"If I was alone…" Vernisia muttered while infusing mana and slightly shuddered. That tide was too scary as it gave the feeling of the world ending.

"No. I have noticed and confirmed that if two people are doing something together related to dungeon and relic trial, the difficulty is adjusted according to that," Zevien said with a wry smile.

"Now that I think about it, you are right."

The sound of the tide moving was getting louder as the tide got closer.

"Just two seconds," Vernisia said before one second passed… and then another.

Just when Vernisia finished lighting up the entire crystal lace, a pleasant horn-like sound reverberated and the giant tide turned into motes before rapidly shrinking and gathering around Vernisia. In the end, a beautiful seashell floated in front of Vernisia after two seconds.

"Got it," Vernisia smiled as she grabbed the Seashell and checked the details.

"Let's get away from this whale first," the Zevien princess carried Vernisia before flying back to the island where a portal had appeared.

Vernisia had finished looking at the details and the requirements of the relic before they arrived on the island. "Zevien, this is actually a first relic trial after we became 4th class magicians."

"Hmm, I see…" Zevien understood. "That's why something like this happened. I guess the requirement of the relic also changed?"

"Yep. This Tidal Seashell relic requires me to have the magic power of 2000 and some other rare materials to activate it," Vernisia wryly smiled.

"Well, then. You should spawn a dungeon gate by infusing 100 mana in your Yukan Necklace relic," Zevien said with a rueful smile.

In Vernisia's first magic labyrinth, they entered her Restore Stone's dungeon and got the Yukan Necklace relic. However, one can only spawn a dungeon portal after activating a relic, so they had yet to enter Yukan Necklace's dungeon.

They didn't leave this beach island as Vernisia just spawned the dungeon portal by infusing 100 mana into the Yukan necklace relic.


[Fish Kingdom's Illusion dungeon]

-Escape from monsters and destroy all four nexus without dying.

-You must not hurt any humanoid fish monsters.

—>Complete the task of destroying four nexuses in ten minutes for a golden treasure chest.

—>Complete the task of destroying four nexuses in fifteen minutes for a silver treasure chest.

—>Complete the task of destroying four nexuses in eighteen minutes for a bronze treasure chest.


"Uhh… This is going to be troublesome," Zevien wryly smiled.

Both of them were in the middle of an exquisite palace, like the palace of Atlantis. From the four passages, monsters were rushing toward them with spears and forks in their hands. These monsters were humanoid with shark-head and other various fish-heads.

"We go separately to destroy the nexuses," Vernisia said before she quickly used the <Roving Aegis Guard> spell to create a defense around her and flew in the first passage.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Zevien used the new defense-type spell of the Shaman-Seed set that he unlocked when he reached the 3000 magic power mark, the <Darkin Shields>, and then used the <Omni-Barrier> on top of it.

Three wavy round shields appeared and rotated around him as he flew towards the second passage.

The fish warriors threw their weapons toward him while he flew. The barrier blocked all attacks as he continued flying deeper into the passage before he saw a nexus, which was a star-shaped deep blue crystal.

In front of the nexus was a giant humanoid monster with a large belly having a crab-face with crab hands.

"Tsk, I need to use narrow attacks to destroy the nexus," Zevien clicked his tongue. He has to be careful not to accidentally kill monsters and that giant crab monster.

"The sooner I destroy it, the better. If this passage is filled with more…" Zevien muttered as he quickly used <Blood Hook> to bind the giant crab humanoid monster and pushed it aside before releasing two <Rage Balls> with overflow-cast as they shot towards the nexus.


pαndα`noνɐ1~сoМ The first nexus was destroyed as Zevien sighed in relief and quickly flew back while blocking another wave of attacks from the monsters.

Vernisia also successfully destroyed a nexus as she had no problem defending against the attacks and used the <1st style: Water Terror Fish> magic spell to destroy the nexus as she controlled the fishes to pass by the giant monster quickly before exploding on the nexus.

As Zevien and Vernisia entered the 3rd and 4th passages, they had to face more attacks, leaving them no choice but to defend. Zevien's barrier and shield were broken twice, and he was slightly injured, but he still managed to destroy the 3rd nexus without killing anyone.

On the other hand, Vernisia had no problem defending at all. She had to use a mana stone to fuel her <Roving Aegis Guard> a bit, but it went smoothly in the end.

After the four nexuses were destroyed, the fish monsters disappeared, and a golden chest appeared in the center of the hall, along with an exit portal behind it.

"It's time for Rock, Paper, Scissors," Vernisia grinned.

"Haha, let's do it!"

Rock, Paper, Scissor!

"I won!" Vernisia snickered as she walked towards the golden treasure chest and opened it.

Zevien peeked from behind and was surprised. "One yellow-rank, two gray-rank, and three white-rank crystals! A spell scroll, and what is that?"

Vernisia picked up a strange crystal, and as soon as she touched it, she got the information in her head.


[Magic Trial Crystal]

-Infuse a tiny amount of mana in the crystal to open a trial dimension. You will get magic crystals according to your result in the trial.


"So we finally got our first Magic Trial Crystal," Vernisia said with some excitement. "Touma-sir told us about this along with other things, but we never got this thing before."

"Yeah. Dan got one Magic Trial Crystal three days ago when he and Erica entered his 2nd magic labyrinth. He told me they got a total of seven magic crystals."

"Let's use it right away and see how many we get," Vernisia said with a smile as she infused some mana, which caused the crystal to glow and release some energy that wrapped Zevien and Vernisia before both of them disappeared.

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