Jian LAN just also saw cloud Yi Yan's face changed suddenly, she cluttered for a moment.

"What's the matter?" Jian LAN reaches for Yun Yiyan's mobile phone, but is dodged by Yun Yiyan.

Yun Yiyan looked at Jian LAN and said, "it's OK. Are you hungry? "

"What's the matter?" Jian LAN is still chasing after her. She thinks it must be Qin Hao's news. After all, the time is almost the same, whether it's good news or bad news, it's time to come. After 72 hours, the chances of good news are certainly low.

Seeing that Yun Yiyan didn't speak, Jian LAN went on to say, "Qin Hao, there's news, right? Yunyiyan, tell me! I am Qin Hao's wife. You have the right to tell me the truth. You can't always hide it from me like this! "

Cloud Yi Yan is a face embarrassed, "Jian LAN, you don't want to be like this."

"Say it Excited Jane LAN cried out.

"Just got the latest news, the plane confirmed that there was an accident, the plane took off more than two hours after the explosion!" Yun Yiyan lowered his head and did not dare to see Jian LAN.

With a bang, Jane Lan's head was blank, and her whole person was frozen. Except for the tears that kept falling out, the rest of the body froze.

Cloud Yiyan saw Jian Lan's hand hang down, he looked up at Jian LAN, looked at her this way, his heart was also squeezed. He stretched out his hand to hold Jian LAN, even his voice became choked up. "Jane LAN, if you want to cry, cry out loud. Don't hold on like this

People really need to vent, if not, will certainly suffocate out of illness! Therefore, Yun Yiyan hopes that Jian LAN can vent all her anger.

"Ah Jane LAN called out and cried out loud. Or she has been repressed these days, and now she has completely collapsed!

Cloud Yiyan's eyes are also wet, he hugs Jian LAN. "Cry! Just cry out! "

Jane Lan's cry also makes Smith and Jason outside the ward feel uncomfortable together. Jason turns his head, and he reaches out to wipe away his tears. For the first time in his life, he was a good brother of his own. In the past, when they started a business together, they would quarrel with each other and fight for a case. Now think about it. This is the best time.

It's hard to see that Qin Hao meets a woman who loves each other and is about to marry and become a father. However, such a change has taken place. Jason thinks that Qin Hao is not such a short-lived man, but now he is!

After receiving the news just now, he also digested for a long time before he recovered. When he calmed down, he sent the message to Yun Yiyan. Because he dare not say these things to Jian LAN, he dare not and can not bear. So he asked Yun Yiyan to be the villain.

Smith handed Jason the tissue. "There are a lot of things to deal with next. You have to stick with it!"

"Well!" Jason reaches for the tissue and wipes it hard.

In the room, Jane Lan's cry also gradually become smaller, it seems that the mood is stable.

Jian LAN pushed Yun Yiyan aside and thought, "yunyiyan, you promised me before that you would come to me to find Qin Hao."

Yunyiyan heard Jian Lan's voice that had been crying hoarse, and then said: "you want to go to the Middle East?"

"Well! I'm going. " Jian LAN wants to see the place where Qin Hao left last. Maybe it still has his breath.

Yun Yiyan knows that Jian LAN is not completely calm down, so he also uses the policy of procrastination. "OK, but you must get well these days. You are very weak now. You can't go anywhere."

Jane LAN agreed, then she really like a changed person, very cooperate with the treatment, also obediently eat with. But no one knew what she really thought. She wants to go to the Middle East to follow Qin Hao's footsteps. She wants to go with him!

Yun Yiyan and Jason thought that Jian LAN had a goal, so they worked hard to let themselves go to the Middle East, so they relaxed their vigilance.

The next day, Qiao Wei arrived in the United States. She takes care of Jane LAN in the hospital, hoping to pull her out of her sadness.

"Xiaolan, I made you a nutritious soup today. You must finish Qiao Wei said while giving Jianlan soup.

It seems that the fragrance of the soup really makes Jian Lan's eyes shift from the window to the steaming soup. "Thank you, tiny!"

"You're welcome. We're all family." Replied Jovi. "You must eat more now and think more about your children, will you?"

Jane Lan's eyes fall on his still flat stomach, this child really is not the time. Jane Lan's eyes become disgusting. "Tiny, I don't want this child!"

Although she heard that Smith and Yun Yiyan had said that Jane LAN had repeatedly said not to have this child, she was really surprised when she heard it herself. Jane LAN didn't really want this child!

"Xiao Lan, why don't you want this child. This is the continuation of your life and Qin Hao's life. " Qiao Wei is shocked to look at Jian LAN, even can't understand the idea.Jane LAN shakes her head. "This kid came at a bad time, and I don't want him to grow up in a sound family. I don't want to think about Qin Hao when I see him in the future

Qiao Wei listens to Jian LAN these words, in the heart is really very painful. She can understand the pain of Jian LAN at the moment, but she still wants to let Jane LAN leave the child, otherwise she will be too late to regret in the future.

Jian LAN see Qiao Wei did not make a voice, thought she was not planning to persuade himself, she went on to say: "tiny, when will Huo always come back?"

"Only a few days." Qiao Wei also did not know when Huo Dongyang would come back. She did not contact Huo Dongyang after she arrived here, so she did not know the situation there. And now they want to drag Jian LAN to the Middle East, where she can't stand.

Qiao Wei did not think about these trivial things any more. "Xiao Lan, you drink the soup first."

Jane LAN nodded obediently to finish the soup, "slightly, will help me to ask the doctor, I want to leave the hospital."


When Qiao Wei leaves the ward, the whole person can't hold back, she stealthily wipes tears. Now Jane LAN really has no will to survive, and now the only thing that supports her is to go to the Middle East.

A paper towel appeared in front of Qiao Wei. Qiao Wei looked up and saw that it was Yun Yiyan. She reached for the paper towel. Thank you

"Qiao Wei, I want to take Jane LAN back to a city." Yun Yiyan said to Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei didn't agree, "now Xiao Lan can't stand any stimulation. You can't take her back to city a on the pretext of taking her to the Middle East. When she knows that, she can't stand it

"What do you think you should do? You can't take her to the Middle East! " In fact, Yun Yiyan also hopes that Jian LAN can change a place, or her mood will be different.

Qiao Wei looks at Yun Yiyan. She knows that Yun Yiyan is also for Jian Lan's sake, but she still wants to wait for Huo Dongyang's meaning. After all, he and John are there, and they know the situation clearly.

With that, Huo Dongyang's call came.

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