Ascension Of The Immortal Asura

Chapter 1128 Entering the Yang Lotus

Chapter 1128 Entering the Yang Lotus

Like a demon emerging through the veil of reality, John's Asura form burst into existence. A black and red aura churned around him like an inferno from hell, twisting the air with its power. The Asura form overlapped his Dragon-God Shift, red intertwining with green, changing his body into an amalgamation of Dragon and Asura.

John bathed in the power he felt, his eyes closing for a singular moment. He tested the limits of his new Late Dao Transformation powers, then opened his eyes and nodded with satisfaction. He then felt a gaze burning into his back, a gaze not filled with awe, horror, or disbelief, but instead shame and even...anger.

He looked down towards the source of the gaze, and locked eyes with Ji'Han. Ji'Han stared up at him, his face mimicking the emotions John felt from his gaze. It was an expression of a tme genius humbled for the very first time in his life, a shocking realization that John had not even considered him a true opponent from the beginning.

It was at this moment that Ji'Han understood everything. He understood John's lack of concern towards him. He understood Lilian's words of caution. He understood the truth of the Illusory Testing Scores, and that John's impossible scores were not false, but just a testament to his genius.

It was an understanding of what it truly meant to be heaven- defying. Ji'Han then hung his head, staring down at his feet. He couldnt force himself to stare at the one who had not only taken everything from him, from the spotlight to the Ancient Blessings of the Three Dao's. Most of all, he couldn't face himself.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

Despite everything that was going on, despite the harrowing danger that everyone felt, Ji'Han's first thoughts upon seeing John's transformation were of jealousy, anger, and embarrassment. He now only felt shame at himself, shame from thinking about such trivial things when everyone around was going to perish. While he thought of the spotlight, John thought of stopping the Yang-Sovereign.

He finally understood that there were levels above himself, levels that he would never be able to obtain.

"What...are you a Devil?" the Sword-Saint finally spoke up after recovering from his shock.

"No," John shook his head, his voice deep and sinister like that of an Asura. "But would it matter if I was?"

"I suppose not," the Sword-Saint shook his head. "You're on our side, and that's all that matters."

John raised an eyebrow at the Sword-Saint's even-headed reply, then nodded. The Sword-Saint eyed him up and down for a moment, then frowned.

"Is this the limit of your strength?" he asked. "I can feel your strength is on the same level as mine right now, the Half-Step Holy Manifestation Realm. While we outnumber the Yang-Sovereign, that will not be enough for us to win."

"I have another trump card," John said with a confident smile, his words shocking everyone to their cores. His combat prowess was already at the Half-Step Holy Manifestation Realm, a full five minor realms higher than his true cultivation. It was already beyond heaven-defying, beyond impossible, and yet he claimed to have more. "It's just that I can only use it for a few minutes at most, so I'm saving it for when we start the fight."

The Sword-Saint stared at John with an unreadable expression, too many emotions flittering across his face to determine his true thoughts.

Then he glanced at John, his silent expression conveying his words for him. An expression that said, 'time to reveal the true limits of your power.'

John made sure the Sword-Saint was ready, then nodded and turned to face the entrance again. Then, his focus shifting inwards, he focused on his innate power used only a few times in his life thus far. An innate power given to him by his true mother and father. An innate power, that much like the Asura Transformation Art, defied all reason and logic, and even the Heavens itself.

John prepared himself for the surge of power to come, a surge that would push his body and soul to his very' limits and then further. Then he committed to the act.

Like a billion tiny Dantian's come to life, each and every blood cell in his body surged to life, pouring an incredible amount of Qi into his body and soul as he activated his Innate Bloodline Ability.

The power coursing from his body exploded once more, pushing him over the edge, increasing his combat prowess from the Half- Step Holy Manifestation Realm and into the Early Holy Manifestation Realm. The power coursing through him nearly overwhelmed him as he felt his body twist and creak, almost breaking apart from within.

He controlled that surging power as best he could, doing his best to minimize the internal damage increasing by the second. Then, without looking back at the Sword-Saint or anyone else, he sped forward as a Kirin Avatar began to materialize behind him, following him into the entrance of the Yang Lotus.

He sped through the tunnel-like entrance, stepping into a world of Yang and Fire. The internal area of the Yang Lotus was far more expansive than he thought it would be, the confines of the lotus stretching for hundreds of miles in each direction.

In the middle of this domain sat the Yang-Sovereign, his back still to them. Without missing a beat, lightning burst alight on John's skin as he sped forward with his maximum speed, his scythe crackling with lightning, the Kirin Avatar exploding with power behind him.

At the same time, the Sword-Saint appeared next to him, his sword exploding in size, becoming over a mile long, slashing down towards the Yang-Sovereign with his absolute might.

Kirin-God Extinction!

Asura Reaping Scythe!

Sacred Sword Scripture!

The combined might of these three battle arts almost seemed to destroy everything as they surged towards the Yang-Sovereign, who stood up and faced them at the last possible moment, his eyes going wide, his power surging with fiery anger a moment later.


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