Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 707 - 707 Chapter 707 The Water Spirit Dragon Making Its Appearance

707 Chapter 707 The Water Spirit Dragon Making Its Appearance

Chapter 707 The Water Spirit Dragon Making Its Appearance

Wang Meng roared at his phone, quickly making the person on the other end apologize.

“I’m sorry, boss. My bad.”

“You think the Xu family is from the Red Heart Chamber of Commerce? Is it true?”

Wang Meng replied angrily, “My plan has failed. She set me up, and she wants to kill me. That bitch, I will kill her! ”

“What! Boss, are you alright? Do you need me to go over and support you?”

Wang Meng let out a long sigh. “There’s no need. My big brother is here, and he saved me. ”

The other party went silent for a moment. “Is your big brother Lu Yu?”

“You’re not allowed to call him by his name. Now, I’ve told you everything you should know. Go and do your job by keeping an eye on the Xu family. Don’t let them take any rash actions!”

“Yes! I’ll head to it!”

After ending the phone call, Wang Meng smiled awkwardly at Lu Yu. “This is the second-in-command of my gang, and he’s my proudest subordinate. ”

Lu Yu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “You’re doing quite well. You have quite a lot of underlings, right? ”

“Kinda. But I would have died here if you hadn’t come today.”

“You should use your brain more so that others can’t trick you in the future.”

” Don’t worry, brother. This won’t happen again; I promise! ”

Lu Yu turned his head and looked toward Star Ocean City. They were already in the suburbs, and a grassland with some scattered villages was ahead of them.

“Those people mentioned their follow-up team is already on the way. Now is the time for us to counterattack!”

Wang Meng was furious, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

“These bastards, I’m going to kill them!” he declared angrily.

“Their original plan was to kill you here and then work with the Xu family. This is a perfect plan. Unfortunately, they have failed.” Xu Yuan said with a smile.

At this moment, Lu Yu took out his Water Spirit Pearl, which shone brightly.

“Brother, have you tamed the dragon?” Wang Meng asked.

“Nonsense. If I hadn’t tamed it, I wouldn’t be here. Now, let’s start our counterattack!”

The next moment, a ray of light flashed out of the Water Spirit Pearl and shot into the air.

Immediately after, a huge body appeared. It was like a small mountain and gave off an oppressive feeling!

The Water Spirit Dragon’s huge body floated in the air, and its thick wings flapped slowly.

Wang Meng raised his head and looked at the giant dragon in the sky. He was immediately so in awe that his entire body trembled.

“It’s so grand and majestic when looking at it up close!! ”

Looking at the behemoth, Wang Meng could not help but swallow nervously.

“It shouldn’t be familiar to me. Will it attack me?”

Lu Yu walked towards the Water Spirit Dragon. “It’s my battle pet now. What do you think?”

Wang Meng and the others hurriedly followed.


The Water Spirit Dragon landed on the ground with a loud boom, scattering the dust around them.

Lu Yu and the rest quickly climbed onto the back of the Water Spirit Dragon.

Wang Meng stood on the back of the Water Spirit Dragon and touched its skin with both hands. He felt a comfortable coolness, just like touching an icy watermelon in summer.

“Do you want to come with us to fight against the enemies outside, or do you want to go back and solve your internal problems?”

Lu Yu looked at Wang Meng and asked.

This question made Wang Meng think.

Like in the past, he wanted to follow Lu Yu and return to the battles.

However, he needed to oversee the matters in Star Ocean City personally.

The Xu family’s strength wasn’t weak, and not anyone could deal with them. Wang Meng had brought many of his elite members with him, so he hesitated even though he wanted to stay with Lu Yu.

“I’d better go back. I’ll deal with the internal matters and leave the trouble here to you.”

Wang Meng thought about it repeatedly and still felt he should return.

Lu Yu did not say much and agreed with his suggestion. “You go back and deal with your stuff. Don’t leave any more mistakes behind.”

“Don’t worry; I won’t be careless this time!”

He jumped off the dragon’s back when he had just gotten on.

The Water Spirit Dragon flapped its wings strongly, creating a gale. It made Wang Meng lower his posture and use his hands to defend his face.

He watched as the Water Spirit Dragon flew into the sky before he began to return.

He took the car keys from his dead enemies and drove their car toward Star Ocean City.

At the same time, all of Xu Group’s upper management, including the shareholders, gathered in the conference room on the top floor of the building.

Sitting in the main seat, the head of the Xu family was so nervous that he jittered around.

Xu Yao’s parents sat in the center but also felt uneasy.

On the other hand, Xu Yao sat in her position calmly.

It was as if everything was under her control.

“Daughter, will your plan work?”

“Don’t worry, mom. You’ll get the news soon.”

Xu Yao assured her mother confidently.

“Everyone, please wait for a moment longer. We will witness the great transformation of the Xu Group and Star Ocean City! ”

In the conference room, everyone was whispering in low voices, curious about the agenda for today’s meeting.

At this moment, Xu Yao stood up. She drew open the curtain behind her and turned on a projector.

“Let’s take a look at today’s news report. ”

The corners of Xu Yao’s mouth curled up slightly. Her face was filled with a confident smile, and her heart was full of confidence.

She couldn’t wait to see the news.

When her plan began, she immediately sent a media team to follow it closely. By now, the dust should have settled.

The staff was adjusting the projector.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang. The conference room door was kicked open, and a man in a black leather jacket walked in with a metal bat on his shoulder.

“Hu Lang, are you crazy? This is not a place you should be!”

Xu Yao immediately shouted in alarm when she saw who it was.

Everyone else in the meeting room panicked too.

They had all heard Hu Lang’s name. He was the second-in-command of the Fierce Dragon Gang and had a say in the gang. Usually, when the gang leader wasn’t available, he would handle it himself.

It was because his strength and ability were strong enough that Wang Meng had never exposed his identity in the past six months.

“Bitch, my big brother treated you well, yet you betrayed him!! ”

Hu Lang roared angrily.

When Xu Yao heard this, she was instantly stunned, and her eyes widened.

“It looks like everything went well. You should have seen his body, right?” Xu Yao asked with a smile.

“I advise you not to continue to follow that guy. He’s a good-for-nothing. Star Ocean City will be under the Xu family. If you cooperate with me, I can consider recruiting you.”

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