76 Overprotective Husband

Aria was cleaning their room when a maid inform her that someone was here to see her. A friend they say. So she tidied up herself and went downstairs. Her face darkens as she saw Olivia with her slutty dress almost revealing everything.

"Who let her in?" She asked the maid.

"Madam, the guards let her in. Since she said you are her friend."

"She's not my friend." She said. "Please escort her outside." She said.

"Aria, right?" Olivia stood. "I am here just to warn you about something." She pull out something from her bag and toss it. "These are my photos and Ethan's. You see, Ethan love me so much that he dote on me more than anyone else. I hope you can see for yourself."

Aria clenches her fist as her nails dug on her palm just to control her anger. She breath slowly, keep her composure and stare directly at the woman.

"That was your past with him. I have nothing to do with it. Besides, Ethan married me, which only means that he love me which is present tense and his love for you was past tense."

Olivia get annoyed on her calmness. She then, open the envelope and scattered the photos of her and Ethan. Being all lovey dovey. There are also photos of her and him that are lewd—like photos of them before and after ending their love making. Photos, something came back to her.

It was the moment when Janine throw her lewd photos. Her stomach crunches and she wanted to puke. It was disgusting. What she sees in the photos wasn't Ethan and Olivia's lewd photos but her lewd photos. Her trauma triggered.

Aria almost puke on those photos but she remain composed. The maid immediately call Aria's body guards that were roaming in the garden. They came in running as they enter and both of them immediately pull Olivia away.

"How dare you show up here in front of the Madam!" The guard that has been assigned by Ethan personally scowl the woman. Their main priority is to protect Aria and the baby and to make sure that nothing would make her mood sour.

"Take your filthy hands away from me!" Olivia struggle. "I can walk on my own."

Aria remain standing though her face was pale and she's not talking. The maids started picking up the photos and put it back in the envelope. Aria run upstairs with tears and she immediately walk briskly to the bathroom and started puking in the toilet bowl.

"Madam?" The maid that followed her immediately comforted her and rubbed her back. She call Ethan while Aria is vomiting and her mind was elsewhere. "Sir, something happened." She told him the details of everything that happened.

Ethan was in the middle of the meeting when his phone rings and it was a call from home. He answered it immediately since he never receive a call from the house. He only told them to call when there's an emergency so it must be an emergency.

His eyes dilated when the maid informed him about it. He clenches his fist and hang up. His sudden move makes everyone in the room fear him. His devious aura almost make them pee in their pants.

"Meeting adjourn."

He stands and make quick strides outside the conference room. He immediately call the standby chopper to take him home in just ten minutes, he arrive and he immediately walk briskly to the master's bedroom.

He saw two maids going in and out from the master's bedroom with basin and tray. He gets in and found her curled up on the bed and shuddering. He immediately sat down beside her and reach her forehead. She's burning up. She never really burn up like this. He caress her hair and called their family doctor.

"Baby?" he calls. Her heavy eyelids opens and her eyes look broken. "Ohh, baby, what happened?" he remove his coat and move closer to her. "Talk to me." His voice grew worried as he pull the covers and hugged her.

"I'm cold." She murmur. He pull her into his arms and cover the duvet around her. She slowly stop shuddering and now getting calm. Then, she started weeping quietly.

"Let it go, Aria. Let it all go." He caress her stomach. "It will be bad for our baby. Holding it will be bad for our baby, so let it all go and cry until your heart is free."

She started sobbing. She's still burning up and will crying be fine? Yet he let her cry and gave her water so she could replace her fluids. She cried until she nearly fall asleep.

"Ethan…" She utters.

"Yes, my love?"

"Are you still going to be back with her?" Her question makes his brows knitted.


"I am getting fat and ugly…" she said emotionally and started weeping again. He face her and wipe away her tears.

"Aria, fat or ugly you are my wife. And that woman is crazy, there's no way that I could get back to her. She's just my past." He said truthfully and his heart aches to her vulnerability.

"You look so lovely in those photos."

"What photos?" then he remembered what the maid had told him. "Baby, whatever that woman did to you, she will pay for it. And for me, there's no other woman but you."

"It's easy to say." She smack his chest. He gave her a glass of water and she hiccups.

"Drink more." She did drink more and he told her to lay down. She did and look up at him.

"It is easy to say. But I am always sincere to you." He kisses her lips. "Sleep while we wait for your doctor."

"Don't go."

"I won't go. Let me change my clothes first?" She sat up and nodded. He went to the walk-in closet and change his clothes immediately into house clothes. Then he went to lay down beside her spreading his arms for her to lay on.

"Ethan?" She called. He keeps caressing her hair and after few seconds she hums. "Don't leave me."

"I will never leave you."

"Even though I am a disgusting woman?"

"You are not disgusting, Aria." He mutter and kisses her forehead. She sniffled.

"I'm still cold."

"Next time, I will tell the guards not to let anyone in without calling here. They just violate the protocol." He was so angry now that he blame himself for not being secured around their house.

"Ethan, I love you so much."

"Baby, I know." He keep kissing her face. "You are so hot." He hugged her tightly careful not to squish her stomach.

Soon the doctor came and said that it's just an emotional breakdown. Nothing to worry about. Her baby is safe and healthy but if she keep having emotional breakdown like this it will be bad for both the mother and the baby. So his only priority right now is to make her happy and keep her from breaking down.

Once she had fallen asleep, he went to his office and order his people. He also ask the court to issue a restraining order to Olivia. That is the only way he could protect her and his baby. Olivia will never be near her or him. If she does, she will be imprisoned and or else will pay fines.

When he get back to the bedroom, he found her sitting up and looking up at him adorably.

"Ethan, I'm hungry." She said. He smiled and ring the maids for her food.

"What do you want to eat?" She started telling him things she wants to eat and she get back to bed. As the lovers are cuddling each other while waiting for the food, suddenly there came a knock on the door and he get up to open it.

While the maids are busy setting the foods on the table, Ethan's phone rings and he answer it immediately since it's from Sabrina. Sabrina is actually calling him. He was too surprised.

"Hey yo!"

"Ethan, I want you to stay alert. Aria has been monitored by our enemies whenever she leave the house. I'll send security to tail her as well."

"Noted." His sister actually talk. Then, he heard from Enzo that Sabrina only talk to her husband. She really did give her full trust to Gabriel and they only hope that Gabriel wouldn't betray her. "It's nice hearing your voice." He said.

"I can only talk to you and Enzo no one else… well except my husband."

"Good to hear that. We will soon have them in our hands."

"I will make that sure."

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