Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 789 - Suicide Mission Part 2

 Camila didn't expect that her manager would slowly give the job to her. He put a big trust in her. Also, the CEO, so after she got off from the office, she pulled out all of the marketing plans and strategies that she had. Including the advertisement plan.

"What do you want to eat?" Rhys asked.


"Some meat. Just give me any!" She said. Rhys prepared a special steak and steamed vegetables with sweet and spicy shrimp paste. He set it on the table, with water and her favorite pineapple juice.


"Rhys, I want some Korean food!"

 Rhys froze and looked down at the food that he prepared. He sighed and approached her.

"Babe, I prepare steak and steamed vegetables."

 She creased her brows and stood.

"I want Korean food later." She said walking past her. He followed her and pulled a chair for her. "Thank you, babe."

"Are you planning to stay up all night?" Rhys asked. "It's not good for the baby."

"Well, Rhys, if our baby wants to be awake so be it!"

"What Uncle Gabby said bothers you too much?"

"Rhys it's highly classified. I signed a paper for the company. Also, your Uncle just mentioned being a highly classified investigation!" She hissed at him. "Which means that he trusted me with it. What I don't want is to be a spy in a company, but somehow it has become my job since I became the manager's assistant. I have close colleagues in there like Amelia."

"If Amelia is doing her job, she won't get on with this," Rhys said as he put the sauce to her steak.

"However, I want Korean food." She said and took the rice.

 Rhys already cut her steak into pieces so she won't bother cutting it. Then, he took his tablet and searched for Korean foods while she's listening to the news at the same time. The news is currently about the bombing in the Empire Café. It's indeed a wreck and they said that no one survived and that includes the two heiresses of the Phoenix Empire and Dragon Empire.

"Rhys!" She pointed to the television. He only nodded at her. "What do you mean? It's your cousins!"

"They are fine," Rhys said and he took the table napkin and wiped her lips.

"What do you mean by that?" She frowned at him. Rhys smiled.

"They get into a very dangerous mission and they are fine." He rose from his seat, scooped her chin, and bent down to her to kiss her lips. "Finish your food so we could choose whatever you wanted to eat."

"Okay," She looked at the news again. There's the wreck Empire Café on the footage. She couldn't believe that she ate there many times and it's her favorite café. But then it exploded just like that.

"But they are fine?"

"They are fine." Rhys patted her. "Let's not talk about them. Okay?"


 It's the third time that she takes a pregnancy test but she's not pregnant. They already visit a doctor. She didn't have regular menstruation. She became stressed and couldn't even think of what to do. She heard that Camila is pregnant. She also heard that Kale impregnated someone too and they are all going to get married.

 Staring at herself in the mirror. It seemed like she didn't know her anymore. Her lips are dry and have cracks indicating that she's stressed. Under her eyes are a little bit dark and she looks pale. Raiden wouldn't like it when he saw her like this. But it seemed too late.

"Babe!" Raiden knocked and opened the door. He frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked as he approached her and reached her face. "Let's put some lip balm on your lips."

 She hugged Raiden and inhaled his scent. She closed her eyes hard as she leaned her cheek to his chest. She didn't want to cry but she burst into tears. Raiden froze for a while as she cried like a baby. His heart breaks seeing her like this.

"I'm not pregnant." She cried. "I can't get pregnant…"

"Hey, don't stress over something like that. We'll have babies soon." He said softly to comfort her. "How about, let's not think about it?" He gently pushed her and wiped her tears. "Let's forget about babies for a while and enjoy being together alone. Because if we have babies around, crying and pooping, we might not be able to do everything we wanted?"

 She sniffled and nodded at him. He kissed her forehead and calmed her down.

"Enroll in art class again. How about that?"

"I want a cooking class."

"Okay, whatever you wanted to take." He nodded at her. "Let's go out for dinner. Make yourself pretty, and we'll eat outside. Raiden seemed to be talking to a little girl, and he is careful with every word and bribing her things to make her stop crying. It's useful. He waited for her and helped her with picking her dress. She didn't put on a lot of make-up. Enough to make her skin blooming.

 She smiled at him and turned around to the beautiful dress that Raiden just got for her.

"Is this only for tonight's dinner?" She asked.

"No." He extends his hand to her, and he's also dressed for the night. He texted the bodyguards that always looked after her.

 He drove his supercar to the Restaurant for Romance that is under the Phoenix Empire's Corporation. He has a reservation for the best seat on the top with the best view. She smiled at the good music and the beautiful skyscraper.

"Wow," She said. He pulled a chair for her and made her comfortable. A waiter came with special champagne. He opened it and made a pop and poured it on their champagne flutes.

 He raises the glass toward her.

"To my beautiful wonderful wife, I love you forever and always," Raiden said. She pressed her lips to avoid tearing from Raiden's words. She lifted her glass and clung it with him. "Charlotte, I don't want you to be sad. I don't want you to be depressed or anxious by staying home. I want you to reach her dreams, and I'll be there to catch you if you tripped on your way up."

 He extended his hand and leaned it over the table. Charlotte reached it. He gently pressed her hand.

"Baby, I'll always be here for you."

 Charlotte smiled at him.

"Thank you, Raiden."

"You don't have to thank me. Also," Raiden bent down and raised her hand to kiss it. "I have a special surprise." He said, and the waiter and waitress brought the food to them and set it on the table.

"Wow," Her eyes widen.

"It's all your favorites."

"Raid, you prepared so much."

"Well, my wife needed a break from cooking. It's time that you have all of your favorites."

 She enjoyed the food until the special dessert. Not until a couple approached them. She looked at Raiden.

"Hi, Sister. I didn't think that you'll be in such a place." Mary Ann said.

 Raiden signed the waiter and glanced outside the glass where snipers are around to make sure that Charlotte is safe.

"Why shouldn't she be in such a place?" Raiden asked. "My family owns this building. She'll be anywhere she wants."

 Mary Ann seemed to flinch, and Francis glared at him. Raiden is only calm.

"Babe, just enjoy your dessert."

"How can I enjoy it when they are watching?" She shrugged. "Do you want some?" She offered.

 The couple seemed to be insulted by Charlotte's kindness.

"No, we already had our dinner. Darling, I don't think that this is the best restaurant in Manhattan." Mary Ann said.

"We'll find another."

"Any luxury restaurant in Manhattan is under my Empire," Raiden said. "I don't think you'll ever find a best except for diners."

 Few people looked in their direction and to Mary Ann and Francis. They also have two bodyguards tagging along with them.

"Let's go," Francis murmured. Charlotte is watching them while she's busy eating her dessert.

"This is good." She told Raiden.

 Satisfied as the couple left, Raiden watched his wife enjoy the dessert. After their dinner, they walked around the city, and he brought her to a gallery exhibit museum. It's empty, and she looked around.

"Why is it empty?" She asked.

"I don't want to force you. I bought this area."

"What?" She exclaimed.

"It's for your exhibit." He twirled her around as the soft music started playing. He let her hand go as he stepped back gracefully and bowed like a prince as he held out his hand. "Can I have this dance, Queen Charlotte?"

 Charlotte grinned as she gracefully placed her hand to his and curtsied. They dance through the music and the empty wide hall in a waltz. They laughed when they made a few mistakes.

"I am never good at the ballroom." She said.

"I'm good at dancing. Mostly at strip dancing." He winked. She laughed out loud.

"Are you serious?"

 Raiden winked at her. She laughed.

"Want to see my collection?"

"Of course!"

"Now, let's get home, and I'm going to show how I strip dance." He pulled her gently and put her hand to the crook of his arm. 

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