Rhys removed the mask as he slouched on the sofa. He took the bottle of water from Jaxon, opened the cap, and finished the 100ml bottle, then he shot it on the trash bin.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Rhys asked.


"Yeah, but my body felt like going to burst," Jaxon answered.

"Oh no! Don't burst it in here!" Rhys exclaimed.

I'll just need to sit on the toilet bowl and let it go." Jaxon decided and strode to the bathroom to let it go.

       Rhys listened as Jaxon made that groaning sound like a wolf. He even howled like a wolf. Rhys burst out laughing as he rolled on the sofa and fell onto the carpeted floor. After a few noises, Jaxon exclaimed a success. He came out a few moments. Rhys pressed his nose. It doesn't smell right at all. He reached the air sprayer that they bought from the convenience store and tossed it to Jaxon. He caught it and strayed it all over the bathroom, shut the door, and spray the door.

"Drink you Gatorade, honey!" Rhys reached for the bottle of Gatorade and tossed it to him.

"Don't tell me that you are going to lie in there?" Jaxon opened the cap and swung it to his mouth.

"Yeah," Rhys mumbled. "How long are we going to stay here?"

"I don't know." Jaxon walked to the window, positioned on the side, and gently opened the curtain on the side as he peeked and looked at the other building. He spotted a few snipers searching for them. He didn't have an idea if it's part of the Empire or part of another.

"I'll fix your bed." Rhys decided to get up. "I think you need to bath too. We don't know how long we are gonna stay rogue and not have a fresh bath." Rhys said dramatically.

       Jaxon nodded, took his towel, and went to the bathroom after he re-check the locks of the shabby apartment. While Rhys is busy setting up the mattress on the floor, with the covers and pillows, Jaxon is enjoying his bath. Rhys put the sofa on each side then, he put the table on the door and held up the doorknob with some device so no one could pick on it.

"Your turn!" Jaxon is whistling a song as he comes out of the bathroom.

"Only if I have my phone, I'll masturbate and have a sex call with my Camila," Rhys said as he pouted. All Jaxon could do is to listen to his whining. He talked about her and her a lot.

       They had their survival dinner and Rhys would cry dramatically, talking about Camila over and over again and how good she was in bed. The guy is surely in love with her but what's stopping him from marrying her? It's not liked the girl is with someone else.

       Rhys closed his eyes and started dreaming or maybe it's the vision of a woman. This must be it. The thing that he's waiting for. His soul mate. He wished that it was Camila but it's not. She got that blonde hair that perfectly falls at her back, she's tall, slender, and just beautiful. She extended her hand to him as she giggled. Rhys stepped back. He can't accept that it wasn't Camila. But the girl is indeed familiar like he had slept with her too.

"I like you." The girl pouted adorably. "You said that I'm beautiful."

"Yeah, I did." She's indeed captivating. "But it's complicated."

"I understand. But you said that she's just your best friend and you guys are doing it." She pulled her hand and crossed her arms.

"Yes, she is and we were…" Rhys mumbled. The girl is very alluring. However, he's just not accepting that he's having a vision of her and it's not Camila.

"Rhys, I understand." She stepped forward and hugged him. "But let's be together? Huh? I'll be very good, especially in bed. I'll be more than her." She is pouting with those teary eyes.

       Rhys opened his eyes and exhaled. He had smelled her and touched her in his vision. It felt so real. There, he had a dream of someone but it wasn't Camila. It's someone else. However, these might be another message if not his soul mate. The girl is familiar though.

       He sat up when he heard footsteps on the door. He reached Jaxon and shook him. Jaxon sat up immediately and looked at him. They stopped and listened to people talking instinctively. They immediately scramble, lift their mattress, and cover it to the door carefully. They put their fake face on and put their clothes under their suit. Rhys reached the vibrating phone as Jaxon increased the volume of the music that they are listening to.

"Aria," He mumbled as he answered the phone.

"Leave now! There is a tunnel in the ceiling inside the bathroom. It's used for air stuff. I think the two of you would fit in there. It's the only way to leave that place."

       Rhys exhaled and hung up. He entered the bathroom and stepped on the sink and climbed up as he removed the cover. Jaxon is busy putting things on the door to delay them from entering and he throws tear gas on as he runs inside the bathroom and locks it. He followed Rhys in the ceiling and closed it cover with him.

       They started crawling like snakes as they heard voices and guns from down there.

"This is so not cool," Rhys mumbled and his phone started vibrating. He answered it. "Yeah?"

"Keep going, I'm going to lead you to the place where you never imagine to be with," Aria said from the other line.

"Fuck you, Aria," Rhys mumbled as he kept crawling.

"Sorry, Rhys." Aria laughed. "It's the only way."

"It doesn't smell good in here." He complained about hissed. Aria is laughing from the other line.


       Kale smirked as Tina received the things that he ordered online. Her father is watching her receive it. Tina seemed to be happy when she received it and excited to open the box. He reached for his phone and sent her the already topless photo that he took a while ago. He waited for her reply and after a few moments, she replied to him with her naked body, teasing him by covering the private parts. She looked beautiful without any make-up on and mostly naked. He tapped the call. He tried to calm himself from going there and doing it with her.

"Do you like it?" Tina asked.

"If you are just close to me, I would ram my man to you nonstop," Kale said with those deep voices and enough to seduce her. She giggled.

"I just washed the VS that you sent to me. I am canceling my dinner with dad. I told him to have time with mom and mom of course go along with the charade." She said softly. "I'll be there."

"No, I'll be there," Kale smirked.

"You sure?"

"Yes," Kale answered. He will have her all for himself, one way or another. If taking her from her father is the way to hurt him, then he would do that. Damn, his dominating aura is turned on again. But it's not for revenge. It's because he wanted Tina all by himself.

"I'll call you when they leave. I have to get ready first."

"Okay," Kale said. "Send me more photos of you."

"Do the same, baby." She said seductively. Kale is so into it.

       Kale sent his handsome face together with his sexy photos. Then, she did the same. He loves all of the photos that she sent and he changes his wallpaper with her stolen photo while she's sleeping like a baby.

       He then, groom himself, brush his teeth, and put some nice clothes on before leaving his room. He even picked flowers from Kelsie's garden. Then, she went to the neighbor just after her father and mother left. She opened the door and pulled him inside.

"Thank you for the flowers and the VS collection, and whatever things you bought for me." She hugged him and kissed him.

"Babe, I want you right now." He said softly. She took the flowers and put them on the vase with other flowers that he sent a while ago.

"Do you want to eat first?"

"I want to eat you." He growled at her.

"Cannibalism isn't turning me on." She sat on the bed, wearing that beautiful seductive dress, and she lay down. Kale removed his shirt and his beach shorts. Then, he knelt in front of her and kissed her exposed thighs.

       He gently reached her panties. He smiled at the red one that she's wearing.

"I like it." He said softly.

"Babe, just eat me up." She pouted at him.

       Kale chuckled and crawled over her and kissed her lips softly.

"You are mine, okay?"

       She wrapped her arms around him.

"And you are mine." They kissed her more passionately.

"Babe, I'm going down there, okay?"

       She giggled.

"I've been horny since you sent that photo." He kissed her ear. 

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