Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 625 Intermission: Evolution Selection (1)

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Radiant Seraphiscales, their divine brilliance reaching its zenith, unleashed beams of celestial light. Arpious shielded her eyes, her scythe refracting the radiant energy. The celestial storm intensified, creating an arena where light and shadow engaged in a cosmic struggle.

The choreography of the celestial dance unfolded with breathtaking precision. Arpious's every movement was a calculated response to the serpentine onslaught. Her scythe, an extension of her indomitable will, became a celestial beacon cutting through the elemental chaos.

In the heart of the celestial maelstrom, Arpious became a tempest incarnate. The forest, now a theater of cosmic conflict, witnessed the clash of mortal and celestial forces in a dance that defied the laws of nature. The serpentine creatures, once confident, now faced a celestial warrior who had become an unstoppable force of elemental mastery.

The celestial storm, a fusion of black flame, elemental chaos, and celestial brilliance, painted an otherworldly tableau. Arpious stood as the orchestrator of this cosmic ballet, her scythe conducting the symphony of clashing forces. The forest, caught in the crossfire, seemed to tremble in awe at the celestial spectacle unfolding within its sacred confines.

As the dance of the cosmos continued, Arpious's scythe carved through the very fabric of reality, leaving trails of black flame that intertwined with the elemental forces. The serpentine creatures, entrapped in the celestial tempest, struggled to maintain their coordinated assault against a force that had become the very essence of the celestial storm.


[Name: Arpious]

[Race: Princess of Monsters]

[Status: Exhausted]

[Servants: 7]

[Subordinates: 7]

[Pets: 9]

[Level: 200/200]

[HP: 1194/2000 MP: 251/2000 SP: 12/1800]

[Strength: 650]

[Defense: 450]

[Magic: 575]

[Speed: 650]

[Luck: 5]

[Charisma: 150]

[Skills: [Forbidden Magic: ******] [Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus] [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] [Inspect] [Gluttons Stomach] [Concentration] [Evolution Switch] [Gold Manipulation] [Assimilation] [Forbidden Magic: Hermes] [Invisible Grand Flying Sense] [Ancient Reproduction Art] [Summon: Phoenix] [Summon: Walking Jungle Hydra] [Summon: Overlord Deer] [Summon: Overlord Wolf] [Grand Mind Magic] [Forbidden Magic: Midas] [Summon: Golden Mountain Bear] [Grand Water Magic] [True Queen Overlords Dominating Presence] [Forbidden Magic: Skadi] [Twilight Dragons Vampiric Breath] [Divinity Domain (.05/100)] [Grand Assassins Perfect State] [Immovable Army's Frozen Armor] [Grand Jewel Manipulation] [Grand Jewelers Perfect State] [Godly Senses: 8] [Throne World: Purgatory] [Godly Immunity: 5] [Summon: Blood Slime Wings] [Apocalyptic Weapon Swing] [Heavenly War Flag of the True Hero] [Summon: Heavenly Royal Charred Unicorn] [Weak Celestial Bone Dive] [Aphrodisiac Resistance] [Abyss Magic] 

[Ten Masks of Emotions] [Unparreled Slash] [Unparraled Walk] [Map of The Plane of Twilight] [Plane Guardians Teleportation] [Instant Foot Smash] [Apocolyptic Weather Manipulation] [Sirens Apostle: Forbidden Healing] [Sirens Apostle: Forbidden Enhancement] [Shadow Teleportation] [Ground Devourer] [Drilling Claws] [Art of Illusions] [Body Acceleration] [Body Strengthen] [Speed Enhancer] [Muscle Enhancer] [Shadow Drive] [Sun Wrap] [Summon: Chimera Monster] [Monster Control] [Monster Magic] [Monster Creation] [Monster Influence] [Tiara of the Monster Princess] [Sirens Apostle: Forbidden Plane Bone Creation] [Siren's Magic Barrier] [Siren's Magic Flow] [Siren's Magic Speech] [Plane Teleporter] 

[Monster Mimicry and Output]

[Body Modification: [Great Wings of the Primordial Hunters Descendant] [Cursed and Blessed Tattoos] [Piranhas Spiny Fin Wings] [Bat Wings] [Aquatic Body] [Monster of Monsters Body] [Ice Dragon Wings] [Divine Mark] [Divinity Trait: Forbidden Magic] [Bloodline of the Devourer of Worlds] [Muscles of The Plane] [Tendons of The Plane] [Forbidden Monster Body]

