young lady likes Yun Yiyan, why don't you help them? "

"What do you know? What did Yun Yiyan do in the past..."

"The past is the past, and it does not mean the present. Today, I see that Yun Yiyan is also a responsible person. Otherwise, Huo Dongyang would not give him a company. It's that you don't embarrass them with your husband's situation. This will only make the young lady more disgusted. "

Su Weiming was said by Lao Liu, but he was also a bit upset. In fact, he also wanted to make su Mo Li live a better life. After all, she had no mother since she was a child, and her father was in poor health all the year round, so he could not take good care of her. As a grandfather, I'm old too. I just want her to live well for the rest of her life! Is there a mistake?

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