Artifact Reading Inspector

Chapter 120: Portrait of Titus (1)

Chapter 120: Portrait of Titus (1)

Haejin was surprised by unexpected situation, but he got to punish a politician who worked as servant of Japanese, so he decided to be content with it.

Dongcheol left in grief, so Haejin would not be able to see him on TV for some time.

“This Double Dragon Sword is…”

Eunhae gave the press conference. She explained what retrieving the Double Dragon Sword meant, and reporters kept shooting photos of her and the sword.

She officially announced the existence of the sword and said it would be displayed at the museum with approval of Cultural Heritage Administration.

Of course, they had no reason to say no. Haejin worried about another lunatic like Dongcheol appearing, but the official who was supposed to take care of the matter took a selfie with the sword and promised he would give every support needed, so there was no reason to worry about it.

What was funny was Japan’s attitude. Haejin had thought Ogura family or Cultural Heritage Administration of Japan would protest, but they didn’t do anything.

If they had stolen it from a family or something, they would have said there was no proof that that had stolen it and demand to get it back immediately, but it had been exhibited at museum of royal household. There was record.

Demanding to get the sword back would mean admitting they had stolen it from the museum a century ago.

Japanese must have known Ogura’s grave had been dug up thanks to pro-Japanese senators like Dongcheol, but for that reason, they could do nothing.

Sanghun, who came in secret after closing time a few days later, proved it.

“I’m sorry. You have done well, but information leaked out from us.”

“You could have told me sooner.”

Haejin really didn’t feel good about it. Sanghun must have known information could leak out from NIS, so saying sorry no was no good.

“I tried to keep the secret as long as I could.”

That was till Haejin finished robbing. Sanghun couldn’t keep the secret after he arrived at Busan after that. Haejin was irritated, but technically, it wasn’t Sanghun’s fault. It was fault of pro-Japanese traitors who still had power in Korea, so he decided to let it go.

“Hu… But you must know things have gone strange.”

“But you have taken care of it so well. You officially announced that you bought it from a foreigner, so the Japanese government is doing nothing apart from unofficial protest.”

“They must know the tomb have been robbed, then.”

“Yes. But they are not officially protesting about that, either.”

“Of course. What came out of there were Goryeo celadons and the Double Dragon Sword.”

However, Sanghun gravely shook his head.

“No, that’s not the reason.”

“What? Then what is it?”

“Stealing artifacts and robbing a grave are different matters. They can complain about it if they want, but there’s no proof that says it was us, and most of all, Ogura Foundation wanted to bury it.”

“Bury this matter? Why?”

“That’s the problem. I tried to find out the reason. That’s why I came late.”

Sanghun handed Haejin a document.

“This is report about the future of Japan’s antique market Ms. Momoko wrote. Part about Ogura Foundation and antiquity merchants who works with yakuza is very impressive.”

Haejin took it and read it. It said antiquity smugglers who had been hiding would work in the open from now on.

“What does this mean?”

“It’s simple. Organizations that controls antiquity market of Japan would get even bigger, so they would commit even more crimes. And their target would be Asian countries like China and Japan.”

“Complaining about losing what they stole first would be no good, so they are going to steal again or fraud?”

“They have different way of thinking.”

“They’re mad…. Anyway, I’ll get it. I will care even more about security. But those who are really in danger are ordinary people who buys and sells antiques at Insadong.”

“That’s the problem. Antiques are not manufactured objects. There are only few experts who can discern them properly, so all we can do is to tell the merchants to be careful.”

“Well, there’s nothing more you can do.”

The government can’t take care of everything…

“Anyway, thank you for taking care of this matter way.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I got paid well, and Double Dragon Sword would be exhibited in this museum.”

As the sword had been at the museum of the department of royal household, Haejin had worried about the National Museum or National Palace of Museum demanding it to take it, but Cultural Heritage Administration acknowledged Haejin’s efforts and let him exhibit it at his museum.

“Of course. We couldn’t even guess where Ogura’s tomb was. We never imagined you would finish it in two weeks and come back. And call me anytime if you need my help. I will do my best to help as long as I can.”

Sanghun left a business card. With that, everything about the sword was finished. No except for that Wang Mingwan would come to Korea to thank Haejin.

After Sanghun left, Haejin took out the earring. He had taken it from Ogura’s tomb by chance. At the time, it was buried in mud so he couldn’t check what it was.

After that, he had to go through a series of crazy events like escaping Japan, returning to Korea, and planning press conference, so he forgot all about it. He got a chance to take a proper look only a day after the press conference.

