Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 501 "Dry The Fish! Dry! Dry!"

On the 23rd day at sea.

Upon waking, Ming noticed Raoul leap off the ship into the ocean's embrace. Stunned, Ming wondered if Raoul was going through some existential crisis. Then, Frank transformed into a werewolf and dove into the water after him. Could the wolf, too, be having second thoughts about life?

Soon after, Raoul emerged from the water like a dolphin, tracing a perfect parabola before diving back in and then leaping out again.


Ming, watching from the shore, was puzzled. Had they somehow evolved to possess gills?

What was especially peculiar was the way Raoul swam with his six arms. The speed at which he moved created a wake behind him, resembling the propulsion of a six-cylinder engine. Frank, with only two arms, naturally lagged behind.

After a while, they returned to the shore. Ming observed that they had indeed evolved: Raoul leaped from one-star epic level straight to three-star epic.

New Talent: [I Have Shark Gills]

New Talent: [Like a Fish in Water, Swift Underwater Movement]

New Skill: [Basic Manifestation of Black Hair Pig Demon - Increase all attributes by 10%, able to amplify skills with spiritual energy (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Divine) 0/1000 spiritual energy.]

"Good," Ming mused, realizing their cross-blood injections were quite effective.

Turning to Frank, who evolved from five-star emperor level to two-star epic:

New Talent: [I Also Have Shark Gills]

New Talent: [I Also Am Like a Fish in Water]

New Skill: [I Also Have the Manifestation of Black Hair Pig Demon]


Ming looked at Frank, intrigued by his repeated use of the word 'also.' His earlier evolution, [I Also Practice Celibacy], had already been mind-boggling. Now, three more? Ming jokingly thought, "Must've inherited the knack for imitation from ancestors who produced knock-offs, eh?"

"All right, you two, go play elsewhere," Ming finally said.

Ming shooed the two figures away, intending to flip some dried fish, when he noticed the Black Hair Pig Demon sitting at the ship's bow, seemingly lost in the morning light.

What's with him now? Has he also evolved with three new talents and skills?

Using his [Eagle Eye] ability, he checked and saw that the Boar Demon was still at the one-star legendary level.

So, no evolution. Why the gloom, then?

For the steady growth of the Gutman Group, it's vital to care about the mental health of its members. Ming walked over gently and said, "Share your sorrows."


The Black-Haired Boar Demon looked up at his boss, then lowered his eyes, caressing his rake. With a melancholy voice, he responded, "Boss, how tragic do you think it is for a hormone-raging man to lose interest in the opposite sex overnight?"

"It's not too bad," Ming answered with a shrug. "It saves energy to do something more meaningful. Isn't that good too? Besides, this is a matter between men and women. Why should you, a pig, be bothered by it?"


Black Hair Pig Demon sighed heavily. "Boss, I'm in agony. I don't know why, but suddenly, I feel no desire. I haven't had my fill of fun yet. Now, even when I see a mermaid swaying her waist before me, I can profoundly understand that she's just a fish. There's Nothing there."


Upon a deeper examination of the Black Hair Pig Demon's talents and skills, Ming had an epiphany...

This creature had realized the talent: [I Also Practice Celibacy].


ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm To Ming's surprise, Black Hair Pig Demon had inherited this particular talent from Frank. Nonchalantly, Ming pinched the ear of the Boar Demon. "It's not a bad thing, you know. Drawing a blade becomes second nature with no woman in one's heart. The principle is the same with your rake. Perhaps it'll even become sharper, don't you think?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. We're family, after all."

"Boss, can I have a moment alone?"


Holding the ear of the Boar Demon, Ming pointed to the horizon. "See that?" Black Hair Pig Demon hastily pulled back his ear, rubbing it gently. Following the direction indicated, he said, "It's just an aircraft carrier."

A moment later, the Black Hair Pig Demon emerged on the deck of the mighty vessel, holding a mermaid with two tails, dripping wet but triumphant. "Boss caught one. And she's got two tails!"

"I thought you practiced celibacy?"

"I do."

"Then why were you holding her by the waist?"

"It felt right."

Ming was at a loss for words.

The captured mermaid shouted, "Mere mortals, your doom is near! My great master, Lord Poseidon, seeks to wipe out vermin like you. Release me now, and I'll speak of your deeds before him, perhaps sparing your life."

Ming smirked, "Calm down. Your master will be someone else soon."

Shortly after, a tent appeared on deck. Inside, Black Hair Pig Demon held the double-tailed mermaid firmly.


[Affiliation: XL Mythology | ID: 008]

[Rank: Four-star Epic]

[Divine Talent: Incomparable]


[Weakness: The tent's already up; what do you think you can hide from me?]

The weakness now laid everything bare. Possessing godlike potential, Ming promptly drew Da Vinci from his pocket.

[Your Da Vinci lazily dangles in mid-air, sleepily opening his eyes. Upon seeing the half-human, double-tailed Siren, he springs to life. "Ming, no words needed. I know what to do."]

[Your Da Vinci, invigorated from days of inactivity, gleefully launches his absorbing ability at the Siren. Successful absorption triggers the Grand Assistant, stripping away Talent X1.]

[Your Da Vinci looks at you, "Dress her up; I'm not done yet."]


After being bottled up for so long, even Da Vinci could go crazy.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

[The Black-Haired pig Demon wiped away a trail of blood from his nose, looking at you. "Boss, I might have lost interest in women, but it seems my nose still knows tradition."]


