Ascension Through Skills

Chapter 37: Fifth Level - The God Of Victory, Balthasar (2)

Taesan kept moving through the rooms. Without a moment’s rest, he was able to clear up to the fifth room at a fast pace.

“It’s starting to get tough.”

Taesan rubbed his tingling wrist. The orcs were getting stronger as the rooms progressed, making it a bit risky. From now on, the strength of the enemies was such that it wouldn’t be strange to obtain reward items after defeating them.

Instead of immediately heading to the next room, Taesan sat on the floor.

The God of Victory’s trial was a series of 1:1 duels. As it repeated, he felt a little fatigue.

“I’m starting to feel a bit regretful.”

With the enforced 1:1 situations, the number of variables decreased, and the gains also decreased. As the enemies were getting stronger, he lacked the leisure to create skills, and his stats were not yet at a level to do so.

[The god will give a fitting reward. There's no need to regret.]

“I suppose so.”

It wasn’t bad now.

As the enemies were strong, his Soul Ascension also had greater effects. He also acquired a few minor items. He could make a decent amount of money if he sold them in the store.

If he could pass through here, he would reach the 6th floor, and then he could learn magic.

“She was someone who yearned for magic, wasn’t she?”

[That little one?]

“How did you find out?”

The woman named Lilis was weak. Despite surviving for a long time, she still couldn’t pass the 10th floor. He didn’t expect such a weak being to be here.

[You know that the constraint of lifespan disappears here, right?]

Taesan nodded his head.

In the labyrinth, lifespan was not an issue. If it had been, most players would have either aged to death or become elderly when they went outside.

[She was there when I first entered the labyrinth. Just like now, she was groveling on the 4th floor. I felt sorry for her as she was about to die by the orc, so I saved her and heard her story. She really was a pitiful one.]

“…How long ago was that?”

[Well? In terms of time outside, it wouldn't be over a hundred years, would it?]

She couldn’t get past the 10th floor for a hundred years. She hadn’t learned any proper magic either.

It was truly an old story.

[She came here to learn magic but was a pitiful creature who couldn't catch a break due to her pathetic talent. I helped her a bit because she was so pitiful. I didn't know she'd still be alive.]

The ghost muttered in an amazed voice.

Indeed, that was the case. Even if she didn’t aim for the top, surviving without dying for a hundred years was an amazing feat in itself.

‘I wonder if there are quite a few NPCs like that.’

Those who came in with their own purpose, not conquering the labyrinth, established a place to stay.

It was entirely possible.

After a brief rest, Taesan broke through the rooms again.

By committing bloodshed and repeating victories, Taesan finally cleared the ninth room.

The ninth was a named orc, a being named Baltha. It shouted a glorious roar of battle towards Taesan and started the battle.

And Taesan won.

The ghost watching him exclaimed.

[Could it be that Flow wasn't an upper-level skill but something you could counter. I didn't know.]

Baltha, the orc with the name, used many skills, including Flow. A regular player might have been confused by the variety of skills, but it was actually better for Taesan. He knew all the weaknesses and countermeasures of Flow.

Baltha’s whole body was bleeding red. He would die from bleeding out soon.

It was his victory.

“Who are you?”

Baltha didn’t express anger or joy in defeat, instead wearing a puzzled expression.

“That’s impressive. To utilize the Counter in such a way. It’s amazing. Indeed, you are a great warrior. But… I’m not sure. Are you truly an adventurer from the 5th floor?”

Baltha had activated Flow and charged in. In a charge that disregarded defense, it was possible to panic and show a gap, but Taesan countered it very simply.

Taesan activated his Counter and ran towards him.

He attacked the opponent, removing the Flow. The twisted trajectory of his body then showed a gap that would bait the opponent’s weapon, forcibly activating Counter to allow him to regain control of the body.

Counter was a skill that forcibly moved the body.

Even if the trajectory was twisted by Flow, it forcibly corrected the body.

At first glance, it seemed like a reasonable strategy.

Counterattacking inflicted more damage, and since the opponent focused on Flow and discarded defense, it could change the balance of the fight in an instant. It was a perfect answer.

However, that was a conclusion one could only reach after going through the labyrinth countless times, learning the method, the advantages and disadvantages of skill activation, and numerous other conditions.

“It’s not just about the information. It’s about the movements you’ve personally felt and experienced. I can’t know.”

Taesan didn’t answer.

Baltha let out a satisfied laugh.

“There are questions, but… it was a satisfying fight. I’ve something to brag about to my comrades.”

The orc took off an earring and threw it.

“You humans value material rewards for your victories. Take it. It’s the reward for your victory.”

A monster giving a reward directly.

Taesan was surprised and picked up the earring.

“Go on, warrior.”

Life disappeared from Baltha’s face.

[You have defeated the elite orc, Baltha.]


They yearned for an honorable death.

There must be a reason they accepted the divine trial.

Taesan checked the earring.

