Chapter 73: Chapter 73: Transfer Student

Translator: 549690339

It was finally time to go to school, and Vincent didn’t put Barry away.

“Barry, how long can you maintain your [Doubling] now?” Vincent asked.

Barry used [Doubling] to swell its body until it was taller than Vincent, felt it for a moment, and then relayed its skill status to Vincent.

“The giant form of [Doubling] can only last for half an hour, but it’s enough for a battle.” Vincent nodded in approval.

Then, Barry used [Doubling] to shrink itself down.

“Now, after shrinking, it can be maintained for at least six hours!”Please visit fr𝐞𝐞wn.𝒸o𝔪 website to read fastest update

That surprised Vincent, as he remembered that when Barry first learned how to shrink, it could only maintain it for half an hour.

“You’re surprised by just six hours? At the proficient level, I can maintain the shrunken state all the time. I can stay like this now.” Dragon Town saw Barry’s performance and felt very bitter.

How could this little guy have so many high-level skills?

And, most importantly, a lot of high-level ones!

It had only just contracted a few days ago!

It’s really a matter of what beast will die!

It might be that in a few days, this little guy’s skill level will be higher than his.

Although it may already be higher now…

Without time to care about the dissatisfaction in his heart, Vincent had Barry shrink down and then went to school with it on his head.

“Ah haha, now Barry has [Deterrence], and it’s at the proficient level. I wonder which person dares to bother me now!”

Vincent thought to himself contentedly.

“Today, I’ll be a crab and try the taste of being domineering! Today, I will be the brightest kid on the street!”

With Barry sitting on Vincent’s head, he walked with his hands behind his back, his eyes filled with contempt for everything.

Where he passed, people retreated out of the way, their eyes filled with fear, and occasionally someone would cry out in surprise.

But Vincent remained unaffected, like a king inspecting the mortal world!

At that moment, his ears caught the whispers of the people around him, brought to him on the cool breeze.

Because of his past personality problems, few people in the class dared to sit with him, so there was always an empty seat next to Vincent. Head teacher Cora Thomas was a bit choked up seeing this scene.

What’s going on?

Are girls that forward now? “Well, Jonny, your seat isn’t there.”

Jonny smiled sweetly.

“It’s okay, teacher. Vincent is my brother, I don’t mind!”

“I mind! Who are you calling your brother? I didn’t know that!” Vincent retorted halfway, suddenly realizing the problem.

“Not a real brother, but better than one!” Jonny smiled at him.

Vincent was now completely baffled. But since class had already started, it wasn’t a good time to probe further, so he decided to let it go for now.

Even if she hadn’t called Vincent her brother, he wanted to know more about her.

Because she was the current Student Union President Yvonne Jones’ competitor. Vincent had taken the benefits, so of course, he had to do a good job and a beautiful job.

Seeing that Jonny had already sat down, the head teacher didn’t say anything more given her background, and class officially began.

Today’s lessons had nothing to do with the taming of beasts. They were all language, mathematics, and foreign subjects learned in the first and second years of high school.

The reason for these subjects still being taught in senior year was that they would be tested during the College Entrance Exam. Although the proportion of these grades was low, they were still necessary to ensure that students took their studies seriously.

The purpose was to cultivate students’ cultural and scientific literacy, to prevent them from becoming brutes who only relied on force and lost their curiosity about the world.

Moreover, there are similarities between these common subjects and the subjects of beast taming, which can be touched upon and learned.

“Brother, how are your grades?”

Jonny clearly hated being in class, looking like she was paying attention, but in reality, her mind was wandering. After coming back to her senses, she saw that Vincent was studying seriously and asked curiously.

Although Vincent was a bit bored, he listened attentively to the class and didn’t respond to her question.

What are you to me? What am I to you?

I’m the top scorer in our grade. You’re asking me about my grades?! Why don’t you ask the world’s richest man if money is easy to make?

“Brother, why are you ignoring me?!”

“Brother, do you think my phone wallpaper looks good?”

“Brother, look at this…”

Vincent was surrounded by her constant calls of “brother,” and he felt like his

He did want a younger sister, but he had already taken Sebastian Wood as his sister a few days ago. One was enough; he couldn’t handle another one..

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