266 Unedited The Shadow

Sabrina was calm as Hailey hold on her tight to protect her and the baby. She don't understand how Sabrina can be this calm but she's shaking a little. Sabrina comforted her as she squeeze her hand slowly. They didn't talk as they let the man drove somewhere. Then he stop the car and someone open the door.

It was twenty armed men.

"Out." One of them commands. Hailey hesitate for a while but Sabrina told her to do what they want. She suddenly feel déjà vu. She calmly and slowly follow them as they lead them to the other car. Their car has a tracker and her husband is too protective over her.

They enter in another car. They are quiet as they follow them. Sabrina notice the tattoos. It was too familiar with her and few memories flashes on her mind. She hold her head and lean on Hailey.

"You okay?" She mutter.

"I feel dizzy." Sabrina was not acting. She look suddenly pale and then sweating cold. Hailey bit her lip and hold her tears as she hugged Sabrina and her stomach. She has to protect her because she's family and on her stomach was a Lawson. Lawson protect each other that was their family motto.

"We will be fine."

"Give us your phones." One of them said and took their handbag. Hailey can't text while they are travelling a while ago because someone was at the back seat pointing gun to them. Sabrina told her not to do anything that would put them in danger.

The first lesson when getting kidnap was to be calm and act cool. If they are panicking it will only lead them to more danger. Keep your head cool and yourself calm though inside you are bursting. Sabrina now understand that she was kidnapped before that's why she's surprisingly calm.

Second lesson, be aware of everything and observe everything. They have to know the mastermind of this crime. The third would be keep yourself alive. How to keep yourself alive? Just follow them and be submissive so they won't hurt you. Plan well before escaping, then her eyes fall into Hailey's fitness band. She wanted to laugh and she hold Hailey's wrist and active the red alert.


Jason drove to EPUA after leaving Hailey's shop. He check in and went to his room. He was the only one who have access to it and Sabrina. On the table was an expensive bottle of whiskey and an black and red envelope. It was odd. Sabrina's code was red and this one has a black.

He read the documents and the instructions of the Shadow.

Codes: King (Gabriel)

Subject (10-26): Francisco or the enemy.

Dear Whiskey,

Your mission these days was only the Big Boss's husband's command through the details he saw. But it doesn't end in that. Recently, the King found out that the 10-26 has new resources. All of the resources that we research last year wasn't just is only resources. The 10-26 also have other investors and it was surprisingly increasing because of the Lawson Princess's obsessive stalker.

Already guess who it was? For now, Hailey was our way for the Dark Lord to regain her strength.

But the point is, the Dark Lord with reign the world again and now—she will be invincible as ever. Your mission is not to protect only a Lawson but to be a Commander of the army. We will soon, so soon bring them down. Those who hurt Mondragon and Alvarez shall pay a thousand folds. Those who killed your parents will pay thousand folds as what a Modragon-Alvarez has promised.

You are now appointed as a Commander of EPUA.


Best Regards,


An hour later, Jason was still flabbergast and re-read it. It can't be Sabrina. Sabrina lost all of her memories and according to the letter. He was Sabrina's Shadow. Who is this damn Shadow? He reach his phone and call Enzo. On the background was baby's voices. They are laughing and at the background was Catriona laughing as well as she play with the babies.

"Hello?" Enzo greet happily.

"Hey, I have a question." Jason said.


"Who is this Shadow?"

"Shadow?" Enzo was puzzled. "What Shadow?" So it means, Enzo didn't know about it. He can't tell anything further because Shadow's identity is highly restricted.

"Never mind." He said with a smile. "Say hi for those little dudes."

"Okay." Enzo said and he hang up. Then he call Ethan and on the background was the screaming Ana and Kiel. Then they are singing, Aria was teaching them how to scream. What's with the babies these past few days? He suddenly asked to himself. Lots of babies these past few days are bothering him.


"Hey, Ethan. I just want to ask if you know someone in EPUA that has a code name of Shadow?"

"Negative. Why?"

"Well, nothing. I was just curious if someone has a name of Shadow here in EPUA. Anyway… sorry for intruding your family bonding."

"It's okay. We are just listening to the kids sing."

"Bye now." He hang up and thought for a while. He lean on his swivel chair and think deep until an incoming call from Gabriel. "Hey."

"Sabrina and Hailey got kidnapped. Where the fuck were you?"

"What?" He exclaim and stood.

"We track the car."

"I'll be there." he look at the letter and then put it on the table. There's a whooshing sound and when the turn around. The envelope is gone and his shredder turned on as it shredded the letter and then it directly goes to the fireplace and the fire destroys it. The fuck. He look around and found no cameras. "!" He said aloud. "Damn you, Shadow!"

He rush out from the building to the parking lot. His phone started beeping and it was Hailey's band. He share the red dot to Gabriel and he demand General, EPUAs General to gather men and save the Dark Lord. Then he thought for a while was General is the Shadow? But his code name is General.

The man was serious and he even come with them to save their big boss.

As Jason drove his bike to Hailey's direction, his eyes become fierce. He was sure that they are kidnapping Hailey not Sabrina. He can't detect Tyler for three days now. It is possible that Tyler didn't leave the country and was monitoring Hailey.

He drove fast but it was late. The big boat is one kilometer away from the land.

"Let them." Gabriel said as he stand beside Whiskey. He look calm. "But if they touch a single tips on my wife and on my cousin, they will pay twenty folds."

General stand there in very snappy as he take out his phone and contact his men to ready a speed boat. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

"Let's wait for an hour until they reach the destination." Gabriel said. But he can feel the danger whenever he get close to Gabriel. He was too—become dangerous because it's not just Sabrina. It's Hailey. His best friend that he love most after his parents died.

He call Tyler and it was ringing. Then he answered it.


"Hey, fcking—Erickson!" He greets in very cheerful yet sarcastic way. "Give me back my woman, and the pregnant boss immediately. Or else—you will regret everything."

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked.

"Don't ask me such things, Erickson. You got a small dick and Hailey would never appreciate something like yours. She likes big and powerful like mine, so if you don't give my woman back and the pregnant boss safely—the world will shake. I am warning you right now, Erickson. The women you capture are dangerous. Not just dangerous but their men are surely going to punish you severely. This is the first warning, nerdy. Okay? Lawson's hold grudges and you chase a wrong woman. Because that woman was mine." He warns. He hang up and General including other agents that heard him say those things are surprised.

Then Jason thought for a while. He laugh out loud. Now he understand why Shadow wanted him to leave the two. Hailey can protect herself with her self-defense and Sabrina has a great marksman. But the thing is, she don't remember anything at all.

He laugh out loud and then glance at Gabriel who is talking with Oliver—the secretary giving him instructions. Gabriel turn to him.

"You done laughing? Because we are going to punish that Erickson first for doing nasty things to my sister." Gabriel said.

"Agree with you." Jason winks.

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