[Baltha's Earring] [Strength + 5] [Baltha made this earring the year he came of age. He claimed that long-loved objects imbue strength.]

The strength stat increased by a whopping 5 points. This was not something that could be acquired on the 5th floor.

And then the victory rewards.

[You have single-handedly defeated a difficult opponent. Your strength permanently increases by 4. Your agility permanently increases by 3. Your health permanently increases by 10.] [Your Soul Ascension has activated. Your strength permanently increases by 5. Your agility permanently increases by 4. Your health permanently increases by 5.] [Your Soul Ascension has activated. Your proficiency in Flow increases by 7%.]

There was one more.

[Your Thirst for Victory has activated. Your strength permanently increases by 4. Your agility permanently increases by 3. Your health permanently increases by 10.]

The total simple stat increase was 23. Health increased by 25. Proficiency also increased by 7%.

“This is useful.”

In reality, it was more than just a simple increase. The Disdain for the Strong, Thirst for Victory, and Thirst for Battle skills he gained from defeating the goblin lord were all top-tier skills.

Even though his level hadn’t increased, the stat increase felt as though it had. And his proficiency in Flow was slowly approaching 50%.

After finishing the verification, Taesan checked his status window.

[Kang Taesan] [Level: 15] [Shield: 24/24] [HP: 575/575] [Mana: 80/80] [Strength: 112] [Intelligence: 75] [Agility: 85] [Attack Power + 18] [Defense + 19] [The subject is in top condition.]

His strength had already surpassed the stats he had previously reached. Agility was also barely there.

It was unbelievable to have his stats be on par with what they were when he had cleared 100 floors in Easy Mode while he was only at Solo Mode’s 5th floor.

And he also acquired another skill.

[Permanent Special Activation Skill: Fair Duel] [Proficiency: 1%] [When facing a 1 on 1 situation, your stats increase. The increase is proportional.]

He hadn’t used it yet, so he didn’t know how much the increase would be, but it was a skill that was always activated. There was no mana consumption, so it was a skill that only had this point. It was obviously good to have.

Now, he had exactly 30 skills.

And only one room remained.

Before going, Taesan shared his experiences through the Community. While Taesan was breaking through, Lee Taeyeon and Kang Junhyeok were also slowly clearing the second floor.

[Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: If you slightly open the door and throw something like a stone, you can lure them in one by one and catch them.] [Kang Junhyeok[Solo]: Noona, you're really good at thinking of these things.]

They had found a way to defeat goblins and were clearing each room.

Although it was slow, they were making progress, so it was close to the correct method.

The players on the first floor were also slowly moving toward the second floor. The Giant Rat could be cleared with just a spear and a Molotov cocktail, so it wasn’t that difficult.

Surviving after that was a separate matter, but Taesan couldn’t help them with that.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: It's best to collect everything you can from the first floor before moving on. You lose your means of recovery on the second floor.] [Moon Jaesung[Solo]: Got it.]

The Fountain of Life stopped functioning as soon as they left the first floor. The rewards also significantly decreased, making it hard to go back and grind.

Time passed as he gave some warnings and advice.

Most of the players in the Community were in Solo mode. Players in other modes didn’t need to use the Community since they could meet in person.

[Kang Junhyeok[Solo]: Ah, bro, I found the altar.] [Kang Taesan[Solo]: Will you listen if I tell you something?] [Kang Junhyeok[Solo]: If you say so, I have to listen. You know better than me.] [Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: It's interesting. Do you feel like doing it after hearing that? I didn't even want to touch it.]

They were in the middle of a conversation.

[Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: You're having fun.] [Kang Junhyeok[Solo]: ……Huh?] [Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: You're really enjoying yourselves. Drumming and singing. It's making my eyes twitch, so could you tone it down?] [Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: What did you say?] [Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: Stop showing off.] [Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: ……Showing off?]

Lee Taeyeon posted a short message. They were words filled with much meaning.

[Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: We're showing off?] [Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: Isn't that right? You're all just playing around.]

The trolling continued.

[Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: I can't believe what I'm seeing. What? Can't even touch the Big Rat? Can only dream of a direct confrontation with the boss and have to burn it? Where is such a place?] [Lee Taeyeon[Solo]:......You.] [Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: Stop showing off in the Community like it's a place no one else knows. Alright? Let's take it easy.] [Gal Heejung[Easy]: That's right. The Community isn't yours, is it? I understand that you can't meet people, but could you please restrain yourselves a bit?] [Moon Soohan[Easy]: Besides, is it true that you can't meet each other? Or is it just a scam?]

Posts from the Easy Mode players flooded in. The Solo Mode players, who had been dumbfounded, became enraged.

[Lee Sang[Solo]: You people!] [Moon Jaesung[Solo]: You call this a conversation! Can you imagine how we feel doing this here!] [Kim Taejin[Solo]: Wow. This is ridiculous. Choosing Easy Mode and then talking like this?] [Gal Heejung[Easy]: Who asked you to choose Solo Mode? Why are you complaining after choosing it yourself?] [Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: Players in other modes are all quiet, but you guys talk so much.]

