Azimuth: The Elden Throne

Chapter 233: Resko’s Management Part 3





Thinking deeply, Dale started his reasoning.


'I have four options, and after putting in some thought, like any other choice from before, they go from one extreme to the other.'

'The first extreme would be the side of the current residents, to establish a government system that has them as the goal, the few that deserve everything they got.'

'Something simple and stable…'

'As for the other extreme, that would be the side of the migrants, to establish a government system putting them first as a priority.'

'Multiple changes and policies would be made to conform to this change, the many that deserve a chance at life.'

'Something complex and unstable, at least in the short term… Or so it would seem.'

'Because all options aim to encompass all, but as I go through the options, they become increasingly more... Fair.'

'Even if they end up putting the Migrants as the leaders of Resko.'


Dale couldn't speak nor move his mouth, but if he could, he would be letting out aaa heavy sigh.

'This is complicated, but if I were to make a choice…'

He looked at the first two options.

'Those aren't it.'

'It's simple, really… The Formal establishment of the Elder Council won't solve any of our problems, it will instead create more.'

'It's the choice of cowards or single-minded individuals that can't see past their own interests or are too arrogant to understand the notion of sharing space with someone else.'

'The choice of old supremacists that believe the entire world is theirs and they can solve all of its problems without anyone's help… Okay, that was oddly specific of me.'

'In simpler terms, everything that is wrong with this system is written in its description.'

'For starters, a System where only the Elders and a few more rule… That won't work.'

'There are thousands of Villagers within Resko now, and none of the current Elders are proficient in management like Winthrope pointed out.'

'In fact, the choice itself gives me hints that it's a bad one.'

'The fact the Elders will be unable to focus on themselves, no Mayor, the highest rate of segregation chance out of all options…'

'And this is only on the surface, in the long term, Resko will have many bigger problems other than the needs of its population to solve.'

'And this System isn't the solution, it won't give it to us, plain and simple.'

'At least not pave the foundation so we can solve them.'

'Likewise, I can extend everything I said to the next option, the small-scale Hung Parliament.'

'It's basically the better version of the first option for those that understand they need to strike a balance between things but are unwilling to step too far.'

'That doesn't make them any less of fools.'

'In this system, at least we have more representatives from the other side helping actively, and even a Mayor, these new spots would likely be filled by Winthrope and his people, maybe even Sarferato and some of the Master Raiders.'

'But for the Mayor... It doesn't say who. And for this choice to be justified, the role would have to be filled by people from our side.'

'Who will be the Mayor then? Edimund? The poor guy is a farmer who was forced to be a leader despite not being willing to do so, he took it upon himself to give some degree of leadership to the Villagers with the passing of the previous Village Head but that's all his abilities extend to.'

'And even today he doesn't call himself one but a Temporary Village Head.'

'Adding to that, of the other Elders, no one would be willing nor are they suitable for the position.'

'It's better than before, but not ideal as it won't be able to deal with the problems ahead because it is too conservative, Resko needs change and someone that knows what they're doing to be in charge while giving the Elders enough time for them to return and improve.'

'We need someone that is capable so we don't have to care about it, allowing everyone to focus somewhere else, it doesn't matter where as long as they can have the time.'

'As for Political influence... We don't need that.'

'The stronger they become and the more skilled they are, the more respect they'll receive from the others around them and the more meaningful their actions and words will be in the future, that is the path we must follow.'

'Option Scratched.'


But as Dale looked at the other options, he couldn't help but cringe a little… If he could that is.

'The last two options… This is causing my head to spin…'

'The idea of giving Winthrope and his people a proper space to rule is not stupid, it's the right course of action, why? Because right now, they are not rulers, they are Civil servants.'

'One must remember where Resko is, it's in the extreme South past a great desert and mountain range that acts as a barrier, there is absolutely no way they can try to pressure the people with their own political agenda…'

'Because there is nothing to fucking write in it!'

'Right now, Resko is a place ruled by nothing but the will of everyone within it, on the collective idea that everyone respects each other and each has their own little space to live in and a community role to perform.'

'Take care of the kids, help in the farms, collect wood and other materials, and so on.'

'With more people, especially the ones that came from a major and more developed community, they will only feel at ease if they are in the presence of the rules they lived by before because they are used to it and it gives them a sense of safety, even if it only exists to limit their actions.'

'It's basic Human behavior.'

'That is why the previous two options won't work, they neglect the other side too much while making little changes to its ruling structure.'

'But if we wished to keep the Elders in charge, we couldn't make any changes to our current ruling structure anyway.'

'Regardless, if Winthrope becomes the Mayor or not is nothing to be concerned about, in fact, I agree with his words, he should be the Mayor.'

'It is absolutely impossible for him to do badly for now… But in the extremely unlikely situation that he does somehow become a dictator and rules the people with an iron fist or incentivizes the segregation between both groups, maybe even starts stealing our wealth and accumulating it for no reason…'

'We can just depose him.'

'What can he do? Complain to the Central Government? He is not that foolish, he must know what they did to Resko, because even if there is little recorded in books, the innuendos of the politics of the past would've been enough for someone that brags about being so fluent in it to understand.'

'There must be books depicting what happened in the past so he must know, even if not, I can make him see the truth, of how vulnerable he actually is.'

'Though that may not work as I wish it did...'

'Even then, if we decide to remove him, who will defend him?'

'The soldiers? Which? We have none.'

'The people? Who? The ones he hypothetically exploited?'

'His companions? Pathetic. A bunch of civilians with little strength.'

'There is only one situation where he can keep himself in a ruling position… Sarferato.'

'He alone could likely raze Resko within a day, he is the only being that can both ensure and protect his throne, if I can call it that.'

'Sarferato already assured me that if Winthrope cannot rule properly, then he will help us find a substitute, this is why these last two options are better than they look.'

'Because if we put Resko's situation as the perspective, then they are not rulers, far from it, they are just our servants, and not in a bad way.'

'They're people put in the roles of rulers for the sole point of managing and improving the city's condition.'

'Could this change over time? Obviously, even a well-successful business can fall into the hands of a greedy Corporation after 2-3 generations have passed and the founder of the business is dead.'

'They even say such business cannot remain clean after so long, that it always gets corrupted as the generations pass… But by then, would it even matter?'

'What's the point of living in the present when you're looking at a future 1000 years after your death, few can do it and I'm certainly not one of them.'

'Of course, this doesn't mean violence is the answer, I cannot leave it to the weight of my fist every time someone commits a mistake due to their own personal desires and greed.'

'If I change one ruler due to that, it could make most satisfied, but some wouldn't, this creates a gap, and if that happens again without the issue being solved, the gap will only widen, and that leads to people losing their trust in me, which in turn will make them look elsewhere for something to put their trust on.'

'Even if the trust is reestablished, the wound would only open again…'

'I'll become a dictator without a throne, I don't want that.'

'I wish to participate in Resko's decision-making so I can continue to have it flourish as I complete my Quests, something that hasn't proved to be a wrong path.'

'But I'm distancing myself from the topic, what matters here is choosing between the both of them, which one will better suit Resko?'


Dale closed his eyes slowly to think clearly for a moment.

'... I've made my choice.'





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