He carefully wiped off the dust and removed pollutants with special chemicals. The he could see what it was.

It was gilt bronze earring probably from Gaya confederacy, but Haejin couldn’t understand why it was the only one.

Gaya and Shinra left countless golden artifacts, and it is estimated that Ogura robbed many unknown tombs.

But why would he put only one earring among those artifacts in his tomb? That was what Haejin wanted to know.

The only way to find out was his magic. This moment was his chance, when no one was around.

Memory of more than a millennia brought sever headache, but joy and glee which made that pain go away followed.


Haejin grabbed his head and jumped to his feet. He walked around the room as he bit his fingernail.

To his surprise, Ogura had found a tomb of Geumgwan Gaya in mountains of Komhae.

But before he could rob it, Korea was liberated, so Ogura had to return to Japan.

He already knew there was considerable amount of treasures in that tomb, so during the rest of his life, he regretted not getting to rob that tomb in Kimhae.

Eventually, when he died, he decided to be buried with it. It was to not leave any proof of the tomb. If Japan couldn’t take those artifacts, no one could.

That man was so evil and persistent.

“What should I do now?”

Now Haejin had to legally excavate the tomb. However, he was worried about another artifact excavation organization stealing the artifacts.

That wouldn’t happen of course, but Haejin wouldn’t be able to sleep if institution that was in Vice Chairman Sungjun of Hwajin or a traitor like Dongcehol’s hands got to excavate it.

The tomb had to be excavated by Haejin’s museum or another trustworthy organization.

Anyway, he couldn’t do this quickly. He thought he had to take time and be careful. Then Eunhae opened the door and came in.

“What are you doing? Are you worried about something?”

“Oh, no, I’m not worried.”

Eunhae smiled and sat on sofa. Then she put a cup of tea she had brought in front of Haejin.

“If it’s nothing important, you shouldn’t be stressed about it. You should go home to rest. I’m doing all the work now.”

“Well…. You are on news now…”

Eunhae had become a star after the press conference. People were happy to see such young and beautiful director.

Articles and Eunhae and magazine interviews came after one another. She was invited to news yesterday to give an interview, and eventually, she got an offer to film a cosmetic advertisement this morning.

Of course, Eunhae said she wasn’t interested, but she kept smiling because of it.

Working all night probably couldn’t get rid of that smile.

“Hahaha! I’m quite popular these days, right?”

“You are. Maybe I should get your autograph.”

“Haha, there’s no need for that. Oh, and Eric Holton just called.”

“Oh… What did he say?”

Haejin had called Eric to apologize about mentioning him in the press conference. He hung up quickly, saying he had urgent business. Haejin still felt bad about it.

“He said there was no reason to apologize and we can use his name as much as we want.”

“Haha, that’s good. I think he is a good man.”

“Yes. At first, I thought he was a playboy who tried to win me with his money… Haha! Don’t tell him I said that!”

“I’ll think about it.”

Eunhae smiled at Haejin’s joke and continued.

“But sadly, he asked for your help.”

“Why is that sad?”

“You will have to leave again to help him!”

It meant Eunhae didn’t like Haejin leaving again after coming back only a few days ago.

“At least we went to Japan together.”

“Yes, but you were so busy digging so I didn’t even get to see you often. Plus, no I have tons of things to do after that trip…”

This was getting awkward again. Haejin coughed and changed the topic.

“Khmm… Anyway, why does he need my help.”

“As you know, Mr. Holton is going after antiquity crime organization. He said they are trying to get a painting.”

That was probably what he had meant by busy.

“What is it?”

“It’s a Rembrandt, he said he will explain the details. He said you have to call him as soon as possible.”

“Really? Okay.”

Haejin called Eric immediately. Then he put it on speaker so that Eunhae could hear toe conversation, too.

“Haejin? Sorry, I was busy earlier.”

“No, it’s fine. I owe you one.”

“No need for that between us… Well, it would be good for me if you think so. You should pay that debt quickly.”

“How can I help you.”

“Umm… Do you have some money?”


Eric Holton was richer than most billionaires. He had more than enough money…

“Yes, do you happen to be interested in buying a painting? It won’t be cheap, but I can give you priority. But I cannot buy this myself. I’ll tell you why when you get here.”

“How much is it?”

“4.7 million dollars.”

What the… It hadn’t been a month since Haejin rejoiced about getting 6 billion won, but now he had to spend 5.2 billion won. Life is unpredictable.

“What kind of painting is it?”

“It’s Rembrandt’s. Have you heard of portrait of Titus?”

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