Their emotions escalated, and they started arguing. Emotions ran high, enough that if they had been face-to-face, they might have stabbed each other.

Taesan watched this scene darkly.

A month had passed since the people of Earth entered the labyrinth. In Easy and Normal Modes, it was time for them to have adapted and entered a stable phase. From this point on, there would be no deaths if they were cautious.

And leisure made people focus elsewhere.

They wanted to vent their anger for being trapped in this horrible place.

They wanted to create something to vent their emotions.

The Solo Mode players, who were always making a fuss in the Community, seemed like the perfect target.

Especially the Easy Mode players who couldn’t feel the difficulty of the game.

“Still, it was never this bad.”

There had been conflicts in the previous world, but they never escalated to this degree.

They were all victims trapped in the same place. While victims often resent other victims more than the perpetrators, a sense of homogeneity still ended the quarrels at minor disputes.

Taesan looked at the posted messages.

[Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: Wow, only in Easy mode? Are you making fun of Easy mode players? That's not a joke. It's just…]

Choi Junghyeok.

A name he had seen in the previous world.

“It’s that guy, as expected.”

[What is?]

“This discussion.”

That guy must have inflamed the emotions. Taesan, who had been silently watching, finally opened his mouth.

[Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: And Kang Taesan? That guy is the funniest. Why is he so boastful? What's with all the talk? I actually laughed while watching, you know?] [Kang Junhyeok[Solo]: That guy is really crazy.] [Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: The advice he gives is also absurd. Endure in HP1 state? Isn't that just a fancy way to say die? Why do you guys believe in such a person?]


Laughter escaped.

It was clear why Choi Junghyeok was pushing this far. By now, he must have established his guild. There was a troublemaker in the previous world, but now there was no one to stop him, so he had essentially conquered Easy Mode.

And every group needed an enemy.

Not a massive, labyrinthine entity, but an enemy on which they could vent their emotions and frustrations.

Choi Junghyeok was not a fool.

Solo and Easy Mode players could meet each other, and if what the Solo Mode players said were true, then they thought that clearing the game was impossible, hence the taunts.

People who only complained about the difficulty but could not be met.

They were perfect targets.

However, Choi Junghyeok was missing one thing.

Taesan leisurely posted a message.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: Let's meet in a month.] [Choi Junghyeok[Easy]: ....What?]

There was a hint of surprise.

Taesan stopped talking and closed the Community.

Choi Junghyeok was going to pay for his careless words.

Until then, he planned to descend as far as he could.

[Are you going to proceed right away?]

“There’s no reason to delay.”

Taesan got up.

He was hardly fatigued. His physical and magical energies had been fully restored as he rested.

Taesan headed to the next room.

[Orc Chieftain. Latran has appeared.]

An orc was waiting for him, a greatsword buried in the ground with both hands.

“It’s not a Lord.”

[You expect a Lord-grade already? The odd thing is - if that guy had fully functional legs, you would have died.]

Even with the significant penalty of being immobilized, it was hard to guarantee victory against a Lord grade, given that an orc was a higher-tier monster than a goblin, a Lord grade was expected to be impossible to defeat, even for the improved Taesan.

[The Chieftain is not weak either. It has enough power to manage a phase. Considering it's the final trial, the difficulty level is high, and it's an enemy that the adventurers here can't oppose... but well, you can probably handle it.]

Those calm words carried a definite trust.

Latran, looking at him, began to speak.

“You’ve made it here. Oh, great warrior. I thank you for your combative spirit. It will make for a pleasurable duel.”

Latran lifted his greatsword.

“Are your honorable comrades satisfied with their departure?”

Taesan nodded his head. Latran smirked.

“I guess that’s enough. I thought the so-called gods were useless… but this time is different. I must express gratitude.”

“You’re more interested in the duel than in killing me.”

If you thought of their roles as defenders of the labyrinth, opposing the god’s trial would be the correct choice.

Everyone mobilizing at once to pressure Taesan would give them a much higher chance of winning.

But the orcs didn’t do that.

All twenty orcs approved of the trial.

“What use is killing you?”

Latran displayed a puzzled look.

“We are just slaves tied to this place. We can’t even anticipate when our liberation will come, let alone have a glorious battle. And now you say we should trample on you, who could not only free us but also give us a glorious death? You expect us to do such a meaningless and valueless thing?”

Latran bared his teeth.

“We can’t do that.”

There was madness in his face.

“We cannot. You must show us glory.”

The air became sharply cold.

“Oh, warrior! Show me your power!”

[You are facing a tough opponent. Your thirst for battle has been activated.] [You have activated 'Disdain For The Strong'. You receive a bonus for facing a formidable enemy.] [You are in a 1:1 situation. Your 'Fair Duel' has been activated.]

As the system message windows cascaded in front of Taesan, Latran bellowed.

“And grant me death!”

[Latran has activated 'Charge'.] [Latran has activated 'Rage'.]

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