[Mastered Weapons: [Scythe] 

[Soul Equipment: [Fire of Deaths Sword: Raiu] [Fire of Deaths Armour: Araes Dress] [Anapofeyktos Thanatos]

[Titles: [Blessed by the ********* Spirit of *************] [Savage Assassin] [Heartless] [Blessed by a Star] [Chief of the Fire Harpies] [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of Curses] [Blessed by the Phoenix Mountain Guardian] [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of Blessings] [Strong Willed] [Catastrophic Level Monster (2814 / 20000)] [Blessed by the Moon] [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Gold] [Ruler of the Mountain of Twilight] [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Ice] [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Snow] [Blessed by Mother Nature] [Alchemist] [Saintess] [True Hero] [Grand Holy Healer] [Grand Bowswoman] [Hard Worker] [Commander] [Respectable Figure] [Grand Assassin] [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of Light] [Grand Swordsman] [Grand Spearman] [Enchantress] [Jewelry Designer] [Jewelry Maker] [One Who Lost Their Pride] [Naturally Talented] [Godly Spearman] [Respectable Figure] [Godly Swordsman] [One with the Earth] [Plane Guardian] [Enemy of the Succubi] [Monster Princess] [Enemy of the Sirens] [Maid] [Wife of The Hell Ruler] [Comrade of the Demon Lord] [Seducer of the Seducer] [Seductress] 

[Would you like to evolve]


[Revealing Options…] 

[Description: Arpious's evolution into an Eldritch Sovereign has granted her dominion over the eldritch forces that shape reality. Her form flickers with arcane energy, and her eyes gleam with an incomprehensible wisdom. The air around her shimmers with the distortion of space and time, marking her as a master of forbidden mysteries.]

[Potential New Skills:

[Reality Warp] - Manipulates the fabric of reality, distorting space and disorienting enemies.

[Aeon's Insight] - Gains glimpses into the past and future, allowing Arpious to foresee events.

[Eldritch Resonance] - Creates an aura that weakens the magical defenses of enemies within its influence.

[Potential Buffs:

[Enhanced resistance to reality-altering effects.]

[Heightened magical perception, detecting anomalies and hidden truths.]

[Ability to temporarily phase out of reality, rendering herself invulnerable.]

5. [Race - Cursed Monarch]

[Description: As a Cursed Monarch, Arpious has embraced the ancient curses that echo through the realms of monsters. Her presence is marked by an eerie, supernatural aura that chills the very souls of those who encounter her. Her eyes, now a reflection of the curses she wields, cast a malevolent gaze upon all who dare oppose her reign.]

[Potential New Skills:

[Maleficent Hex] - Casts curses upon enemies, weakening their abilities and sapping their strength.

[Cursebound Dominion] - Commands cursed entities to assail foes with supernatural afflictions.

[Abyssal Malediction] - Summons the power of ancient curses to create a field of malevolence that harms enemies over time.

[Potential Buffs:

[Immunity to curses and hexes.]

[Ability to transfer curses from allies to enemies.]

[Heightened resistance to supernatural attacks.]

6. [Race - Celestial Tyrant]

[Description: Arpious's transformation into a Celestial Tyrant has elevated her to a position of divine authority among monsters. Her form radiates with celestial light, and her eyes gleam with the righteousness of a cosmic ruler. The very heavens seem to acknowledge her ascendancy, granting her dominion over celestial forces.]

[Potential New Skills:

[Heavenly Judgment] - Calls upon celestial power to smite enemies with divine retribution.

[Celestial Ascendance] - Temporarily ascends to a higher plane, becoming invulnerable to physical attacks.

[Astral Conquest] - Commands celestial entities to aid in battle, bolstering the strength of her forces.

[Potential Buffs:

[Immunity to celestial and divine interference.]

[Heightened affinity with celestial beings, earning their allegiance.]

[Ability to heal herself and allies using celestial energies.]

[Would you like to condense this information into its strengths and things to consider?]

"Uhhhh… yes?" Arpious replied, a bit taken aback at this new option. 

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