
Chapter 1338 Girls Get It Done


Name: Tang Xiulan

Race: Tang (Half-Elf)

Age: 8 days

Affiliation: -

Level: 20

Talent: Unawakened

Bloodline: Unawakened


Tang Xiulan's level kept increasing, and it increased even higher than the earlier five days' growth. She gained ten levels in three days.

Tang Shaoyang did not know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. If he looked from the positive side, it was good. That meant her daughter would be strong, so strong compared to her peers. That meant she could protect herself against the low-ranked zombie with proper training.

In those three days, she was introduced to a new food. Elinova made crab porridge for her as they found out Tang Xiulan liked the crab. It was two days ago, when he ate the crab, and Xiulan kept staring at the snowy white meat. He thought it would be fine for Xiulan to eat it with how tender the meat was. So he snuck a piece of claw meat for her without asking Ava, and her daughter liked it so much that she kept reaching for more crab meat on his plate.

With her rapid growth, Li Shuang recommended to give Xiulan a porridge. Elinova then made porridge for Xiulan yesterday, and she liked it as well. She was not picky with her food for sure. And today, Elinova made Xiulan Crab Porridge since she liked the crab. That was how the baby found her favorite food.

Tang Shaoyang was holding her in the chair, holding a bowl and a spoon. He fed her the first spoon after cooling it down. Her mouth was moving, tasting her new food. While her mouth moved, her eyes widened a little bit, staring at Tang Shaoyang. With a single glance, he could tell she liked her new food.

Tang Shaoyang had been locking himself in his room, observing her daughter. Even though his daughter kept gaining levels, he was at ease right now. There was no negative impact from her level of growth, so he decided to go out by himself to see the festival.

He went alone because he did not want to create a ruckus. Wearing all black with a hat to cover his face and a coat outside. He approved the plan for the festival because his soldiers needed to relieve their stress after the war.

There was a thing called Dragon Parade where they made a dragon costume and walked around on the street. Food stalls, games, and even an arena gladiator. All various kinds of activities were open, and everything was provided by The Empire which was free.

Curious with the arena gladiator, he entered the arena. It was an arena for people to fight and gamble. First, they would ask for volunteers to come up to the arena. Second, the host would look for a second volunteer of the same rank and level. Third, the visitors could gamble to make money or Game Coin (GC), and the volunteer would get thirty percent of the money in the pool.

While the activity involved money, people joined the fight for fun. Most volunteers were people between level 300 to level 500. Tang Shaoyang watched two fights before leaving while shaking his head. He gambled in those two fights, and he lost them all. Gambling was not his thing since back then before the game.

Strolling the bustling streets, he enjoyed various kinds of street foods. People from his vassal's territories also participated in the festival. They not only enjoyed the festival, but they also opened their own stalls. He found an interesting place, Kill The Zombie. That was the name of the place he was about to visit.

This place was opened by the people from Legion. He read the rules before entering the place. The requirement to participate was level 200. That was the highest level for an individual to participate, and there was a fee to join. If the participant managed to kill the zombie, they would win the prize.

Tang Shaoyang furrowed his brow, realizing the activity was quite dangerous. He then looked at the prize pool which was 500,000 GC. That was a lot, and he found out the prize pool went higher every time a participant failed to kill the zombie. Instead of stopping the place directly, he entered the arena to check.

Tang Shaoyang now understood why his people approved this place. The host was an Epic Rank, and they used level 200 Crawler Zombie to fight. That was why the rules said only people with level 200 could participate. It was quite safe, and the host would stop the fight if the participant was about to lose.

"But aren't these people bad? How can no one kill that level 200 zombie?" Tang Shaoyang muttered and furrowed his brow, shaking his head. The initial prize pool was fifty thousand, and it was now five hundred thousand. Ten times larger than the initial prize pool.

"You don't read the rule, brother?" Someone next to Tang Shaoyang overheard his mutter, "Tarrior or any officials can't participate in the game. Only civilians can join the game. If Tarrior can join the game, the game will be less entertaining to watch."

Tang Shaoyang nodded understandingly. He did not read the rules to the end, so he did not see that part. If Tarrior's trainees could not kill that level 200 zombie. There was something wrong with their training, and he was relieved after hearing the specific rule.

He stayed for a quite while, watching people struggling to kill the zombie. It was quite entertaining for a while, then he left to see the other games. The food was good, and the game was quite interesting while not a few games were quite dangerous.

*** ***

The following day, Tower City

Tang Shaoyang was sending off the all-girls party that Zhang Mengyao, Jasmine, and Rosalie formed. The reason he sent them off was because almost all his wives were part of this all-girls party. The party comprised eighteen women, and fourteen of them were his wives.

Zhang Mengyao, Jasmine, Rosalie, Kang Xue, Selena, Arina, Liang Suyin, Delia, Li Na, Ashley, Viona, Sylvia, Aleesa, and even his Prime Minister Li Shuang. Zhang Mengyao and Jasmine managed to persuade Li Shuang to join them. They said to raise her level if she wanted to maintain her youth and live long. That was quite easy to push Li Shaung to actively raise her level

The remaining four girls were Zowen, Cao Jingyi, Fu Dandan, and Dai Wenqian. That was the all-girls party that would enter the Dimensional Tower.

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