Nate relaxed in the reclining chair with his wife. He didn't want to intervene in the mess that Rhys ad Raiden's girlfriend did. Kelsie kept looking up at him. Maybe she's traumatized after he made her sign the divorce paper. But it's for her safety since Eagle Empire will come after her too.

"What?" Nate asked.


"Nothing. You are a very masculine version of Natalia."

    Nate laughed. Kelsie gets closed with Natalia and Quinci right away. It's like they are sisters. They already plan to shop altogether.

"What happened to Rhys and Raiden?" She asked. "I like those twins."

"Well, Bianca and Rhys seemed to have something. But I doubt that Rhys would ever do that. Those twins love each other so much."

"Hmm, maybe it's that girl Bianca. I heard other girls talked that Bianca had this twin fetish."

"Oh, you even know about fetish?" Nate smirked at her.

"Yes, I do." She rubbed his crotch behind her hand under the towel over them. His lower part responded and he kissed her forehead hard.

"Not here outside,"

    She giggled at him. They are still in the honeymoon stage and they make love a lot. She sighed and stopped her teasing. Nate had a good idea. He might've barrow the island that his Aunt Freya owns.

"We'll go shopping for toys tomorrow."

    Her eyes widen and she flushed.


"Yes, we didn't get to buy the best stuff because you have to join my sisters for shopping." He slid his hand under the towel and caressed her breast. "We'll have a honeymoon to a private island. Just us."

    She squealed and immediately straddle him and kissed him. He pulled the towel to cover her from lurkers.


    Kale leaned his cheeks over his hand as it propped on the table. Everyone is having their love life and here he is drinking wine with Laurence and Kade. They are the ones who don't have a love life. But, it's more tragic for Rhys and Raiden.

    Rhys didn't even eat his lunch or have a snack. He kept contacting Raiden. He never stopped. He even waits until his car is ready so he could leave and search for Raiden.

    Casey sat with them and reached for the wine. She's just 16 years old and she isn't allowed to drink. But then, they let her.

"Why are you so pissed?" Kade asked.

"None of your business." She said arrogantly. 

They are used to Casey being rude and cold toward them. Kale took the wine from her and gave it to Kade.

"You know what, you should just relax," Kade told her. "Go play with other girls." He shooed her. Casey glared at him. "Come, Cas. Don't do that to me."

    Casey left finally. Kale and Kade did their secret handshake. Laurence sighed depressingly. Kade patted him. Laurence seemed to be lonely and depressed.

"What's wrong with you, Rence? Don't tell us that you are also brokenhearted? Our Club doesn't accept broken hearts." Kade said.

"I am not," Laurence mumbled. "It's just purely family here. I don't have someone to make love with. Or fuck."

"We can hit the other resort that is just near here," Kale suggested. "There are foreign and hot girls. I saw a lot of big boobs there!"

    Kade raised his hands and Kale high-five with him.

"It's just bad that Nate won't join us because he's married and dry humping with his wife on the corner," Laurence mumbled.

"Don't worry. You'll get married soon. You are too young." Kale patted him. He pushed it away and looked at Esme.

    She's wearing a sundress with other girls and they are laughing over something. Damn this stupid heart of him. He can't fall in love with his sister.


    Raiden dragged his body and reached for his phone. He takes a bath brush his teeth. He put his clothes on. He didn't have time to look presentable. He unplugged everything around and left his unit. He went down and called for a taxi.

    He reached the airport when his phone started ringing. He checked it. And Rhys's ID name is on the screen. He didn't answer it and he rejected his call. He didn't want anyone to bother him. Another call is coming, his mother. He didn't want to ignore it so he answered it.

"One month?" Freya asked without any greeting.

"Yes, one month."

"Will that be able to gather yourself?"


"Without even talking to your brother?"

"I don't want to talk to him or anyone now."

"Okay. I'll give that space to you. You are an adult and I don't want to intervene in your decisions. However, have you ever thought that your brother would do it?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." Raiden gritted his teeth trying hard not to shout at his mother. He respects his mother and father too much.

"And you don't want to ask him about it?" Freya questioned that makes him stopped.

"I don't want to see him, ever again."

"Hmm, if you say so. You make sure that you are safe. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I will mom."

"You have to contact me, Raiden. Or I'll bring battalion of agents to you."

"I will, mom. I love you."

"I love you too." Raiden looked down at the screen of the phone after his mother hung up. He relaxed because of his mother.

    Raiden's flight has been called and he stood up from the sofa and went to the departure toward the first class.

    Once that he sat down, he took out his tablet and try to sketch the face of the woman that he saw in his dreams. Or perhaps it's a vision? He dug in his mind about the woman's face and he sketched the diamond shape face of the woman.


    After Rhys reached the house, the Butler said that Raiden left. So, he went to Raiden's condo. But when he arrived there, it's too late He's no longer there and there's an empty bottle of whiskey. He slumped on the corner and stared at the ceiling.

    Raiden is his best friend. They are twins and they are like twin-souls too. How did this happen all of sudden?

    If only he pushed Bianca away, this won't happen. Raiden hasn't answered his calls. He's tired. Raiden is too much. Why did he do this to him? He didn't even listen to him. They have rules and always listen to each other no matter what mistake they did.

    Rhys felt broken-hearted now. Raiden didn't want to talk to him or even hear him. And what should he do? Drown himself into something. They always talk even though they have a different timeline. Raiden would tell him a lot about Bianca. He looked happy so he cheered him up.

    Raiden hasn't thought about the wedding. He said that he wanted to take it slow. Sex is always good and Bianca is good at it. Raiden said that they have done it twice a day and every time that they do it, he falls in love all over again.

    Rhys thought that it's just lust. Sex won't make someone fall in love until they will fully know the person that they are sleeping with.

    Rhys needed to fight! He will show Bianca that she messed up with the Wrong Twin. It's her fault and he will make her life a living hell. Of course, he will let Chelsea and Casey handle a few stuff.

    He typed on his phone and send an email to Raiden. It's a long message and he will make sure that his twin brother will come running to him. And if not, he will spank him and ask a backup from his mom and dad.

    He might be a mama's boy like Raiden but he doesn't care if he was. Their mother never tolerates them. So, he won't tolerate Raiden's drama. He will get his twin brother back and give him smooches.

    He cleaned his brother's condo first and then, he left. He went to the Elite bar. He started drinking and drinking ignoring girls. He didn't want someone to touch him.

    The greatest heartbreak is not from a lover but a brother. He now understood what it felt. They somehow have misunderstandings but they promised each other to listen to each other's sides. Now, that Raiden left like a chicken. He will need a plan to force Raiden to come back and hugged him. If not, he will surely be going to follow him around.

    Someone is tugging his shirt and he frowned and glared at the woman. She looked at him blankly.

"What?" he asked coldly.

    She lifted his wallet. Why is it there?

"Just so you know, someone took the wallet from your back. You are thinking deeply and you didn't even notice." She gave it to him.

    Rhys checked his wallet, and he sighed.

"I'll buy you a drink."

"Nah, I'm fine." She left quickly. Rhys watched as the woman left. She's not wearing anything flashy. She's wearing clothes casually. Not attractive at all. He shrugged and looked at the barman. He nodded at him which means that the woman is indeed saying facts.

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