Chapter 19

Vincent Wolf browsed through the textbooks one by one.

These textbooks were not just about pet beasts, but also included subjects like those in his previous life – languages, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, and politics. However, the study of these subjects mainly focused on the first two years of high school.

In senior year, students learned to discern pet beasts’ aptitudes and growth stages, research on various pet beasts’ measurements, knowledge of pharmacology among different resources, and self-rescue methods in the wild.

In actual combat classes, teachers taught students different battle methods when using pet beasts with different attributes.

They also instructed on tactics to be used against wild pet beasts under different circumstances, including skirmishes, ambushes, sniping, flanking, and guerrilla warfare.

Other basic courses, such as breeding, training, potion, and coordination classes, were also essential processes for students to enter Beast Taming University and choose a major after graduating from high school.

In the Beastmaster World, after graduating from junior high school, students and others of the right age would undergo a Beast-controlling Talent test organized by the state.

About one-tenth of the people would be found to possess the Beast-controlling Talent, and they could then apply for Beast Tamer High Schools corresponding to their academic achievements on their future volunteer forms.

Once admitted, they would study general knowledge for two years and then, after the final exam marking the end of their sophomore year, receive instruction on meditation techniques from state-appointed experts.

This enabled students to awaken their Beast-controlling Talent, open up a Beast Space, and form a contract with a pet beast.

Most people would succeed in awakening their Beast-controlling Talent and opening up a Beast Space during their two-month summer vacation, and then successfully contract their preferred pet beast.

However, a small number of people would struggle to find their ideal pet beast.

Even fewer people, like Vincent, would find their ideal pet beast first and then struggle to open up a Beast Space.

In senior year, ninety-nine percent of students would contract a pet beast with a species level of Transcendent. Most of these pet beasts were Intermediate or Low-grade Transcendents. Even High-level Extraordinary pet beasts were considered rare and powerful species.

Out of the hundreds of senior-year students, only a few Commander-level beasts belonged to the top rich or second-generation Beast Tamers kids, and they were still only Lower level Commanders. None of the high school students contracted a pet beast with a higher species level.

And while Vincent had already pre-ordered a High-Level Commander Three-tailed Fox, he also contracted a Slime.

“Damn it, no wonder the price was so high – your family runs a women’s clothing store!”

[Vincent Wolf: Even if I starve to death, even if I can’t become a Beast Tamer, even if I jumped off the school’s rooftop, I won’t be a model for your family’s shop!]

[Sebastian Wood: (ノД`) [Crying]]

The bell rang for class, and the two ended their conversation.

This class was a Beast Encyclopedia Class. The teacher was an amiable middle-aged man who walked slowly into the classroom with a palm-sized, light green chubby insect napping on his shoulder.

This was the High-level Extraordinary Species, Little Bookworm, and many Beast Tamer teachers who aimed for teacher positions liked to contract one.

It was easy to raise a Little Bookworm; they simply needed to be fed books and taught knowledge constantly to become stronger. At a certain level, feeding them precious ink resources could evolve them into the Low-level Commander Species, Pen Spirit.

There were three blackboards on the podium. The central blackboard could be opened to reveal a big screen.

The teacher used the big screen to play a PPT courseware, explaining each slide. Vincent listened attentively.

His former self was a super student. He had dominated the top rank in his grade during the first two years of high school, and even already mastered senior-year knowledge, as well as studying university courses.

But even though he had inherited his former self’s memories, just like choosing memories in a simulation, simply gaining memories didn’t mean everything would be smooth sailing. He still needed to learn and deepen his understanding.

As the Encyclopedia Teacher continued with his lecture, the topic somehow shifted elsewhere.

“The development of this era is really rapid,” the teacher sighed. “With the emergence of mechanical attribute pet beasts, people’s lives are changing in leaps and bounds.”

“I believe everyone has installed pet beast encyclopedia apps on their phones, right? Just open those apps and scan the pet beasts to get their basic information.”

Some of the more lively students in the class had already taken out their phones to show the teacher.

“Look, teacher, I’m a Gold VIP!”

The class representative for the Beast Encyclopedia class, who obviously had a good relationship with the Encyclopedia teacher, showed off his phone with a grin.

“This app can display the pet beast’s name, attribute, species level, racial talents, and skills. I usually use it to do my homework.”

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