Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 342: She had looked mouthwatering to him, It would be hard for Gu Yan to not get mad

Chapter 342: She had looked mouthwatering to him, It would be hard for Gu Yan to not get mad

Qin Shu hung up the phone after she said that, not giving any chances for Gu Yan or Fu Tingyu to interrupt her decision.

As Gu Yan heard her stressful tone in her words, he had thought that Fu Tingyu must have been in a critical condition—he had known his health conditions all this time. Therefore, once Qin Shu hung up the phone, he had put away his phone, walked to his medical office, retrieved his medical kit, and had Ji Fei drove the car.

After Qin Shu hung up, she threw her phone on the sofa beside her as she stood in front of Fu Tingyu. She had straightened her back, and she stared at him with her doe eyes.

“Once Gu Yan has checked on you and confirmed that there’s nothing wrong with you, you can head to the office.”

Fu Tingyu glanced at the phone that had been mercilessly thrown away and then looked back at Qin Shu. He took a step forward and closed the distance between them. He lowered his eyes and looked at the girl who was half a head shorter than him, at her very best attempt to stop him from going to work.

There was nothing he could do with her.

As Fu Tingyu was looking straight into her eyes and not uttering a word, Qin Shu had felt a little uneasy. He was staring at her, his eyes intimidating, just like he was looking at something mouthwatering—and she was that delicious meal.

She could not help but take two steps back.

Fu Tingyu, who had not spoken the whole time, took another few steps forward as she stepped back. Once again, the distance between them had shortened. He looked at her with a faint smile. “Are you afraid, Babe? Or did you get what’s on my mind now?”

Qin Shu could tell what he was thinking. She had almost seen a fleeting glimpse of dim light in his eyes for a moment. She turned her attention to the kettle on the table. “Gu Yan will be here soon. Sit down and take a rest. I’ll pour you some water.”

As she spoke, she had walked to the table and poured some water from the kettle.

Fu Tingyu looked at the girl who ran away in a hurry. He smirked, made his way slowly to the sofa, and sat down. As he watched her, he could almost imagine how a good, virtuous wife she would be in the future.

Qin Shu poured a cup of warm water, walked back to his side, and handed him. “Have some water first.” Looking at Fu Tingyu’s discolored face, she had thought why Gu Yan had not gotten there yet.

Fu Tingyu held the cup of water and took a sip. The temperature of the water was just right. Even when he drank water, he had maintained his graceful and elegant poise.

Qin Shu looked at the time on her watch again, wondering where Gu Yan was right at that moment and whether he was in a traffic jam. She was getting anxious.

Before long, Gu Yan had hurried over in the shortest time possible, all thanks to Ji Fei’s fast driving—the ride had almost made him carsick. As he got off the car, he carried his medical kit and walked straight into Bright Garden. Everyone in Bright Garden had known who Gu Yan was, so there was no need to stop his car and check his identity.

Gu Yan went up to the second floor and strode to the door of the master bedroom. He took a deep breath, trying to recover from the intense walking before he knocked on the door.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Qin Shu had guessed that Gu Yan was here. When she turned around to get the door, Gu Yan was standing there, holding his medical kit with him. His face was flushed as if he had run all the way here.

“What’s wrong with Yu?”

“He’s inside. Come on in and take a look first.” Qin Shu moved to the side to make way for him.

Gu Yan hurriedly walked in with his kit. There he saw Fu Tingyu sitting on the sofa in a suit and tie, but his face was pale, and his lips were tinted blue.

His brows furrowed, and he marched over.

“Have you fought with someone?” Gu Yan’s tone was harsh. “Have I not told you that you must not exert yourself?”

He placed the medical kit on the wooden table, making a noise that the people in the room could tell he was mad. As he opened it, he took out a pulse diagnosis pillow.

Fu Tingyu did not say a word. He revealed his wrist and placed it on the cushion.

Then, as Gu Yan stopped speaking, he quieted himself and started to take his pulse.

Qin Shu closed the door, turned around, and sat down across them. She turned her focus to the two people in front of her. As she studied Gu Yan’s expression, she had hoped that she could figure out something from his microexpressions.

Fu Tingyu glanced at Qin Shu, who had sat at the table with him. He was relieved and even a little joyous to find that she looked nervous and was worried about him.

As Gu Yan had taken his pulse, he had a good look at Fu Tingyu’s current condition—the poison had spread again, and he had suffered extreme internal injuries. It was a miracle that he had hung on, and it was almost impossible that he had not yet fainted.

Looking at the couple in front of him, he knew he had to be careful with his words. He let out a slight cough, “He has suffered internal injuries. He needs to get treatment immediately.”

Qin Shu always felt that Gu Yan’s words were too ambiguous. Of course, he would have suffered internal injuries when he fought with others. The crucial question was that she wanted to know his physical condition. And the poison—had it spread again?

“Can’t you be more precise? The extent of his internal injuries and the nosebleed was even more serious than the last time.” Qin Shu had raised her voice a little because she was concerned about Fu Tingyu.

Even if Qin Shu had not spoken, Gu Yan had known that if Fu Tingyu had a nosebleed again, it would have meant his condition had turned critical. “Yu’s internal injuries are severe.”

Fu Tingyu frowned, but he was out of words.

Qin Shu had the feeling that Gu Yan something seemed to be on his mind, and he was hesitant to speak about it. If his internal injuries were light, he would not have trouble walking. He also suffered from daytime drowsiness and had started sleeping more than before.

She took a look at Fu Tingyu and noticed his unpleasant look to infer that he must have limited Gu Yan from talking about his condition in front of her. So she did not ask any further.

“I’ll prescribe some medicine first. I’ll have Ji Fei send them over, do take it every day.”

Gu Yan had emphasized his last sentence, and Fu Tingyu had known that he had to take it seriously.

“Okay.” Fu Tingyu replied.

Gu Yan looked at Fu Tingyu when he agreed, yet because Qin Shu was there, he had so much he could not say. He had wanted to yell at him for going back at his words every time after he had examined him. A gentleman ought to have his boundaries, and crossing the line did not indicate he would remain calm.

Gu Yan had nothing else to say, and he packed up his kit and left the room.

As Qin Shu stared at his back while he left, a bad feeling had manifested within her heart.

Gu Yan could not take it anymore when he got out of Bright Garden, “This j*rk is always going against my advice.” He muttered, “Even if I succeed in formulating the antidote in time, he would have screwed himself up.”

Ji Fei had been following Gu Yan all the way, wondering why he was not his usual gentle and poised self every time he nagged about how Fu Tingyu was a pain in the a*s.


Not long after Gu Yan had left, Fu Tingyu went to his office as he had a lot of piled-up work waiting for him. Qin Shu was understanding in this matter because being in a higher-up position in the company meant that he had an equally heavy workload. It was impractical to ask him to stay home, so she told him to come home early in the evening.

As Fu Tingyu left, Qin Shu took out her phone and dialed Gu Yan’s number. She had to ask him about the condition of Fu Tingyu’s health.

Gu Yan was sitting in his car, sulking. He had held his phone within his hand the whole time because he thought he should call Fu Tingyu and shout at him. But he refrained from doing so because he had wondered if he should go to his office and do it face to face. That would be more useful.

At that instance, his phone rang. He thought it was Fu Tingyu. But when he looked at the caller ID, it had shown Qin Shu’s name.

What else could it be if she was not calling to ask about Fu Tingyu’s injury at this time? Gu Yan thought.

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