Together, the Demons formed three legions, each with a singular, malevolent purpose: to weave a silent rain of dark curses and disease, to sow death and despair across the Ruri Kingdom without drawing the gaze of the one they feared.

Indeed! They would spread their corruption across the continent, and only when their influence was absolute would they dare to confront the formidable entity that haunted their every move.


As the first light of dawn crept over Cainhorn Town, Arriane, an Elementalist known for her attunement to both Fire and Wind Elements, awoke with a sense of foreboding.

The morning air, usually crisp and invigorating, felt heavy, tainted with an invisible miasma.

She immediately summoned her Wind Spirit, a mysterious being born from the Elements…

Arriane wasn't just any Elementalist; she had already finished eight years of study in Academy of Elemental Arts.

She had only returned to the small town for her vacation since the Mayor was her father.

She had long auburn hair framing a face that seemed to contain wisdom beyond her years. Her eyes, a striking emerald green, then looked at the Wind Spirit with a serious gaze.

Arriane was only dressed in the simple garb of her station, a robe of deep blue adorned with symbols of the elements she commanded.

"Do you feel something off about the air? Is it just the smoke?" She asked the wind spirit.

It wasn't able to answer her as it couldn't speak, but Arriane could understand what the Spirit feels since they shared a connection.

Arriane narrowed her eyes as she realized that the Wind Spirit was also feeling worried and wanted to run away. She didn't immediately panic and decided to further investigate.

If she was going to report something, she had to be sure what was going on.

She immediately went outside to investigate.

Cainhorn was a modest town, its cobblestone streets winding between cozy thatched cottages and blooming gardens.

The townsfolk were simple, and their lives were intertwined with the bountiful land and the changed seasons.

But this morning, as Arriane continued her observation, she felt something was amiss. Although she wasn't an Earth Elementalist, she could tell that the earth beneath her feet lacked its usual vitality…

With a growing sense of urgency, Arriane expanded her investigation, her elemental senses extending up to the limits of her Magic Zone.

Since it was still early, the town was still waking up, oblivious to the creeping darkness that had begun to seep into their homes.

"Not good! This is a curse!" After some time, she finally realized what was going on!"

She felt some type of curse spreading, a vile presence that sought to corrupt the people living in it!

"Dark Magicians! We're under attack by Dark Magicians! They're casting Spell Curses! Take your talismans and amulets with you!"

Without hesitation, Arriane made her way to the town square and warned everyone!

This surprised the townsfolk, especially those who had just woken up!

"Dark Magicians?!"


"Ah! That's Miss Arriane! Listen to her!"

"Oh no! It must be true! Hurry! Get those amulets!"

The townsfolk immediately found the items they've prepared for this situation.

Nonetheless, Arriane knew that it wasn't enough!

She immediately reached the Mayor's office, a sturdy building that stood as a testament to the town's resilience.

The Mayor, also Arriane's father, was a robust man with a penchant for leadership. He listened intently as Arriane described the malignant force that threatened their peace.

"We must act… We need to call the Priests and ask for help from the King! I've never felt this kind of curse before. This must be Forbidden Spell!" Arriane implored, her voice carrying the weight of impending doom.

She then noticed the Mayor understood her, but for some reason, he was hesitant to call for the Kingdom's help.

"The curse is strong, and there's no way for us to completely eradicate it with small anti-curse talismans and amulets! We have to ask for help!

"Fine! We'll be calling for the Royal Knights' assistance. There should be a few of them patrolling the area. They should have a way to deal with this curse."

The Mayor then called the attention of the Royal Knights through a communication crystal. Then, the bells of the town tolled, not in celebration, but in summons to battle an enemy they could not see. Arriane stood beside the Mayor, ready to guide her people through the shadow that encroached upon their lives.

However, as the malignant curses and virulent diseases began to cover the Cainhorn Town, Arriane's connection to the elemental spirits faltered.

The spirits, usually vibrant and resilient, waned under the oppressive might of the dark magic. Their ethereal forms flickered and dimmed, struggling to maintain their presence in the face of such overwhelming corruption…


Her Elemental Spirits soon disappeared.

Yet, amidst the encroaching darkness, a glimmer of hope shone through.

"What?" Arriane was surprised.

The townsfolk somehow bore a shield against the darkness! The Talismans and Amulets they adorned, simple trinkets purchased from a wandering Merchant Organization, flared with a protective aura.

These artifacts, infused with the essence of the Shadow Immortal, repelled the curses and diseases as if they were mere nuisances.

'Where did they get that?!' Arriane was shocked. She simply had no idea about the mysterious merchant airship that was visiting this town since she had just arrived!


High above, concealed within the mountain's shadow, the Demon Saints and their Captains had also observed the unfolding scene with incredulity.

"What's going on?" one Saint growled, his voice a rumble of thunder.

"It's not a problem with our curse. It's their Magic Artifacts!" another exclaimed, his eyes narrowing.

"How can they all possess high-grade Artifacts! This is ridiculous!" the third barked, frustration lacing his words.

The Demon Saints, commanders of legions, found themselves at an impasse. Their meticulously laid plans were unraveling before their very eyes.

"There's no point arguing! Let's just attack them! It won't take three minutes to destroy the whole town. The Shadow Immortal won't be able to react in time!" one suggested, the bloodlust evident in his tone.

But as they reached a consensus, the air itself seemed to thicken, and a chill descended upon the mountain ridge.

A shadowy figure materialized before them, silent as the grave and as imposing as the night itself. The Demon Captains recoiled, their battle-hardened forms trembling as an unknown fear took hold.

It was the Shadow Immortal!

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