Ming dressed the Siren, thinking, 'Losing interest, really? Quite Hypocrisy!'

[Your Da Vinci targets the Siren's top, straps, and chest guard with his absorption ability. Successful absorption triggers the Grand Stripper Assistant, gaining Skill X1 and Talent X1.]

[Your Da Vinci implores you, "Please, be quick about it!"]


Ming repeats his actions. After all, Da Vinci was now the star of the show. The Siren, holding back her ire, finally snapped, shouting, "Whatever you do to me now, I will repay in kind tenfold in the future. I swear you will regret this!"

[The Black-Haired Boar Demon looked at you, "Boss, why do I feel a tad bit pleased when she scolds?"]


Ming stared at theBlack Hair Pig Demon, his voice stern, "She's addressing humans, not you. Why join the fray?" Turning to the Siren, he added, "I kept my eyes closed the whole time, an absolute gentleman."

The Siren chuckled, "Claiming you're closing your eyes while wearing dark sunglasses. Do you believe that yourself?"

Ming nodded confidently, "Absolutely, it's in my nature."

A moment later.

[Your Da Vinci looks at you, "Nothing left? Hand her over; I want another round."]

"Rest for a while."

Ming stepped forward, placing his right hand on the Siren's head.


Connection failed.

The Siren laughed, "You think a mere mortal can bewilder my mind? Dream on!"

Ming relaxed his left fist, clenched, relaxed, clenched... He placed it once more on the Siren's forehead. Connection...

Connection successful.

With newfound confidence, Ming cradled the Siren's chin, her expression one of disbelief after the mental reconstruction. He smiled, "How does it feel?"

"Impressive, master."

"Don't call me master; call me boss. Our relationship is more of an employment."

"Yes, boss."

The Siren bowed her head. As Ming exited the tent, the Siren turned to the Boar Demon, her voice shifting from soft to deep, "Mate, my waist's gone numb from your grip. Mind letting go?"


Hearing this, the Black-Haired Boar Demon's eyes widened in shock. Stammering, he released his grip and stepped back, "You... you... You're a man!?"

The Siren stretched her waist, "Problem? You seemed to grip quite firmly earlier. Regretting it now?"

Black Hair Pig Demon retreated, darting out of the tent.

Ming gazed at the Black Hair Pig Demon figure, once again seated alone at the ship's bow, facing the vast expanse of the sea. What troubled him now?

Such a lonely sight.

A moment later, Ming learned from the Siren that they had recently departed from Australia, headed for a significant battle at 109. He mused, "An entire aircraft carrier fleet in battle? It must be an immense spectacle."

The Siren shrugged. "Indeed, but the fleet belongs to you now."

A light dawned on Ming, "Ah, it's mine. Thank you for the reminder. You're truly a helpful creature."

From a distance, an orca sped towards them, atop which stood a figure with an octopus face. The orca leaped dramatically from the water, and using its momentum, the octopus-faced being jumped onto the deck.

He glanced at the Siren, then at the fish drying in the sun all over the ship. In a fury, he exclaimed, "Oh, Siren, while we battle ahead, you sit here drying your fucking fish. Could the Sea God not give a few for you?"

"Dry the fish! Dry! Dry!"

Seeing the Siren's silence, the octopus-faced creature flew into a rage, swinging and slashing with his spear. Rows of neatly dried fish scattered on the ground, some falling into the sea.

Every creature on the ship – humans, deities, zombies, and beasts alike – stared in shock at the octopus-faced intruder. None made a sound, the air heavy with tension. They then turned their gazes to a smiling Ming.

A collective anxiety gripped them. Oh no, the boss is laughing out of anger. This won't end well.

[Your froggy companions silently mourn for the octopus-faced one. Dear unknown friend, be less reckless in your next life.]


Ming approached, raising his right hand, querying the octopus-faced creature, "What is this?"

Just as the octopus-faced being was about to retort, a sharp slap resounded across the entire fleet. Every being aboard tensed at the crispness, the volume, the evident pain of that smack.

For a moment, only the sound of the sea and wind prevailed... The octopus-faced being, toppled by the slap, struggled to lift his gaze, glaring at the man who dared to strike him. He thought you must die...

Another slap landed—*smack*! Every creature aboard could feel the force radiating from it.

[The Red Horse Knight hurriedly wrapped the heads of the two zombies beside him, warning them of the strong wind not to lose their hair.]


The octopus-faced figure, sprawled on the deck, tried lifting his head again, only to be met with yet another slap—*smack*!!

A collective-held breath swept across the fleet. The boss was genuinely angered. Everyone must stay still or face the wrath.

[The Red Horse Knight removed his shirt, securing the heads of the two zombies more tightly, imploring them to stay put and not to make a move.]

[The Siren watched silently. Three slaps rendered the octopus-faced being unconscious. Boss, you have quite the strength.]

[The Black-Haired pig Demon glanced back at the perhaps now deceased octopus-faced being, thinking: you truly deserved that.]

[Your froggy companions looked up, thinking: Ming, we've always been so well-behaved, haven't we?]

[The collective fleet was in awe.]

Ming flexed his right hand, smiling at those around him, "It's alright. I've always believed in winning people over with virtue. Unfortunately, he's not human, which makes things a tad bit different, doesn't it?"

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