Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 508 The Lady In A Blue Blazer

She has been here a few times and was privileged to use the bathroom there. And this was all thanks to the Mean Witches, Laura and Adhara who always take delight in ruining her clothes with drinks and food.

Because of this, she knew that the restroom Anthony called NO GOOD was excellent. 

As she gaze in the direction of the hall she wondered what Anthony's statement meant.

"I know of another restroom close by. Let me take you there," Joanna smiled at him. Instead of the direction of the hall, she leads him towards the reception.

"Welcome Miss Joanna," the two ladies at the reception greeted, their heads bowed.

"Can I have the card?" Joanna demanded, her right hand extended in front of the lady with brown shoulder-length hair.

"A minute please," The lady muttered.

Immediately the lady pulled out the drawer in front of her and brought out a blue card.

"Here you go, Miss Joanna," The brown hair lady said and handed the card over to Joanna.

"Let's go, Little rice ball," She uttered as she led Anthony towards the elevator.

Inside the elevator, Joanna who was eagerly waiting for the elevator to stop on the 15th floor stared at her quiet little brother.

"Are you alright?" Joanna asked worriedly. She raised her right hand and pats his hair.

"If you can't hold it in any longer tell me and I will do something about it," Joanna suggested.

Anthony lifted his gaze from the ground he has been looking at. He looked into Joanna's worried eyes.

"I can hold it in a bit longer," He forced on a smile with hopes of easing Joanna's anxious heart.

"What a good boy you are?" Joanna joked as she pats his hair playfully.

The instant the elevator opened Joanna hastened out, her right hand still holding onto Anthony firmly.

"We are almost there ok," Joanna assured him and pointed her index finger at the white door ahead of them.

Meanwhile, as this was going on, Audrey who had just returned from parking her car was surprised to reach the spot she and Joanna agreed to meet and could not find her there.

"Where the hell did she go?" Audrey whispered. 

She spun hoping she would see Joanna hiding somewhere ready to startle her but she couldn't see even her shadow nor got a whiff of her scent around.

"Could she have gone to the hall without me?" Audrey pondered. 

After two minutes of contemplation, Audrey made her way towards the direction of the hall she was very familiar with.

Immediately Audrey stepped into a hall in which the majority of the occupants were werewolves and vampires, everyone paused what they were doing.

They all turned around and gazed at the lady who just stepped into the hall.

Instead of a flowing ball gown or a dress, they were stunned to see a lady in blue blazers.

Audrey ignored their strange gazes and walked into the hall unbothered by their unwarranted attention.

"Girls, am I seeing correctly or are my eyes deceiving me?" Eunice asked, her eyes trailing the lady in blue blazers.

"That she is a tomboy is a fact so many people are aware of but I never imagined she would make a joke of herself by appearing here in a suit," Eva muttered, her gaze also fixed on Audrey's body.

"Where does she think she is huh?" Eva added, her eyes turned murderous.

She tried to stand up but Laura grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto her seat.

"Don't cause a scene. Remember this is my party...,"

"Since when did you start hating to create a scene especially when you are the centre of attention?" Eva asked, grinning.

"Hmmm... I guess you are right about that," Laura smirked devilishly. Her grip on Eva's hand loosened.

[She has always gotten on my nerves. I stand a chance to lose nothing if Eva can successfully handle her tonight]

Laura leaned back on her chair and looked forward to what was gonna happen next.

"I noticed her best friend isn't by her side. I thought they were always inseparable like they were lovers," the third girl commented.

"That is even better," Laura muttered, her evil smile broadened.

"And why is it better?" Eva snarled. "I mean, wouldn't it have been more thrilling if she was here to keep us entertained the entire night?" She added smirking.

Laura's smile faded at the remembrance of what she and her family had passed through at the hands of Joanna.

How could she bring herself to tell her friends that the very girl she always bullied had turned into a tigress after dining with the devil?

"Why?... Don't you like it?" Eunice, who noticed the sudden change in Laura's mood, asked.

The space in between her forehead squeezed to form a frown, "Do you perhaps feel bad for her...,"

"I, Laura feel bad for her?" Laura scoffed and leaned against the red chair. 

"Do you hear yourself talking?" Laura laughed it off.

"Now you are talking," Eva smiled. She stood up and made her way towards where Audrey stood examining the hall.

"Who are you looking for huh?" A lady's voice made Audrey stop her search.

Slowly, she turned around to face the one who talked.

"Or don't tell me you have missed your way?" She mumbled. The haughtiness in her voice and face didn't escape Audrey's notice.

"With the Mean Witches taken care of I thought I would have an eventful and peaceful party for the first time...," Audrey trailed off. She stood straight with her hands stuck into her trouser's pockets. 

"I guess my mistake was that I forgot that someone like you existed...,"

"How dare you...,"

"Whoa... take it easy, girl," Audrey smiled and moved backwards.

"I am not to blame if you lose your cool and ruin your best friend's 22nd birthday party, ok?" Audrey warned, pretending to be innocent.

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