Jacob frowned. He couldn't believe it. Ilya just called off the war from the Phoenix and Dragon. What makes him stop it? He prepared everything and planned everything and polished it. Then, he just called it off easily?

"I sacrifice everything for this Ilya. We can't turn back now."


"Just do what I say. We'll continue our business, but we'll not compete with them anymore."

"Fuck you!" Jacob shouted. "What have you been doing all of these weeks? You think I don't know?" Jacob sneered at him. "You shut me out. Are you with someone else?" Jacob threw the vase to the wall to get his attention. "Answer me."

        Ilya doesn't want to mention to him about Clause. He didn't want him to turn back from him. If not, he might threaten him. Jacob is powerful with all of his hacking skills but Ilya can kill him. However, he loves Jacob too. He doesn't want anything from them to change.

"I'm tired of the games, Jacob," Ilya said. "Let's take a break. You can go to an island if you want."

"No!" Jacob exclaimed. "I want to know why you change your mind. I want to know why you waste all of our energy, money, and plan just to back off."

"I'm sorry, but I don't want it anymore." Ilya faced him.

"How about Christian? He's a Lebedov. He should rule all of this. You want him back, do you?"

"Yes, I do. But~~" Ilya exhaled. It's what Clause wanted. Cyra healed him and give him another chance to live. He didn't want to betray them and his promise.

"I can't accept this, Ilya. Do as what you wish but I will not waste anything and sacrifice anything now." He left Ilya's room and he went directly to his room. He sat on his swivel chair, turned on his computer, and checked Ilya's location. He needs to know. He wanted to know what changed his mind. There must be a negotiation between the two parties.


        Cyra opened the capsule and Raiden opened his eyes. He looked around and he closed his eyes again. Charlotte is excited to hug him and talked to him as she waits patiently.

        Raiden felt like his body has been shot by electricity. He sat up and looked at the things connected to him.

"Cy, what are these?" He asked.

"Welcome back." Cyra smiled and checked his vitals from the monitor.

        Raiden raised his hands and he looked at Charlotte. Charlotte immediately run to him and hugged him while he's still sitting on the capsule.

"You've been sleeping for more than twenty-four hours." She mumbled. Raiden is surprised and flushed at the same time. He gently pushed her and he looked at Cyra.

"Cy, I never thought that you have a hot chick here."

"Stop, kidding." Charlotte pouted at him. Raiden couldn't recognize her.

"What your last memory?" Cyra asked.

"Well, I was supposed to be in the Philippines with Bianca." He said and looked around. "This doesn't look the Philippines at all."

        Charlotte pulled away and looked up at him. She looked hurt. But she composed herself.

"Hmm," Cyra looked at how Charlotte near to crying. She felt bad for the girl. Raiden kept forgetting about her.

"Excuse me." Charlotte turned back and walked to the door. Raiden shrugged.

"And where's Bianca?" he asked. Cyra crossed her arms and she watched as Charlotte froze from reaching the door. But she leaves anyway.

        Cyra shook her head.

"You want me to bump your head?" Cyra asked.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's been one month and fourteen days, Raiden. You break up with Bianca after you found her on top of Rhys, seducing your brother. Then, you punched your brother and hurt him, then run off like a chicken. The last thing you did is marrying someone and had a honeymoon in the Maldives, then got into an accident to lose your memories until we found you two days ago with your wife."

"Wife?!" He exclaimed then he laughed. "Stop making up such things. You bully me and prank me so much." He waved off.

        Butler Samson stepped forward and removed the connections from his veins and helped him.

"I'm not, joking." She said seriously. Raiden looked at Butler Samson and Butler Samson nodded.

        Butler Samson showed him the exact time in England and Raiden hold his head.

"Oh, fuck!" He said. "You aren't kidding!"

"Yes, I just said so." Cyra rolled her eyes. "You are good to go. Take a nap first."

        Butler Samson leads him to the wheelchair. He slumped his butt in the wheelchair and then Butler Samson take him to his room. He knocked first and then opened it. Charlotte turned to them and she approached him and smiled.

        Raiden felt bad that he couldn't remember a thing about this beautiful woman. But he won't get married in a rush. It's not him. He's sure of that. Butler Samson and Charlotte lead him to the bed and tucked him in.

"I think massage will do, Lady Charlotte." Butler Samson said. She nodded.

"Thank you." Charlotte looked at Raiden and he eyed her left fingers. He frowned and he sat up.

"Why do you have that?" He asked as he took her hand staring down at the emerald.

"Y-You gave it to me." She mumbled.

"What else? Tell me everything." Raiden said. Charlotte bit her lip and tears started streaming down her cheek. She smacked his chest.

"You keep forgetting me! Why?" She cried and she suddenly burst into cry and sobbed.

        Raiden froze. Did he just—make her cry? He never made a woman cry. But this somehow makes his heartbreaks.

"I'm sorry." He pulled her in his arms. She hugged him tightly until she calmed down. She murmured sorry and stood. She went to the walk-in closet to get his clothes on.

        She put it at the edge of the bed and she went to the bathroom with a basin and a damp towel. It's like nothing happened as she removed the white dress that he's wearing and she started wiping his face. He just watched her do it.

        Somehow, Raiden would just need to accept it. He got a goddess-like woman as his wife, and then his buddy down there is responding. She stopped and she moved her lips and kissed him. He responded and rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't remember you." He said apologetically.

��But you have to stop mentioning Bianca." She said. He stopped. The woman he loves is Bianca and this woman that he didn't even remember is telling him to stop mentioning Bianca. She sniffled and looked away, then she looked back at him. "Did you know that it hurts me when you mentioned her? If I say that that woman seduced your brother and make a complication between the two of you, would you trust me? Of course, you wouldn't. Because you love Bianca and not me."

"She what?" Then, Raiden thought of what Cyra said. And if it happened, then~~will he just forget about Bianca? She stood and took his clothes.

"Put this on." She gave it to him and she left.

        Raiden put the silk PJs on and he lay down and think. There's only one way to know about it. Rhys… he needs to see his dear brother.

        After a few moments, Charlotte came with his food. Then, she nursed him and feed him. She looked thin and stressed and have that dark circles around her eyes. She looked tired but here she is nursing him. Maybe it wasn't that bad that he married her.

        She called a maid and then put the tray away after he ate. He stood and walked to the balcony. She looked at the garden and Zavannah is playing with the dogs. She waved at him and he smiled and waved back.

        Someone knocked on the door and she opened it.

"Madam, I will pack up things for the flight tonight." The maid said.

"Don't worry about it. I'll pack it up." Charlotte said.

"Just call me if you need anything." The maid said.

"Thank you."

        Raiden watched as Charlotte went to the walk-in closet. He approached her, and she took out something from her bag, and she gave it to him. He looked at his amulet and a golden ring in the lace. He watched her pack his clothes, and she only put a few clothes in her other bag.

"Why do you have few clothes?" Raiden asked. She looked up at him and continue packing without answering it. She looked at the few dresses in the wardrobe, and he's sure that his Aunt provided it. "Do you hate me?" Raiden asked.

        She smiled at him forcibly.

"Why would I hate you? I love you, Raiden." She said.

        His heart seemed to respond to her words. She finished packing, and she led him to bed.

"Go to sleep. Our flight is tonight. Your brother has been searching for you for a month, Raiden. You said that you will reconcile with him."

"Sleep with me," Raiden said. "You seemed tired."

"I'm fine."

"Just lay down." He said as he pulled her and tucked her in the duvet. She sighed and hugged him. Raiden patted her head. Then he heard her crying, and it makes him feel like a jerk.

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