Bailonz Street 13

Chapter 45: The Accursed Man (2)

“What did you say?”

“We can’t hold the auction. We couldn’t invite everyone, so we had to create this small space. If you want to talk to us, it’s best to drop the act. You should know this much if you’ve been keeping an eye on us, right? Are you usually this oblivious?”

I had gone to great lengths to secure this, only to find out the host couldn’t hold the auction? So what was all my effort for?

However, the host seemed to take even my harsh words in stride.


“I never gave you permission to call me by my first name.”

“Miss Osmond.”

“How dare you add ‘Miss’? I’m older than you.”

Liam glanced at me, his eyes questioning, “Really?”

“You too, Liam Moore. You’re younger than me. If you don’t want to call me Ms. Osmond, you’d better behave.”

T/N: Originally, Noona was used here, but I don’t think it fits so I went with Ms. Osmond…

But… as soon as I said it, I regretted it a little. I momentarily forgot that the two men here were both crazy in their own ways.

“Yes, Ms. Osmond.”

…That was a terrible answer. I rubbed my ears and declined the host’s escort, taking a seat. The man in the navy suit leaned back on the sofa, exhaling in satisfaction.

“I know what you’re looking for. The jewels.”

“It would be nice if you also knew whose jewels were stolen,” Liam Moore said coldly. He hadn’t taken a seat and was standing behind me, likely guarding against any unexpected guests.

“Of course, I know,” the host shrugged.

“It’s Lucita’s treasured item. She must be furious by now. Right?”

Come to think of it, Lucita’s eyes did seem strange. Our first meeting was odd, to say the least. I frowned, recalling her eyes that seemed to burn with intensity.

I remembered the nickname Liam Moore used to call her.

‘The One Who Has Not Yet Declined.’

What could decline mean in this context? I knew the dictionary definition, but it didn’t seem to fit the name given.

“Isn’t it magnificent? Lucita’s anger is priceless. Among the ‘Invaders’, she’s the oldest….”

Invader? Oldest? Another story I didn’t know.

“…It’s best to return what you stole. If you want to ruin your life, do it alone.”

Liam Moore’s voice was now filled with discomfort. The thief’s brazenness must have twisted his insides.

“Did Lucita order you? Did she act like the ‘First Invader’ to you? Liam Moore, sometimes I envy your connections.”

If I listened any longer, I might hit this guy, so I raised my hand to stop the conversation. Liam looked like he was about to do the same.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Lucita asked us. Save your nonsense for when you’re alone.”

A shrill scream cut off my words, but I couldn’t tell which part was so shocking.

“What—did you say?”

The man shouted in disbelief, his voice rising despite his condition. I sighed, answering with a mix of frustration and exhaustion.

“She asked politely. Said, ‘Please.’”

“No, no, that’s surprising too, but! You seriously don’t know what I’m talking about? Really?”

A small silence passed between the three of us, and I blinked for a moment.

“So… Lucita isn’t, like, a big shot in the underworld or something?”

“Oh my God, Liam Moore! What have you been doing with this girl? You brought her in front of Lucita knowing she knows nothing?”

I heard a cracking sound from the hand gripping the sofa. It was a bad sound, as if Liam Moore was crushing the man’s skull instead of the furniture. Liam muttered lowly.

“Shut that mouth.”

He was about to hit him. I held Liam back.

“Liam, don’t hit him. That’s Lucita’s job.”

“Lucita is going to hit me?!”

The extremely excited man blushed and his eyes sparkled. I sighed, releasing my grip.

“Well, maybe a bit of a beating is okay.”

That cursed mouth needed to be shut.

* * *

The man who was obsessed with Lucita sighed and pulled out a small box from his pocket. It was slightly bigger than a ring case. The smooth, pitch-black velvet hinted at its value.

We had used a bit of underhanded tactics to get it. Not violence, but I did threaten to tell Lucita about his shabby state.

Strangely, he seemed more terrified of showing Lucita his unkempt appearance than of facing physical harm. I didn’t understand it, so I simply took the box he pushed towards me.

“Don’t you want to check it?”

Lucita’s fanatic asked.

“Lucita will check it herself. If something’s wrong, you’ll…”

I made a slicing motion across my neck, and he fell back clutching his stomach.

“Oh! Where did you learn such thuggish behavior? Jane—”

“Are you calling me by my name?”

“Ms. Osmond.”

Enough. I gave up talking further. This guy was beyond my control. If my headache, which had subsided, started throbbing again, it would be his fault.

Just then, Liam Moore, who had been watching my condition, spoke up.

“Are we done here?”

He seemed eager to leave. Liam, who had been eyeing the damp space distastefully, looked at the invitation and spoke like Herschel. In other words, like a ‘professor’.

“The work is sloppy. Poorly done. It might seem perfect to you, but it’s amazing it hasn’t been caught until now. At this rate, you’ll become a meal for an intruder sooner or later.”

Suppressing a laugh, I coughed.



“We were already half an appetizer. Stop teasing. Being incompetent isn’t a crime.”

Oh. Liam seemed to understand. Lucita’s fanatic muttered.

“I’m listening, you know.”

Not that I cared.

* * *

As soon as we left that space, Liam Moore grabbed some paper and a pen. He seemed intent on sending a telegram to Lucita at our next destination.

Meanwhile, I was left with Lucita’s fanatic. It was awkward. Though I had thrown harsh words at him boldly, being alone with him was uncomfortable. I fixed my gaze on the air, avoiding his persistent stares. I couldn’t afford to look to the side.

“Ms. Osmond.”


“I was wrong. Just call me Osmond.”

This was real madness. That’s all I could think of. My disdain made him chuckle. People like him always enjoyed strong reactions, which only made me more averse.

Before long, Liam Moore, who had been hovering by the window, approached me. At that moment, the auction host whispered to me.

“Do you know that man’s nickname?”

“…Bastard Moore?”

“That’s what people call him.”

Again. I heard words as if distinguishing people. Why do Liam and his otherworldly friends always speak as if separating ordinary from extraordinary? And now, even this thief spoke like that.


The man whispered with a grin.

“The Cursed One.”

Liam Moore still watched with disdain as the host clung to me. I wasn’t sure whether to be shocked, surprised, or laugh at what I’d just heard.


Sure, I thought of myself as half-cursed, so it wasn’t entirely surprising, but at the same time, I wondered.

Who could possibly curse this man?

Liam Moore would likely just blow on a needle prick and move on. Somehow, I was sure curses wouldn’t affect him.

The host laughed at my puzzled expression.

“He didn’t tell you? Didn’t teach you anything? Oh my… so irresponsible. If you’d heard even one of his many nicknames, you wouldn’t want to be in the same room.”

But it made me angry. Only I could criticize Liam Moore.

Although I wasn’t his Jane, it was ‘me’ who spent time solving this series of events with him. Thus, I had a stake in Liam Moore’s reputation. Even if we had some rocky moments and unpleasant experiences, Liam Moore wouldn’t remember them now, so it didn’t matter.

“Enough. It was my choice. Go back to your compartment.”

The host seemed curious about my attitude but let himself be pushed out without a word. As he was about to leave, he added.

“I’m in the seventh car. My compartment. Ask me anything if you’re curious!”

“No need.”

I shut the door on his brazen face. Ignoring the lingering laughter, I sighed heavily.

“How did someone like that get attached to Lucita?”

“Be sure to tell Lucita that. She’ll be delighted.”

I raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“No thanks. You’re going to contact Lucita?”

Liam nodded.

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